

What happens when you get reborn as a slave but have more opportunities than others. Would you want to stay or be of free will???? Unexpectedly the one being reborn underestimated her survival rate and chooses to be bound, follows a master and fall in love what's wrong with that........but only fools fall in love foolishly

EmpressAje · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 2 "I accept I'll serve you"

But unlike the other children Jemi didn't have to wait she was resistant to the poisonous fluid of the monsters.

When her team killed one she'd rush in and take the pearl and even kill another monster who was busy eating his kind.

Because of her, her team got more pearls than others but today was different they released a lot of monsters which made it hard for everyone to get a pearl sometimes the monsters who couldn't get anything to eat from their fellow kind would abnormally attack anything in their sight and just like this moment two children died from her ward.

   There was no time to save anyone one look away and you'd be dead so just like that the children fought for five hours straight for a week which made their numbers to reduce alot while unknown to them this might be their last day here for those who survived.

   "Well what do you think she's great right?"

   "Hmmmm I suppose she is but something feels off about her"

   "That's what makes it interesting and it's a waste of talent if she just sits here so that's why I'll be handing her over"

   "What do you plan to do I hope you know she's still a child"

   "I know but I just wanna look her up front what's bad in that huhh"

  "You and your bad habits, *sig.....h* they say geniuses behave strange when they see a fellow genius, alright son you can have this one maybe you two will produce a strong bloodline for me haha"

  "Sure father the earlier the better"

  The next day they were all transfered but jemi was brought to the upper level where the upper echelon stayed as soon as she was brought to the room she was left alone.

  This was the first time since she came to this world she saw a beautiful place the room was screaming expensive, from the chairs to the lights they were all beautiful even the air inside here smelt like luxury

she couldn't help but move around and touched everything of course she knew there was a high chance that cameras were placed in here but she didn't care she just wondered around and finally walked to a table cart that was covered at a side of the room

then she finally moved closer, opened it and she saw the most mouth watering snacks

  (Ok I have to try this they wouldn't possible poison it right... just one bite )

She thought

  From one bite jemi ate more than ten pieces of cakes and the tea then she made sure to taste everything on the table cart

at first she wanted to taste just one from each pastries but she ended up tasting times three and unknown to her someone had been in the room the whole time and there wasn't any cameras.

He slowly walked up and touched her face startling jemi, she instantly brushed the hand away and jumped back ward.

"I'm sorry I frightened you I hope you like the cakes I made it myself"

A very pleasant and smoothing voice spoke

  (Dam'it I didn't even notice him, how long has he been standing there I almost got a heartattack this guy smells like danger)

  "No I'm fine and your cake is delicious"

  Jemi said trying to sound less frightened but it was obvious she was shaking from the sudden stranger.

They both stood in the room that had a dim light, jemi couldn't clearly see the person's face but she still acted courageous if it were the other children they would be panicking because apart from the instructors and nurses and of course the monsters they had never seen another person.

  While jemi was trying to calm herself the young man walked up close and the light revealed his face when jemi saw him the first thought that entered her mind was

'such handsomeness'

  "So I presume you're number 8"


  "Alright then do you know why you are here?"

  "No I don't"

  "Well as from today onward you'll be serving me for the rest of your life"

  When jemi heard that she felt weird this boy was probably 16 or 17yrs old don't tell me his the boss'

  "So what do you say of course if you don't want to it's alright you can always go ba...."

  " I accept I'll serve you"

Jemi didn't want to remain underground forever though she's been planning to escape but no matter how old her soul was she found it hard to find an escape route cause everything was tightly secured,

and if serving him could help her to see outside this place then she was willing to give it a try so from there she could find her way so she immediately agreed,  even the young man was surprised but he soon smiled