
My Objective In The Other World

What are you doing in the other world? Building a harem? Becoming a god? Or just enjoying life? That's just one objective in your life, what if you were taken to various other worlds with various objectives, without losing your main objective? It sounds silly but that's called adventure, adventure with one objective, in an infinite number of places. William Dante, a 21 year old orphaned man, living a boring life in the modern world, wanted to experience adventure in different worlds, he wanted to feel all the adventure, the thrill of travel and interaction with some otherworldly beings. That is his dream in this empty world. If he can do all that, maybe he will fulfill his dream. =============================== Updates every 3 days of the week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. if you give a power stone, please keep it and give it to another author. just read my novel to fill your time

Shaywalloppp · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Do you know deforestation?

I got up and refreshed my body at the river.

Bathing in the river was really good.

Afterward, I go to the barracks and see a panicked Gosh.

"Dante, Sophie's been kidnapped" I smiled, it must be a foul plan to make me save her.

"Owh, let's go to the king" Zifa stopped me and I looked at her.

"The king has given orders to take you, then return his beloved princess back to the kingdom" Alright, I got ready and went to choose a horse.

I used horse language to summon a horse that was ready to die with me.

No horse approached me, I sighed and left.

I saw a limp horse at the end of the stable, he was very thin.

I made him some food and he ate it.

I waited for him to finish eating and brought him out.

"Why did you choose a horse but you didn't ride it?" You ask a lot of questions Zifa, I just smile at this.

"Can't you see the condition of my horse?" Zifa looks at my limping horse, she shakes her head.

I'm talking to this horse.

He's just a draft horse that got injured carrying supplies to the border.

We just happened to be going to the border, so it was fate.

Our journey took a week, which we could have done in three days.

I told Zifa and Gosh to go first. I enjoyed this walk with my horse.

I feel the perverted queen following me.

I knew you wouldn't give up, don't you have any other business in your kingdom.

I arrived at the border, everyone here had fled. only a few soldiers stayed to tell me that Gosh and Zifa had entered the land of the elves.

"Those fools, it's the same as you fighting in their own house. You guys go back to the kingdom, let me handle this myself" All the soldiers evacuated and left me.

"You and me, buddy"

"Ngiierrgghh" I patted his neck and we walked, into the forest where we were sure to get lost.







I was lost, in this cursed forest.

"Gosh, Zifa, Sophie, where are you?" my voice echoed through the forest.

I built a fire to warm our bodies.

It's a good thing I prepared some provisions.

I heard the sound of horses, I saw the three fools coming.

"Dante, run quickly, the whole elven army is behind us" Gosh yelled and I just sighed.

"Go home, I'm enjoying my roast meat" I ate this meat, hmmm tasty.

My horse is enjoying his favorite meal.

Eating in the middle of the wilderness with a campfire and grill is very exciting.

They left and I resumed my meal.

Just as I was about to eat my meat, it was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.

I covered my mouth and sighed.

"My horse, wait for me at the border fort" My horse left even though it was limping.

"So, how was your day, ladies and gentlemen?" I was shot by the bow again, but I caught it with one hand.

" Fairy knight Dante. I finally got to meet you, now I'm going to defeat you and bring your head in front of my father" The elf woman who shot me just now declared herself worthy of chopping off my head?

"Who are you?" I took my meat and cleaned it, then burned it again.

"I am the crown princess of the elven kingdom, Patricia. Pleased to make your acquaintance, my enemy." Now what? From perverted queen to crown princess.

"Did you hear that perverted queen? She's the crown princess, the one you couldn't even cut off my head, and this silly princess is dictating her obituary to me" The perverted queen giggled and I smiled as I went back to eating my meat.

This time she hit me right in the groin, oy.

"I don't know, the beastman queen is stalking you like a whore" I held back my laughter, until I coughed.

"Shut your mouth brat, you're lucky my target isn't you. Otherwise, I'd hang all of your heads to your sacred tree" All the elves who heard this immediately raised their weapons at the queen of perverts.

"cough, cough, enough, enough" I got up and stretched my body.

The perverted queen gave the code for decapitation, then disappeared.

"Do you know deforestation?" I slashed all the trees in front of me with the sword I created with wind elemental magic.

Many trees were uprooted and dismembered, and the entire elven army was hit by my attack, they seemed to be dying.

