

" Who do you think you are? Daring to enter my office like that? " A soft profound voice inquired as she turned out to look at the direction in which a young man in his late thirties made his way in from the main entrance of the chamber. " I am the Devil and I don't need to ask for permission when I make an entry in my premises. " A deep voice stated as he sat on the chair in the last had vacated a while ago by the curvy lady who stood by the window sipping down her booze

RoseNdungu · Ciudad
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14 Chs

Dinner Alone

" Oooh, My God, This is Disney World, " Ariana who had just made her way into the enormous bathroom was mesmerized by the extravagant chamber that looked like her whole sitting room there was a bathtub that was directly from where she stood. The shower was located in a separate chamber same as the toilet which was separated by a translucent glass and where the bathtub was located was a clear glass window that covered from top to bottom.

" Let me take a quick shower. " Ariana stated after she heard her stomach groaning out from hunger.

She had finished up in less than twenty minutes before she walked out of the bathroom and she unfurled the wardrobe and found the wardrobe empty.

" What am going to wear? " Ariana inquired as she murmured to herself as she sat at the edge of the bed before she heard a knock on the door and she ambled to the door.

" Who is it? " I inquired

" It's Monica, Ma'am, I brought you your nightgown. " Monica stated

" Okay, " Ariana stated as she unfurled the door halfway

" Thank you. " Ariana stated

" I hope they will fit you. " Monica stated as she was about to stroll away from the entrance when Ariana halted her.

" I appreciate it and could I ask you something?" Ariana inquired in a low tone.

" Yes, Ma'am how can I help you?" Monica inquired

" How many people will be present at the dining table? " Ariana inquired

" It is me and me Gibson our cook, if you feel uncomfortable with him I can dismiss him and you can enjoy the dinner alone. " Monica stated

" But you can stay, I don't want to feel alone especially since I have not familiarized myself with the mansion.

" Okay, ma'am, I will leave you to get ready as I prepare your table before you come down. " Monica stated as she started to stroll through the hallway her steps started fading away.

" Mmmh, let me see, Wait who could be wearing this lingerie since I never heard of any rumors that he has a girlfriend? " Ariana stated as she tried on the lingerie that she was handed earlier which seemed to fit her well as her curvy body.

" This is beautiful, How did I never see my curvy body like this? " Ariana murmured to herself as she admired herself in the mirror.

" It must be late and it wouldn't be fair to keep Monica on the wait as she won't get much rest and I hate that it's my fault that she is staying up for the night and she might have been tired given that she made the room ready for the whole day after the short notice. " Ariana stated as her heart sank and she grabbed the gown and stormed out of the room after the door latched behind her.

" Hello, Monica, Monica. " Ariana inquired after she made it to the enormous living room she didn't know where the dining area was that's why she kept on calling out before Monica came from behind.

" Ooh my, You almost startled me. " Ariana stated awestruck.

" I am sorry ma'am, It's just I heard you calling out my name. " Monica stated

" It's okay, So where is the dining area since my belly cannot hold itself anymore " Ariana stated

" This way ma'am, " Monica stated as she led the way as Ariana sauntered behind her.

" Here welcome dinner ma'am," Monica stated as the two made their way to the enormous chamber that was surrounded by glass windows and one could see the pitch darkness outside that was covered by vegetation.

" Wait, all of this you prepared? " Ariana inquired

" Yes, we were ordered to since we didn't know what you are fond of, so he ordered we cook and serve everything and you can eat on your satisfaction what you feel good with you. Enjoy your meal ma'am. " Monica stated as she opened the lids on the pits and the sweet aroma from the warm food covered the room.

" Come have a seat you must be starving and tired, I am sorry that I had to make you wait for all this while. "Ariana stated as she pulled a seat next to where she served herself.

" I appreciate your concern ma'am but I am full, I had something before you arrived," Monica stated as she avoided the awkwardness between them.

" Okay, I don't like it when you are standing you can go and take some rest now, and don't worry I will take care of everything here. " Ariana stated before she began to dig in the plate that she had served herself full.

"Okay, Thank you ma'am, and have a wonderful night too. " Monica stated as she strolled out from the dining chamber as she was busy digging into her meal.

' Mmmmm, This is delicious, I can not help but want to have more of this lamb but unfortunately, my tummy is full already. " Ariana stated as she rubbed her tummy with her right hand as she leaned on the seat it was not long before she felt that she was tired and needed to doze off since her body muscles were growing weak.