
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · Ciudad
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19 Chs

I hate rainy days

She stops laughing and lets a long sigh. "I hate you" she mumbles. 


"Love you too Scarlett." i say while opening my room door. I enter the room and go to my bed. Scarlett is still over my shoulder, kicking her legs and yelling. 

"Put me down Carter! Its not funny anymore." she yells. 

I place her on my bed and lay down next to her. 

"Why couldn't you just cooperate Scarlett?! You don't know how much i care for you..." i reply while smiling at her. 

"You have to use force to get my attention?" she adds while looking away and still lying down on my bed. 

"I didn't force you. I just brought you to my house. You can leave whenever you like Scarlett. Who says you have to stay here?" i ask while looking over to her. 


She raises her eyebrow and gets up "Well, if you say so, then, good bye" she says while trying to leave . She really likes playing this little game. 

"I don't think so Scarlett. Its already getting late. I am going to make you stay the night here." i answer with a wide smile on my face and look at her. 

"Oh no you don't! I'm not staying with you! That's out of question!" she answers while turning around and about to leave the room. 

I quickly get up from bed and wrap my arms around her, stopping her from leaving. 

"You are funny Scarlett. I wont let you leave like that." i add while smirking at her. 

I see Scarlett trying to resist and wanting to punch my face. But she doesn't do it. I smile again and i can see that she is a little embarrassed again. 

"I am serious Scarlett. You are not leaving. Its getting late and i don't want you to walk back to your house by yourself." i say while looking at her. 

Scarlett looks away and shakes her head again. 

"I don't need your help Carter. I can walk back home by myself." she says with an annoyed tone. 

"Please? You don't have to feel bad about it. I know its late and i don't want you to walk back alone." i say with my puppy eyes. 

Scarlett looks at me and sighs again. 

"Fine! I will stay over..." she adds while looking away with an annoyed expression. 

"Yeah yeah, i told you that i care about you." i say with a little grin on my face. 

She looks back at me and tries to smile. 

"I hope you learned from today. And don't be late tomorrow..." she says while poking at my cheek again. 

I quickly hug her and pick her up. 

"I'm so lucky to have you Scarlett." i say while smiling at her. 

I place her back on my bed where i lie down myself. Scarlett is still annoyed , but she is laying down on the bed as well. 

She looks at me and rolls her eyes again. 

"Just don't be too touchy " she replies and keeps on lying down on the bed. 

I cant hold my laugh anymore and keep on talking to her. "But... your body looks so soft" i add while touching/rubbing her arms. She pinches my hand "Don't.." she has a scary face now, I look at her with puppy eyes, showing her that I'm hurt. "Yeah yeah..." i reply and look at my clock. Its 10:45 PM already. I cant believe we wasted so much time. "Its getting late. I'm going to brush my teeth now. You can take a shower if you want." i say as i get up from my bed again. 

She yawns and shakes her head. I look at her and smile again. She just looks adorable with her sleepyness. She is trying to hide it, but its obvious that she is tired. I see her rubbing her eyes. 

"Alright then, i will be in the bathroom." i say and go to the bathroom. The bathroom door is slightly open and Scarlett can still hear me talking. 

"Do you want me to get you something from the kitchen?" i ask. 

Scarlett is now laying on her bed with her head on the pillow and is about to sleep. 

"Nooo..." she answers with a sleepy voice. I chuckle "You sleepy?". "Noo..." 



After few minutes, i go back to my bedroom. Scarlett is sleeping already. I stare at her for a few seconds. She is laying on her back and is sleeping with her mouth open. 

I silently grab a blanket and turn towards her. I cover her body with the blanket while looking at her sleep a little more. At the same time, i turn off the light. 

I quietly sit down on my bed and keep an eye of her. Scarlett wakes up after few minutes and feels the blanket. She looks at me again, but i look away and pretend i did nothing. 

Scarlett looks back at me again. I still have my back turned towards her, but she can tell that I'm watching over her sleeping. 

"Its thundering..." i say with a low tone that can barely he heard. 

"What?" she answers and still lies in bed. She looks around and tries to figure out what happened. "Is it raining?" she asks in a sleepy tone. 

"A little." i say again with low voice. 

Scarlett looks back at me again. "Is everything alright?" she adds while trying to see my face. 

"Its nothing..." i answer while looking away from her again. 

Scarlett cant see my face, but i think she can tell that i am lying. She looks a little worried. 

"I don't think it is nothing. You can just tell me." she adds after a few seconds. 

"Really...everything is alright Scarlett" i answer while looking back at her. I am a bit upset now. My voice sounds a little tired and sad. I try to change my mood, but i cant. 

I don't want to think about the past right now. 

Scarlett looks at me in confusion again. 

She pokes my cheek while mumbling "hmm i don't believe you". 


I smile at her response. Scarlett is playing around with my emotions again. I just cant help but love her. 

"Im fine, please trust me on this" i say and try to make her believe me. 

She crosses her arms under her chest. "But you are sad.." she adds with a disappointed tone. 

"No i am not sad... i am just a little tired." i reply. Scarlett shakes her head and looks at me a little angry. "You cant lie to me Carter." she says and turns away from me. She then changes her mind and starts poking my cheek.... She always does these little pokes that annoy me so much. 

I don't say anything, but i just turn my head away from her. 

Scarlett doesn't like that answer, so she keeps on poking my cheek. 

"Come on Scarlett, please stop..." i ask with a slightly irritated tone. 

"No, you just have to give me an honest answer..." she replies while still poking my cheek. 

I close my eyes after hearing her answer. "You are annoying". 

She keeps on poking my cheek until i give her the answer she wants...I close my eyes and sigh again. 

"Look Scarlett, i really don't want to talk about it." i reply in a low tone. 

She is still a little worried for me. 

"It cant be that bad. Just tell me and you wont have to think about it anymore." she adds with a serious tone. 

"Don't... don't push it now, Scarlett. Please..." i ask and look at her. 

Scarlett looks at me for a few seconds. She notices that I'm having a bad time right now. She sighs and lays next to me. She crosses her arms and looks away "Mhm!" 

Her body is next to mine now. I turn towards her and look at her with a sad face. "Scarlett... i am having a bad time right now." i say with a serious tone again. 

Scarlett looks at me and sighs again. She knows that I'm not feeling good, but she doesn't know why. 

"Just tell me what happened." she says in a gentle tone while turning towards me. I still lie on my bed and look up to the ceiling. 

"I... don't want to talk about it, Scarlett." i reply after few seconds. Scarlett sighs and lays on her back, looking away. I'm not able to tell her anything now, so i just close my eyes again and try to think about something else.