

What happens when you get reborn as a slave but have more opportunities than others. Would you want to stay or be of free will???? Unexpectedly the one being reborn underestimated her survival rate and chooses to be bound, follows a master and fall in love what's wrong with that........but only fools fall in love foolishly

EmpressAje · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 12 Plastic surgery ohh no

(What da hell what did he just say...just you wait by the time you come back I'm stronger than you and of course very beautiful and don't you dare like any other girl out there)

  "Well I'm eleven what do you except"

  "Then grow up fast and one more thing" Greg came closer and whispered to her

  "I'll need to gather some information from this new place I'll be going, so wish me luck"

  He said that last part out loud

  Jemi looked sad but felt a little bit better when he said he'll search for information and try to contact her.

 Greg still had like two more months before he would go so jemi made up her mind to beat his score before he left this made her train endlessly even when Greg had something else to do she would use her free time to level up untill a week to his departure she passed his score that day she was so happy she came out to tell him

she ran excitedly through the hall and passed several maids who turned around to look at her

Normally they would look up to greet her and turn back to their duties but this time they all looked at her with a surprise in their eyes

Jemi didn't know why they looked at her like that maybe because she was sweating all over but there wasn't any blood stain on her right??

  (Well I'll clean it up once I've told Greg I beat his score) with that in mind she rushed straight to James office where Greg would normally be and knocked once

After waiting for the permission to enter she walked straight in and was about to tell Greg the big news when she saw another man sitting on the chair James always sat on.

  On a closer look he looked like James just a little bit older but he had the temperament of Greg if it wasn't for the facial features of both father and son one would think Greg was his real son

  When Jemi saw this man she politely bowed and greeted him since they were in a meeting she excused herself and turned to leave but James voice called out to her and it wasn't his usual way of being childish he sounded more like a young master now as jemi heard her name

she turned around and was about to apologize when some group of men from God knows where rushed up to her and pointed their guns at her this really freaked her out she was about to say something when James walked up to her

  "Jemi is that you?"

  "Of course it's me Mine do I look different what's with the gun I didn't steal anything"

  James just stood there looking at her and Greg followed also but was only staring at her he didn't say a word this made jemi look herself if maybe she had grown some kind of monster arm or head or leg somewhere that made everyone stare at her ever the maids

now that she thought of it they also looked at her weirdly

  "What's wrong why are you all staring at me like that you guys are freaking me out it's me Jemi"

  The last person she wanted to look at her like this was Greg but here he was lost of words and shocked just like everyone else then suddenly the middle aged man sitting silently walked forward

  " James What seems to be the problem here"

  "Dad it's just that well you see this is jemi number 8"

  "The one you made me release?"

  "Yes father she is"

  "I may not remember her much but I don't think she looked like this did she have a plastic surgery or something"

  (A plastic surgery what da hell I'm already beautiful besides what would an Eleven years old want to do with plastic surgery and what do they mean by I look different)

  "No father she didn't"

  "Then what happened"

  "Jemi tell us what happened" Greg asked this time

  "Tell you what, it's me Jemi what do you mean by how I look I haven't changed a bit"

  "What do you mean by you haven't changed a bit there are mirrors in the training ground there's no way you didn't look at yourself and see that you've changed in skin colour,hair and eyes" Greg pointed out the obvious