
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · Ciudad
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19 Chs

Why am I so weak?

I look at her seriously "Yes. I don't want you to tell me tomorrow that you fell in love with a friend, or someone you met at school or whatever.." I say, trying to hold back my tears. 

I feel so stupid, but I need her reassurance. "Just please tell me Scarlett, that you won't break my heart again..." I look at her with eyes full of tears, and I just can't hold them back any longer. 

I look at her with watery eyes "I couldn't survive without you Scarlett. I would just fall back in deep depression, and that's why I couldn't lose you. Ever." 

"Shut up Carter.. You're so dummy... You're the biggest idiot I've ever met" 


I feel my heart melting. Scarlett is hugging me tightly, and I bury my head into her chest. My body is shaking and I start to cry like a little baby. "Scarlett... I am just so scared that you'll leave me... I am so scared..." I sob "I want you next to me, always" I say between sobs, hoping that Scarlett would understand how important she is to me. 

"Don't worry... Ill never leave your ass" says Scarlett slowly swinging me. "Now please let me dress you..."I calm down a little bit, and I wipe off my tears. My body is still shaking for some reason, but I feel calmer now that Scarlett is by my side. 

I hear her saying something about dressing me, but I don't really mind my state as long as I am in her arms. "You don't have to dress me Scarlett. I'll feel better in your arms, please don't leave me." I say while holding her hand. 

"I don't want to grow old, lonely, and empty... Please Scarlett, stay with me." 

Scarlett sighs "Please Carter... You're gonna catch a cold" 


I look at Scarlett and then I calm down when I realize she is right. I am still naked, and while I don't mind being close to her, I can't catch a cold. I bite my lips "Sorry Scarlett, I just don't want to lose you." I say with puppy eyes again. I put on the towel, and my body is still shaking. 

Even though she is here, holding my hand, I am not as calm as I should be. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight Scarlett? Please, I don't want to sleep alone." 

She nods while dressing me "Lets take a nap now.." 


I smile and take a seat on her bed after she helps me get dressed. I lie down and look at her "Yeah, a nap sounds good". I am feeling very comfortable and safe when I am in Scarlett's bed. 

"Thank you Scarlett, for everything. You know... For all the time I was away, I couldn't stop thinking of you." I smile "Can I get one more hug? Just to feel the comfort that you provide?" I ask with puppy eyes. 

Scarlett smiles and goes for a hug but little do she knows that she is now trapped in his arms 

I hold her closely, not letting her out of my grip. "Haha! Now you can't leave me Scarlett." I say with a playful tone "I am not gonna let someone as pretty as you get away." 

"And now it's not just hugs. You won't be able to move" I say while smiling. I keep holding her. "Now tell me Scarlett, will you marry me?" I say with a teasing tone "You must marry me, or I won't let you out of these arms" 

Scarlett busts out laughing "Oh not this question again... We are still only 17 Carter..." 


I squeeze her tight and laugh "Yes Scarlett. But we were made to be together, we always go back together after we separate. It's the only logical answer. You must marry me!" I say in a very serious tone while still making her laugh. 

"And even if we're young, I can't imagine a life without you Scarlett. Please stay with me... Stay with me forever..."I say while still hugging her as tight as I can. 

She laughs and gives me some kisses "Yeah yeah... I will Carter" 


I start to blush. Now Scarlett is the one teasing me and making me blush like that. "Don't play with me, Scarlett" I whisper while still holding her tight. 

"I am serious Scarlett, I don't want to lose you. I don't care how young we are. I never want to be alone again. Please please, I can't bear that pain again." I feel like i am a child in love, but I can't fight the feeling. 

"I love you Scarlett... I want to marry you" I whisper again. 

She gives me a kiss "You're so dummy... Lets sleep..." 


"Yeah... Sorry Scarlett" I whisper "I am just a big dummy, aren't I?" I look at her and I can still feel her body. I bite my lips "Alright then... We will sleep" I say while relaxing my body a little bit. My heart is still racing. 

I close my eyes, and try to think about nothing but Scarlett and our future together. I smile and I turn my head to kiss her hand before closing my eyes. "Good night Scarlett.. Please don't leave my side" I whisper again. 

