

BELLE'S POV 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻

I was so happy that I made a new friend today at school, actually this is the first time I made a friend.

I can say Shine is the sweetest person I have ever met I said to myself.

Ma'am Ma'am, my driver shouted, WHAT THE HECK!!!! I roared in anger, sorry Ma'am I wanted to tell you that we are here.

Here I asked, where? your house Ma'am.

I got down from my car and ran inside my house. Maids I am hungry please serve me, right away Ma'am my cook shouted.

I ate like a hungry lion, the food is really delicious I thought to myself. Where is my parents I asked no one in particular, your Dad went on a business trip, and your Mom is going to come back a little bit late today.

Why do they always have to do this to me, I am so bored of this. I lost my appetite and went upstairs to change my clothes then I took my bath and then lay down on my bed, I think I'm gonna call Shine I said.

📞 ringing....

📞(Shine) hello, who is this please?

📞(Belle) Hey it's Belle

📞(Shine) I never thought you would call

📞(Belle) Well I did

Hahaha we laughed.

📞(Belle) Well how did you see your first day at school.

📞(Shine) it was so much fun but my driver didn't pick me up and guess who drove me home

📞(Belle) Who? am not good at guessing

📞(Shine) MICHAEL!!!

📞(Belle) WHAT!!!!!!

📞(Shine) yeah, well he doesn't seem that bad, we spoke for a very long time

📞(Belle) Wow that's so awesome, but you have to keep your distance unless you want to be in a very big trouble with Katie.

📞(Shine) I know, well I guess that's what I have to do.

📞(Belle) yeah, I am so happy to speak with you.

📞(Shine) Me too Belle, wooo we've been talking for hours, well I have to go, see you at school tomorrow.

📞(Belle) okay love ya bye

📞(Shine) love you too bye.

well that was a long call seriously I need to get some sleep and then I dozed off.


wow I'm really happy that Belle called me, I thought you would never call me.

I went downstairs to see my parents eating at the dining table.

Wow Mom, Dad when did y'all come back. an hour ago Mom said. And you didn't eat till now, actually is 10:45 p.m. Mom, i know I know honey, and you should be in bed right now said Dad you going to school tomorrow.

I know Dad, i just came to get water. it's okay sweetheart just go to bed and rest, Dad said to me. okay Dad I love you both so much I peaked my Mom on her cheeks and my dad kiss me on my forehead, Goodnight Mom, Goodnight Dad, Goodnight sweetie they said. I went and got my water and went upstairs to my room. I quickly jumped on my bed, haaa so soft i hope tomorrow brings something good I said while closing my eyes entering the dream land.

The story continues ♊


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