

What happens when you get reborn as a slave but have more opportunities than others. Would you want to stay or be of free will???? Unexpectedly the one being reborn underestimated her survival rate and chooses to be bound, follows a master and fall in love what's wrong with that........but only fools fall in love foolishly

EmpressAje · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 5 "Monster under the bed......as if"

"And that concludes the inside tour any questions"

  (Actually I have alot of questions like for example where's the fastest and easiest exit out of this estate you know incase of an emergency😏)

  "Ohh no questions Mine if I have any I'll ask the maids"

  "Alright then you must be tired so I'll send a maid to escort you to your room"

  While walking back to a room assigned to her, jemi closely followed the maid in front of her they never spoke a word to each other as they walked the hall

  (Now that I think of it there should be an emergency exit that's near and easier to escape I mean even they should have enemies so....I just need to study this place more)

  "This will be your room if there's anything you need a telephone is there just dial the first number,

clothes are already arranged and one more thing don't wonder about I'd hate to look for you just because the master brought you home as his little pet doesn't mean I'll be your nanny just so you know you mean nothing to him his had other toys and you're just part of his collections well then goodnight and don't let the monsters under your bed bite you"

  (oh please your master is the one that's flirting with me....and If I were an ordinary ten years old I'd be really frightened and crawl to her to save me but wait what does she mean there's a monster under my bed she's just trying to pull my legs right)

  Jemi slowly walked towards the huge bed, the room was really big and it had a girly designs for children her age but this time the expensive things in here didn't distract her instead she was curious to see if there was a monster under the bed.

Though she killed them back at the underground but this one is different, waking up and finding that you're wrapped in the tongue of a monster that's about to eat you is completely a heart attack so jemi looked around the room, the only useful thing she found was a lamp she took it walked towards the bed her hands were shaking

(this probably is just a prank, monster under the bed....as if, I mean it's obvious the maid doesn't like me so she's gonna try to scare me I just need to check under the bed and satisfy my curiosity hmmmm that's it my curiosity that's all)

  Jemi walked towards the bed she bent down and took a deep breath she raised the sheets covering the bed's end and tried to look under the bed and of course it was dark

  (Ok I've checked and there's nothing, that maid is so gonna hear from me just you wait)

  Before jemi could let go of the bed's sheet end something grabbed her leg and tried pulling her under the bed

  "Ahhhhhhhhhh help somebody help"

  The sudden attack took her off guard she felt so afraid.

The weird lizard like creature came out from under the bed and when it stood up it was as tall as an ostrich and it was black,

it raised jemi up and raised it's sharp claws to tear her apart but she used the lamp in her hand to defend herself which got shattered as thou it were paper

Jemi still screamed and tried to break free but the grip on her leg was too tight and the monster's claw was slowly sinking into her flesh this made her scream more

  " Ahhhhhhhhhh Let me go let me go somebody help me help....."

  "Boss should we go in?"

  "Not yet just wait a little bit more"

  The young man said smiling while sipping his tea and watching the screen where jemi was been tortured by the monster they placed in her room

When Jemi realised no one was coming and this raptor like monster was going to kill her she tried to think but before then it was as though the raptor got angry or maybe someone changed his movements he raised jemi up and slammed her to the floor this surprised jemi,

even at that it still didn't let go of her leg it pulled her back up and slammed her to the wall before throwing her to the other side of the room making her crash into the dressing table and breaking everything.

Jemi coughed up alot of blood every part of her body ached and her leg which had three holes in them was flowing with blood she tried controlling her breath but it wasn't enough her head was bleeding her face was bleeding and every part of her felt pain.