She kisses my cheek again "I promise.." 


I smile. Now I feel safe, and I feel warm. Scarlett promised to never leave my side, and that gave me the strength I needed. 

I turn to face Scarlett again, and I place my head where her chest is. I look at her with those big shiny eyes I have. I feel so childish, wanting to be comforted by her. 

"I love you Scarlett... I want our love to last forever..." I whisper while closing my eyes for the night. 


I wake up after some hours of nap to Scarlett's voice. "Hey, it's breakfast time sleepy head! Come on get up.." I hear her say. I open my eyes and I feel the comfort of her breasts pressing against my cheeks . I don't want to move. 

"Scarlett..." I say without opening my eyes. She giggles while playing with my hair. 

"I said you need to get up Carter" she says in a playful tone. 

"You can't force me Scarlett" I reply. "I want my comfy position in bed" I say like a child again. I was still sleeping and had my eyes glued to her chest. I felt safe, and I didn't want to let her go. I was starting to develop a physical relationship with her, and I liked the idea... 

I tried to kiss her gently, but Scarlett turned her head, avoiding my lips. "Hmm.. What are you doing Carter? You are so naughty.." 


Scarlett pushes my lips away gently and she giggles. "You don't need kisses, now go eat some breakfast" she says, while playing with my hair. 

"But I want kisses Scarlett..." I whisper. My body was starting to feel more warm, and I wanted some kisses and snuggles. 

"I can't leave this bed.. You can't make me.." I say playfully. "I am your little boy now, I need attention, food and kisses every morning. That's what little boys need Scarlett.." I say, while looking at her with puppy eyes. 

Scarlett smiles "After.. You eat your breakfast" 

I pretend like I am a little boy, trying everything to avoid leaving the bed. "But it's cold... I am still sleepy... I want to stay with you Scarlett.. You are my mommy now.." I say in a playful tone. 

Scarlett rolls her eyes and she puts some clothes on, looking like she is getting ready and I try to hold her arm. "Don't leave me... Please stay with me Scarlett.. I am all alone" I say while looking at her with sad eyes. 

 "Come on.... Ill get you breakfast. It's 4 pm" 


My face looks surprised. "Wait, 4 pm?" I say while sitting up on the bed. "That means I was sleeping for hours! Oh my God Scarlett, did I keep you here in bed with me the whole time?" I say, smiling. 

"My legs are weak..." I say, while trying to stand up. I start to wobble and I feel faint. "Scarlett... I need a hug." I say in a soft tone while looking for her. I just realized how tired I was, and I needed some warm and strong arms around me. I am acting like a little child, but I don't know how to behave around her now. My body just wants to be held and loved by this girl. 

I fall into Scarlett's arms and I hug her as tight as I can. "I don't want to leave you again..." I say with the cutest voice I can. 

"I was so cold when I was alone, why did you abandon me Scarlett?". I say in a sad tone. "Can't you see I am your little boy?". 

"But please Scarlett... Don't let me alone ever again. I can't stand the loneliness..." I say in a soft voice. I start to feel sad and embarrassed, remembering how lonely and depressed I was without her. 

Scarlett laughs "But you made me leave -" 


I don't want to hear it! I cover her mouth with my hands "No Scarlett.. Please don't remind me... It's because I was dumb Scarlett. Don't blame me, blame my big heart that is too attached to you." 

"I don't want to go through all that depression alone... I don't want to be alone Scarlett..." I say, while my voice trembles. It's true, I couldn't stand being alone again... "Please don't leave me Scarlett..." I say, as I kiss her cheeks and face repeatedly. 

Scarlett smiles "Don't worry big baby.... Ill take care of you..." she says while giving me a light kiss 


I feel like I am drowning in her kisses, and I don't want it to stop. I hug her tight while burying my face into her chest and her breasts, looking for her warmth. I was addicted to the feeling she was giving me. 

I don't want to be alone Scarlett. You are the only one who can save me from sadness and loneliness. Please don't leave me.. Don't. 

I start to cry a little and I cling to her. I feel so weak and small now that I have Scarlett at my side.