

What happens when you get reborn as a slave but have more opportunities than others. Would you want to stay or be of free will???? Unexpectedly the one being reborn underestimated her survival rate and chooses to be bound, follows a master and fall in love what's wrong with that........but only fools fall in love foolishly

EmpressAje · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 7 "isn't that your job"

"It's alright we'll treat your wounds I know you were scared but everything will be taken care of"

   "We still don't know how a monster could have entered into the villa you're a really brave girl"

   "Hey you bring that stretcher the two of you lift her gently and put her on the stretcher"

   "Don't touch me I can walk myself"

   "But your wounds they'll reopen"

   The nurse who just said that shut up immediately when she saw the look jemi gave her

   ( One day I'll have no choice but to kill a human and I won't bother if they have a family or not) jemi thought and walked with the nurses.

   Once they arrived at the sick bay she was immediately treated and soon she fell asleep

   "How is she?"

   "She's fine boss apart form her legs there is no serious damage"

   "That's good then let her rest tomorrow I'll see her"

   Jemi slept all throughout the night without waking up

when the day broke she woke up to the sound of people talking she looked around, there were maids sitting not far away from her and were talking to one another and it so happens to be the same maid who guided her to her room

   "I need water"

   The maids turned around to see that jemi was sitting up and looking at them

  "You have no respect don't you know how to greet and ask for something politely?"

  "Well I don't now get me water or ain't you a maid isn't that your job?"

  Jemi spoke to her with her voice raised high and a very intimidating aura sipped out of her frightening the two maids but that other maid still wanted to prove that she was superior

So she got mad and walked to jemi she raised her hand to slap her just as it was about to hit her another pair of gentle hand held her wrist the maid was caught off guard and wanted to shout at the person but when she turned back and saw that it was her young master she immediately fell on the floor and felt very scared

  "Didn't you hear her she said she needs water and you dare to raise your hand at her?"

  "No sir it was just an accident I never ment to do any of that I was just I mean I was....." The maid stumbled with her words

  Before she could finish her words the young man raised his hand and slapped her which sent her flying towards the other maid who had also come closer  and was shaking as well

then the two maids fell down they immediately crawled towards him and started licking his shoes while crying and begging to be forgiven

  When Jemi saw this she felt disgusted even if he hadn't showed up she planned to use the IV needle to stab that maid, cause she had, had enough of her

"Jemi what would you like me to do with these two"

  "I don't care they mean nothing to me"

  (Asking me what I think well I think you should all die)

  "In that case"

  Suddenly the door opened and a group of men walked in

  "Yes boss?"

  "Take these filthy things and deal with them as you see fit"

  "Yes boss" the men replied happily

  Jemi watched as the women were dragged and they kept screaming begging their master to forgive them

  "What a bunch of slutty maids always trying to seduce me i hate that the most"

  Another maid walked inside with a tray full of food even deserts were there as well

And she spoke cheerfully and asked what jemi would eat.

Jemi didn't care but she was starving so she picked everything and started eating

Seeing that jemi was eating the young man excused himself and said he'll be back later when she was done

  Jemi watched as he left and didn't say a word she just continued eating

  "My lady you'll like this it's very delicious and the boss made it himself go on try it"

  (My lady huh I guess you took a lesson from the other maids let's see how strongly attached you are to your master)

  "You don't have to pretend to be nice to me I know you're just fulfilling your masters wishes"

  "What are you saying of course I do adore my master but you're his interest so I also have to take good care of whom ever gets my master's attention"

  (What a smart girl you really know how to avoid a problem)

  "I guess the other maids that got sent out didn't have your masters best interest at heart huhh?"

  " Well....they are foolish they should never have angered the master by trying to seduce him they were here before me but  I learnt that just by observing the master you can't be asking for forgiveness and also trying to seduce him and that's worst even to the master"

  Jemi rasied an eyebrow and a thought came to her head