I then went home, as my food had run out.

I arrived at the fort, seeing my horse sleeping on the fort wall.

"Horse, let's go home" My horse woke up and greeted me.

I healed him and made him like a pegasus, with shiny white feathers and beautiful wings. with white fire in his footprints.

My horse was happy and gave me a ride.

I then left on my horse, and the perverted queen ran after me.

I arrived at the kingdom, seeing my beautiful pegasus. I fed him and reported to the king.

The king was happy again, for I had defeated the crown princess of the elven kingdom.

I returned to my horse and brought it home.

"Lord dante, lord dante, let us ride your horse" I let the children get on the pegasus. the pegasus took them flying although not very high, I sat and talked to the other residents.

After the children were satisfied playing with my horse, I returned to my hut.

I released the pegasus here, let him be free.

I went inside and started to sleep, I was tired and full of meat.

Fortunately, I had stocked up on food, and some spoils of war from the elves.

Money and some strange plants, just keep it, in case it's useful.

the next day I took another bath in the river, soaking here. my horse also took a bath, I also helped him clean himself.

I checked my objective.

[>Main Objective<]

Protect the human kingdom from the invasion of 5 other countries (3/5)

|Traveling the world|

>Second objective<


◇Additional Goals◇

Train yourself with various vehicles (0/0)

|Improve Driving Skills|

[Special Objective]


Great, now we're left with the kingdom of demons and dragons.

I sat on the porch of my house and drank my homemade tea, ah fresh.

"I found you" I saw the perverted queen, sitting next to me and tasting my tea.

How dare she drink my tea without my permission.

"It's so good, please make me some" I made a new tea but it was even better than before.

It smelled so good that even the bees swarmed over it.

I let the bees drink, after they are full, then I drink the tea.

Ahhhhh, delicious.

The perverted queen wanted to snatch my tea, I immediately slapped her hand.

"Impolite" I finished the tea and looked at my horse playing in the water.

" Mate with me."


"You must mate with me, or I will mate with you"


"I don't need an answer, no or refusal"

"Didnt ask"

"I insist" Viria jumped towards me, I dodged her and knocked her unconscious.

I tied her to the pegasus' back and ordered it to carry this corpse to the castle.

The pegasus flew off and I went back to enjoying the view.

The pegasus returned, but this time it carried another passenger.


"Hey, how can I help you princess?" She gave me a fierce look and walked straight into my hut without permission.

How unethical.

I could hear her seemingly tidying up all the stuff in there, even though there was only a bag, and a mattress. that's it.

Sophie came out and sat with me.

"What are you doing with my place?" Sophie ignored me and I shrugged my shoulders.

I walked over and wanted to go in, but Sophie blocked me as if I couldn't go in.

"Sit down" I ignored her order, and forced my way in.

Sophie blocked me with all her strength.

I see my room decorated like a newlywed, with roses scattered on my bed, with various love poems on the walls.

I closed my eyes and smiled.

then sighed.

"Are you that desperate to seduce me?" Sophie was embarrassed and buried her face in my bed, her defenseless ass teasing me.

I walked out and closed the door.

Honestly, I'm too lazy to be sexually interacted with by an arrogant girl like her.

Am I dense? No, I realize it's just that my purpose here is to protect the kingdom, not fuck people's children.

I meditated to manipulate my magic.

without magic I might not be able to control natural disasters.

I want to control nature without the need for magic, that's cooler.

I tried Qi, and other kinds of energy.

And it works, I can use qi.

Alright, now can I coat my body with mana? I've been creating my imagination and changing the shape of things.

I'm trying to turn into half an angel.

With wings and a golden crown on my head.

I looked in the mirror on the surface of the river.

Yep, good.

I let go of this form, and tried both demon and dragon forms.

All were successful, and there were no side effects like crazy or out of control.

Very good professional skill indeed.

Oh right, I forgot.

I have to visit the Demon Country to learn their language.

Time to go. Before she realizes.

I stocked up on food for the pegasus and went to walk out the gate.

"Commander dante, where are you going?" The gatekeeper asked me.

"I'm just wandering around, if anyone is looking for me, just tell them I'm going to visit" I walked out into the Demon Country.

I hope this is fun.

I'm still sick but instead of getting treatment I'm writing novels, I really hate myself.

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts