

Deloria Dimanahan an Omega, already on his 30's, no family, no friend, no mate and working on a cafe. He decided to do the biggest decision he'll make in his whole life and that is... getting pregnant Antonio Fernandez an Alpha, CEO of the biggest advertising and newspaper company around the world, 25 years old, biggest dream is.... to meet his soulmate and promised he will not let go of that person no matter what What will happen if they meet. Follow the story of these two person ======== This story's ideas and plots are mine and mine alone If you copy it you'll be sued :[') (Unedited story)

iNKHEART8 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 MO

Antonio's POV

"Where?" I ask Dom, there's so many different types of scent in here, I can't pin point where our mate is

"He's close to us" Dom answered, so our mate is a he

"Look for him, we can't lose him, not now" I started to walk away from our table then Simon grabbed my arm

"Hey what's wrong? you okay?" Grabbing my shoulders to stop me but, I frantically turn my head left and right, he then walk in front of me and someone bumped him causing him to look back

The person apologized, when he walk past Simon, my gray eyes met those mesmerising blue ones. It was just for a split second but... it was there, the feeling of need and want, needing him to be with me and wanting him to spend his whole life with me

But I'm frozen cold as ice, I didn't know what to do, I want to follow him but I'm stock on the ground, until Dom, my wolf shouts and howled "MATE!!" turning around to follow my mate, I saw him entering the bathroom

Leaving Simon standing there shouting at me but I didn't care, all I can think about is that I'm meeting my mate tonight and I'm not letting him go away

*=* *=* *=* *=*

Deloria's POV

Our drinks came it was a lavender colored gin and drinking it made my insides burn, it's making me want to throw up even more, standing up and holding my stomach, Mitch already new where I would go but I signaled for him to stay

It wasn't a good idea to drink right after doing the procedure of getting pregnant. I regret coming over here so much that I'm loosing my mind

Looking around to find the bathroom is making my head hurt and it caused me to bump into someone's back, I said a quick apology and bowed, I didn't wait for the man's response because the vile things on my stomach started to come back up from where they entered

I met the most beautiful gray eyes in the world but, that didn't matter at the moment because I am about to throw up everything that's inside me, it hurts that I feel like even my internal organs would come out

I successfully found the toilet and threw my guts out, lucky enough that it's not that full

"This sucks" wiping my mouth with my sleeves, I regret coming here, I feel so terrible "fu-aack" I started throwing up again

My throat started to burn, I can even feel my stomach's on fire, I curse that drink until the day I die, I bitterly remember it's color and it made me want to throw up again

"Are you okay?" A warm hand touched my back soothingly

"Do I look like I'm okay to you" it's not a question it's a statement then I started throwing up again, when will this suffering end? "Fucker! That hurts" I hissed painfully

I tried to stand up because I look like I'm snuggling the toilet bowl, the stranger helped me go over to the sink

"What the hell did you drink?" He spoke, I look at him but I can't clearly see his face, my vision is shaky and I can't focus

"The new drink, why?" I still answered him though, he helped me and the least I could do is to answer him

"The new drink? Ahhh that's why you're a mess" he gave me tissues when I finished washing my mouth and hands which I gladly took it

"I curse it to death" I mumble wiping my mouth but I guess he heard it because he laughed

"How do you feel?" He ask leaning on the wall

"Like death took me" I answered feeling the vile thing rising up so, I covered my mouth immediately

"Hahaha you did look terribly weak, like you just rose from being dead" he said helping me stable my balance, that's the time I smelled his scent

It was an amazing vanilla scent, when I smelled it again it's helping me from my throwing up frenzy and it's soothing my stomach

"You smell nice" I took a step, coming close to him but he didn't step back

When I am standing in front of him I took a deep breath while leaning closer to his neck and it feels like the vanilla scent is lulling me to sleep