

Standing an a stage about to leave my home I felt so lonely I look over to my friends as they seem sad to see me leave after the celebration me and Selma walk to our room as she helps me packs she finds a little box under my bed as she asked "what's this Grace?" as I turn to her she puts it in my bag Selma keeps having a soled face as i told her i was going around the orphanage grounds i see Edward standing in the corner of my eye.he seems sad so I ask him what's wrong he stays quiet till I hug him. all I remember from my past was seeing an orphanage and he runs out to see my in torn clothes and pits a blanket over me we start to chat he was so shocked to hear my past that I couldn't remember anything he says " you could be a princess from a far off land and you wouldn't know" I giggle at that before coming back to reality where I was hugging him so tight as he puts his arms around me he whispers in my ear " promise me you'll visit me" I nod uncontrollably as I sob into his chest it ws time for me to leave selma game me my luggage as we drive down to the train starting I had a long blue dress on with my hair blowing at the wind as I looked at the beautiful sea horizon one last time I sayed good bye to my friends and Edward who felt like a brother to me when he found me selma shoved Alexia away and squeezed me tight as I out my hand on her shoulder I offered her to come for the night she nodded so happily I gave her a tissue to wipe her tears as I hears the speaker say "the train to Bondi Beach New South Wales. boarding now " we they all give me a big hug I kissed edward on the cheek then I boarded the train with selma


we got off the train at Bondi beach as we looked at the breathtaking view of Bondi

We had to search for my apartment the orphanage gave me found it around 12:30 am

I could tell selma was jealous she sayed " your so lucky to have this and you dont have to eat beef and mash potato again that are you going to eat something Exotic?" I reply as " I might go down to the sushi store go get sushi I'll bring some back for you" she was so existed to try different food. as I make my way to the sushi store down the street I heard a group of people whispering about the satanic thing that happen here and how surprising to see an 20 year old girl walking down the street alone. I felt so awkward walking around here i finily made it to the sushi store and ordered the food and some drinks fanta for me and for selma fizzy grape her favourite i carry the bags back to my apartment when i passed an ally way down the street i heard a mutters i was thinking of investigating but i decided not to because it seemed shady as i turn around to continue walking out of nowhere a cloth appears over my mouth o struggle for a big before giving in then I blacked out


I wake up in a chamber there I see three cultists looking at me muttering things like " are you sure shes the powerful one of all of them" sayed the first cultistists to the second. All of a sudden the third cultists sees I'm awake and stamps on the first cultists foot I looked around panicking they take the mak off me and then I try looking under the hood of there cloacks I try to attack one but I go pulled back by my hands to realise I was in shackles the third cultists sayed " this one is stillborn do you think the prince will like her?" they start walking around me chanting strange words. I realised there summoning a demond the chamber looked like a murder scene blood on the walls,floor the man walked over to me and slit my arm all of a sudden the room is filled with red smoke then a young handsome man appeared then I realise that's a devil I slowly examine him head to toe he had long but not long black nails black to red horns then he looked at he and then he examined me head to toe think all he saw in me was a small frightened ,smalls,tubborn little girl who wouldnt dare hurt a fly he slowly walked to towards me I started to panic so I my mind decided look at him or spit on him so I decided to spit on him he looked at me in disgust then he looked at the three men o noticed one was holding a knife!


The Hansom demond grabbed the knife from the cult and cut his arm then one of the cult forced my mouth open and blood when in my mouth and on my face then the cult closed my mouth forcing me to swallow then all the cults thanked the devil then he turned to me and sayed "You are coming with me" I showed him the shacles and in a second he clinched his finger and one popped off me then the other popped off me I tried to run tto the door all of a sudden u got julted back to my surprise the demon grabbed arm and yanked me back he was so close to my face he held me then we were surrounded by red smoke then it went black then when the fog cleared we wearnt in the chamber thing we were In a room when I looked at him his hornes a nails were gone so he was a just an handsome guy I see to other guys standing next to him the one that looked the youngest put his hand out to me I refused his hand and got off the floor (because I fell) during the teleportation thing.


surprisingly I was the short one in the room the man helped me stand back on my feet and he guided me over to a chair over onthe side of the room I chose to stay quiet the man introduced him self he was called Vincent the red headed demond who kidnapped me was Levi and the other on was Aaron I stayed quiet then he sayed " can you talk?" I slowly nod

then he asked me to tell me my name I muttered "its grace." but I could tell my words were still trembled but he managed to here me say my name he sayed " Grace what a lovely name "

I stutter and blushed Levi sayed "she can stay in the north wing I game Levi a deer in the headlights look Vincent offered me a drink and food then sayed " you must be hungry after that you came through " I politely declined the food . I thought to myself I" hope Selma is ok"

I hid a sad look under my stubbornness but Vincent managed to read me like a book and he can figure out I was sad and out of the bloom he asked that's wrong and I stutted after every work I sayed but I managed to say " I miss my friend ." levi asked witch one "selma,anatace,Georgina "I sayed i" miss"selma"