

Deloria Dimanahan an Omega, already on his 30's, no family, no friend, no mate and working on a cafe. He decided to do the biggest decision he'll make in his whole life and that is... getting pregnant Antonio Fernandez an Alpha, CEO of the biggest advertising and newspaper company around the world, 25 years old, biggest dream is.... to meet his soulmate and promised he will not let go of that person no matter what What will happen if they meet. Follow the story of these two person ======== This story's ideas and plots are mine and mine alone If you copy it you'll be sued :[') (Unedited story)

iNKHEART8 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 MO

Antonio's PoV)

I'm Antonio Fernandez, Alpha, CEO, handsome, gorgeous, perfect but... mateless, yep my life is almost perfect, almost because I still can't find my one and only mate

In business, I am known to be the heartless and cruelest person in the industry but, honestly speaking I have a cotton candy heart when we're not talking about business but, yes another but because I'm only talkative when discussing about business and I rarely talk in reality

Having a pack meeting and business deals for two months straight is taking a toll on me, I feel like I'm about to die

I have no choice but to do it, being an Alpha and CEO is not easy, I'm holding the lives of so many people within my hands and I can't neglect my responsibilities

It feels like all I need right now is my mate, if my mate is here I would just be recharging my energy by hugging my mate, ahhhh mate please show up already I need you, I need you in my arms

The feeling of pain in my heart is raising up, my wolf is lonely too because we don't have our mate in our arms, we need our mate, mate, mate, mate, MAAAATTTEEE!!!!!!

There's a knock on my office door "Come in"

"Mr. Fernandez, your meeting for 4:30 has been cancelled, your schedule is free for the rest of the afternoon" my secretary Marie said

"Okay, can I have coffee please?" Sitting up straight in my chair

"Yes, sir" going out of the room

Hhmm it's been a while since I have a free time, should I call the guys around and hang out? Tsk maybe they're busy too, nevertheless I asked them in our group chat, some said they're game and others said no

"There's a newly opened bar near my place, wanna go there?" Simon said

"That's cool, let's meet there, share the location" I sent a reply

"Here's your coffee sir" placing the coffee on my table

"Thanks, you are free to go if you want" giving her a small smile before retuning to face my phone

"Thank you sir" excitedly going out of the room, I know she's been busy too, all of us were

I had an early dinner around 5pm and decided to go to Simon's place, we'll just go together at the bar, pulling up in his apartments driveway, I waited for the elevator to open

I pressed the doorbell and he open the door "I thought we'll just meet at the bar?" he said but nonetheless he let me in

"Change of plans" closing the door and going to the kitchen getting a bottle of water

"Thought so" changing the channels of the tv "I don't really like watching your channel, don't feel bad bro" glancing over to me

"It's fine, doesn't make any change on my profit" giving him a smug smile

"Asshole" he grumbled, I just laughed at him

We just watched movies for the next couple of hours before the guys texted us that they were at the bar, Simon said that there's no need for us to bring a car because it's just a walking distance, so we walked and meet the guys inside the bar

"Did you know that the alcohols here is intoxicating even for wolves?" Simon ask

"No, and there's no way that would be possible" I told him

"That's what I thought too when I first came here but, in the end I got drunk" he said amused

"No way" I said firmly

"Let's just see about that" as if on queue our drinks came

We chatted for a while catching up on the events that happened in our life and drinking then, my wolf started to growl

"What's up?" Talking to my wolf

"Mate" when he said that, in less than a second my feet are frozen flat on the ground

I'm so sorry for updating this late mylovey readers (kneeling)

Actually I wasn't planning on updating this story because two out of my three stories (including this story) are not showing on my profile

I was waiting for it to show on my profile for me to keep updating but, a long time has passed and nothing happened

SURPRISE!!!! This is a chapter update because of a person's review to read more about this story.. love looots myloveys


iNKHEART8creators' thoughts