
My One and only you

This story about two very very close friends falling for each other but never admit.

_Moonie_ · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Part 4

Finally it is lunch time: 12:55 pm

Min: "lets go eat lunch, Moonshine, It's my treat today, you can have anything you want" he said putting his arm around my shoulder..

Blessing-"how about us.." he said with the puppies eyes.. We all chuckled because he is just unbearable... cute I thought to myself.. I look at Val who is just sitting in his seat and just looking at me..

When we was about to go Cherry ask Val a question..

Cherry-"Val, are you not coming with us?"

I can feel Val look at me sarcastically and said "No I'm good" But I didn't look at him but was about to walk out of the room with Min arm around my shoulder. Blessing and Robin as well ready to go but still looking at Val.

Cherry-"are you sure, I thought you were hungry" she said making sure he is not playing around.

Cherry-"Moni, can I talk?" she said looking at me.. "sure" I replied back to her and she drag me to the corner of the room.

-"what is it Cherry"

Cherry-"Can you talk to Val, I'm pretty sure he is just playing around like usual-" she ask me quit worry about both of us. "-and please try and talk to him he been like that since the last time you guys have an argument" she look at me and all I do is nodded. "thank you, Moni" she said looking at me seriously holding my hand..I pad her hand and walk straight to Min.."Min, you can go first with the group and i'll be there in a minute" as I said that Min look at me a bit concern but I look at him with and OK look. "Be careful" he said looking at me as if someone was about to hurt me or something. "I will don't worry" I said with both thumbs up and smiling at him showing 32 teeth. I stay there until all of my friends are all out of sight. I walk up to Val and sit down beside him.

-"Val, is something bothering you" I said looking at him. He look at me like he have a ton of questions in his head and want to apologize to me. But he didn't say anything.

-"Val, I known you all my life so what is it that you want to ask" I said kind of pissed and caring tone at the same time.

Val-"ohh, really than why did you say something like that back then" he said staring dead at me..

-"say what" I said looking dead at him. "that our birthday is not important and what is wrong with you lately with Min" he said finally talking all out. I just look at him. "Moni, I want all the answer, please" he said now looking sad. I hate it when I see him sad like this.. "look Val, I know that today is our first day of school and we are suppose to be having fun and stuff.. but today is not going to be the way we want-" I said kind of pausing a bit. "Moni, please tell me, I feel like that you are trying to avoid me the whole day, i try to talk to you and you just avoid me-" "-I feel like you are spending less time with me the whole summer as well and you were very mad back then, I'm sorry" he said trying to hold his anger from exploding. I hate seeing Val like this I can not help but just look at him..

-"Look Val, I not done talking to you" I said with a very sad tone. "I'm sorry I wasn't avoiding you at all during summer, it just that i thought that i is a good chance for both you and Cherry to spend more times together, and you know I'm you guys number one shipper" I said kind of hurt saying like that, and i have no ideas why. "Moni, I told you I'm not interesting in dating anyone right".. " I know Val, but just give it a try, Ok"

Val-"but thats not important but the important was what is it with you and Min this mornign and everything and the birthday thing" he said waiting for the answer.. "So, I can not tell you the whole detail but you know that Min sister dies years ago right?" I said looking at him."yeah, he was very depressing at that time and he kept saying that it was his fault that his sister die, but i know for sure it's not his felt because his sister die from illness so yeah"...he said looking a bit sad.."it's because there was something in paper about his sister and thats why he break down, so as I, you know I..I adore Rose-" I said trying to hold my sob and Val pad my back "-and both of us have a hard time when she pass away and having to hear that again and stuff it really hurt us both so I'm sorry if I acted that way"...he look at shocked "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Moni, I act without thinking" he said holding my hand tighter than before. "It's not me that you have to apologize, it's Min that you have to apologize, OK" "OK, but i'm pretty sure he would be mad at me for what I did in the morning" he said in a worried look..."how about this, let's go to the school restaurant and you can apologize to him, how about that" he nodded in return..

We walk to the school restaurant... as we enter the restaurant there were a ton of people surrounding Min and the group... All I can hear was "Min, are you OK" "what happen" and all those things from people... Min runs toward me as if he is asking for help..

Min-"Finally, where were you, Moonshine, lets go sit down, I orders you favorite Ok" he said looking at me and Val and dragging both of us to the table.

Blessing-"can ya'll go away, my bro right here said he is OK already, let us eat peacefully" he said as everyone walk away..

Blessing-"Hi, Val" he said handing him a bowl of noodles.

Val-"thanks" he said as he grabbed it from Blessing.

Cherry mouthed me thanks...as i return it with a nod.

Val-"Min I have something to say" he said as he gets attention from the whole group.

Min-"yes" he said looking at Min dead in the eyes.

Val-"I'm sorry for the scenes that I causes this morning, sorry for acting without thinking twice,-" he was about to continue but was cut off by Min-"It's ok Val, I understand ok, and Guys sorry for making you guys worry as well" he said as he looked at everyone ... and everyone replied to him 'it's ok' 'no don't be' and stuff like that. And now everyone was talking and laughing. The group is back to its regular atmosphere.