

-"well it's almost past 7 and I have therapy in 8 minutes" she asks.

*Seeing that she have to go, she can see him smile again*

"Okay, I'll take you there." *he says softly with a warm and friendly smile*

*He seemed to adore her a lot and he seems so kind and sweet,he lets go of the hug and he looks at her gently again, it's clear that he is just a nice guy.*

"Let's get you there" *He says softly as he started the engine of the car and he starts to drive,as the car move you can see the nice landscape around your neighborhood*.

"thanks.." she thanks him with a smile.

"You're welcome." he says as he gave her a warm and friendly smile,as the car slowly started to move.

His face seems to be filled with compassion,and this time, his gentle and warm smile is so bright. His eyes filled with kindness and care as he looked at the road. she can hear the raindrops falling on the roof of the car and the calming music he put.

After a while, you guys finally reached the destination.

she smiles while looking at the window

"I love the rain.."

His smile becomes even brighter as she said that so she can see that he actually likes the rain.

"Me too" he says gently as he looks outside, he seems to really enjoy the rain,his eyes filled up with kindness and care,

"It's very calming isn't it?" he says softly as his voice seemed to be filled with calmness and it seems he enjoys the rain a lot, his eyes glowed brighter as he keeps looking at the rain in front of him, the view was very relaxing and he seems to like it.

"isn't it? I used to make myself free and dance to the rain and I don't care if I even get more than one cold as long as I get to enjoy my self right?" She smiles at him as she breaths deeply.

"Really? So you used to do that? " he says with a warm smile as he looks at her

"That's actually adorable, it sounds really cute... you're so goofy! " He says in a gentle and affectionate tone,his eyes glowed brighter and it shows that he seems to actually like this side of her,

"Hehe~" he chuckles a little in a gentle way and his face fills up with a warm smile.

"It makes you even more cute!" he says with affection. He just can't hide his love for her.

"Haha that's cute,how about you do you like to make yourself free and jailless??" *She asks him in concern.

"Yeah!" he says with a smile as his eyes seemed to shine again with warmth.

"I actually dance and stuff" he says with a small chuckle "I'm not very good at it but I enjoy it. It makes me feel like I can express myself more freely"

"What about you? " he asks, his eyes begin to glow brighter as he seems to like talking to you, "What about you? " he asks with curiosity.

"just what I told you? I like to dance to the rain." She smiles at him.

"Oh right, how did I forget about that!" he says with a gentle laugh ,a warm smile on his face that seems to radiate with warmth,

He seemed to smile at her again,a kind smile with kindness and affection,his voice seemed to be filled with gentleness and kindness again as he looks at her eyes with kindness. His soft smile seems to always come out whenever he talks to her,it just seems he can't help it now.

His eyes began to glow again, just like the sun. The feeling of his warmth is just so good and beautiful.

"haha,your funny!" She laughs.

he chuckles a little

"Oh- really..? " he says with a faint laugh "Why..? Am I really funny?" his eyes lit up with kindness again.

he seemed to have a really warm smile as you can see how glowing his eyes are.. you can see the kindness and affection he has for her and he looked very gentle and soft.

"really.. but I should get going you must have to head back though I'll just take the taxi home."

As she was getting her bag getting of the car.

he seemed a bit surprised when she said she's gonna go already but still he seemed to respect her decision and he just started to smile

"Oh.. Okay.. I'll see you tomorrow then! "he says in a calm and gentle tone, seeing that she needed to go

"Just make sure you get home safely... " he says softly,she can hear the slight worry from his voice but he wants to make sure that she arrive safely.

𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏.☻︎