


I and Shine left for the next lesson. I really don't want Shine to have problems with Katie, she is a new student here I said to myself. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself.

My name is Belle Roland and I'm the only child of my multi-millionaire parents. I have many dreams that my parents don't want me to have, I really wanna be an artist but my dad wants me to take over his company when he's old.

We moved to Los Angeles (USA) ever since my granny died. I was born in canada and i really wish I and my parents can go back to Canada, well that's all I can say about myself for now.

BELLE!!!! the teacher yelled, Oh my goodness, am so sorry miss Rose.

Okay sit down, yes ma'am I answered.

What's wrong with you Belle, Shine asked, sorry Shine I was just wondering what Katie is up to, How she asked. Well look at her she's giving you a deadly stare. Shine looked at the back of the classroom and saw Katie staring at her.

F**k you Katie whispered. Shine was scared to death that she looked away forcefully. It's okay Shine am here with you okay, Okay thanks Belle said Shine.


Thanks to Belle I was relieved, Katie is kinda scary and she can't do anything to hurt me. the school bell rang and I peeped through my phone OMG it's already 3:27

WHAT!!!! Belle yelled. Do you have plans I asked, No no no I mean school has dismissed Belle said, really I didn't even notice. We packed our bags and hit off to the door

Oh wait, please Belle can you escort me to the girls quarters so I can get my uniforms.

Okay no problem, actually my driver isn't here yet. We roamed around the school

Wow this school is so beautiful I said, yeah but you haven't seen the best part, we went to the sports quarters, OH MY GOD this place is so amazing.

I really love this school. We reached to the girls quarters and there was the woman I met in the morning that send me to my class. Oh Shine you're here okay come take your uniforms. Actually I don't have to tell you when to wear them you already have a friend to tell you that, she looks at Belle.

It's okay ma'am am gonna tell her everything she needs to know, Thanks Belle the teacher said

Don't mention let's get going Shine it's already late, I checked my phone again and it was 4:17. oh Shine I have to go my driver's here bye see you tomorrow, Wait Belle I don't have your contact, we quickly exchanged numbers, alright then Shine byee she hugged me and left.

I went outside the girls quarters and sat on the bench I saw nearby to wait for my driver.

I started hearing noises in a classroom I went to check, I quietly opened the door and inside was the most handsome boy I saw in the morning he turned and looked at me, Hey Michael said hey I replied back What are you doing here he asked, I am waiting for my driver and I heard noises, sorry to interrupt you, I replied trying to go back.

Okay are you gonna stand there all day, come on in Michael said, Thanks I went inside what looked like a big classroom, bigger than my own classroom.

Am Michael he lend out his hand, Shine and we shaked.

Where are your other three friends, Oh you mean my bestfriends Michael asked, Yeah actually I don't see you alone I said. Well they left I told them to go home he answered. Okay so what are you up to?? Nothing I just wanna be free from noises he said. I checked my phone again and it was 5:04, Jezz my driver isn't here yet. I can drop you home if you want Michael said smiling, Really, Sure thank you.

We went outside to the parking lot and got in a black colored Lamborghini.

We reached at my house and he parked close to my gate. I thanked him for dropping me off, I was about to open the door when he came down and opened the door for me, I looked shocked and as well blushed, he smiled and said Shine you actually look cute when you blush, Oh God he was so handsome when he spoke. Thank you I said. I came down from his car and waved him good bye then walked towards my house. I pressed the bell button and the gateman peeped and saw me and immediately open the gate. ma'am did you walk home, The driver was looking for you all over the School. well I didn't walk home a friend dropped me off. I entered to the living room to see my parents looking worried and the driver looking confused, oh my god my baby is back mom shouted.

Who the hell took you, I will have to call to cops now my Dad yelled, Mom Dad no one took or kidnapped me I didn't see my driver and a friend decided to drop me off. Okay that's a relief, go shower and come eat. Thanks Mom, thanks Dad as they pecked my cheeks.

I rushed to my room and with a heavy force I jumped on my bed. I think am in-love I thought to myself.

Well Michael doesn't look scary to me at all like Belle said.

The story continues ♊

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