
My Next Life as an Otome Game Villain

If Lee Shimin knows that he will meet his end on his way to the convenience store, then he is sure that he would rather stay home and endure his midnight cravings for pudding and wasabi flavored potato chips. If he knows that he will be given a chance to be reincarnated in a video game world, he is sure that he would chose to be reborn in his favorite adult game than waste his second life in the newly released otome game. If he knows that he will steal the spotlight from the main heroine and capture the interests of all the male leads, he is sure that he would rather suffer the consequences of being the villain and raise all the red flags. Unfortunately, Lee Shimin has no ability to predict the future. He does not know that his life will turn 180 degree after meeting his doom in the corner of the convenience store. What more, he does not know that he will change the entire premise of the game and achieve his long life dream of having a “harem” at the process. Author's Note: Cover art is not mine.

MissMushroom · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: August von Edenburgh

"–ord August, Lord August. I am afraid that you will not be able to prepare for tonight's royal banquet if you don't wake up soon."

A child with black hair stirred on his canopy bed and buried himself further under his velvet sheets, a futile attempt to hide his tiny body from the man standing beside his bed. He stayed up all night preparing for tonight's royal banquet, making sure that everything –from his table manners and self-introduction – are polished beyond perfection. Many will be shocked if they hear that a ten-year old child is already planning to get a favor from a royalty but if they know who the child is, then they will just nod their head with unsurprised understanding.

August von Edenburgh is the only son of Duke Leon von Edenburgh, the master of the Edenburgh manor and one of the nobles who possess the upper seat in the Royal Council. The noble lineage of Edenburgh is known for their magical affinity for summoning magical creatures, passing this powerful ability from one generation to another. Because of this, many assumed that they stand above the nobles. What they do not know is that the current Edenburgh family hides a little secret, and that secret involves the young lord of the Edenburgh manor.

The magical affinity of an individual usually manifest at the age of five and since then the magical acupoints in their body started to grow and expand. They are able to perform simple spells at the age of seven and if they are given the right guidance and tutelage, they will be able to attend the Floclaria when they reach the age of 16. However, this is not the case for August. Despite manifesting his magic at the right age, it seems that his magical acupoints develop slower than normal children do. The only magical creatures that he can summon are low-level magical beasts. This also maybe the reason why the young Lord develop an obsession in proving himself to other noble children at his age.

"Are you still not awake August?" a stern voice make the young lord jolt up at his bed, his ebony eyes staring drowsily at the new occupant in his room. Duke Leon von Edenburgh take note of his son's disheveled appearance and shakes his head, before he motions the servants behind him to come forward.

"Make sure that he will be ready in ten minutes. The carriage is already prepared and I don't want spend another minute waiting," the Duke ordered. The servants only nodded their heads in response before they hurriedly attend to the young Lord.

Duke Leon knows that his son spend the entire night preparing himself for the royal banquet. Knowing the personality of the young lord, he knows that he will take this opportunity to prove himself to the other nobles and impress the royal family. August is always been insecure about his magical abilities thus he always try to make up to it by excelling in academics and sports. However, no matter how intelligent and eloquent you are it will be nothing if you don't have a high magical affinity. The Duke already consulted the best-known mages in the kingdom but even they can't provide a solution for his problem. The only thing that he can do is wait until August reach the age of 12.

August stare at retreating back of his father and clench his small hands. He already lost count on how many times he disappointed the Duke. Ever since they found out that his magical acupoints are abnormal, he began to treat him coldly and ignore him as if he is not part of the Edenburgh family. He understands that his father considers their magical affinity as the family pride but he still cannot accept that his father deemed it as more important than his own son did. However, he cannot deny that he admire and respect his father greatly.

He sighed as he throw his blanket away from his body before he struggle to get down from his bed. One of the maids try to help him but he only slap her hand away with a glare.

"I don't need your help. If you try to touch me again I will make sure that you will leave this manor at the end of this day," he threaten dangerously while the maid only hang her head in shame. The other servants only avert their gaze at the young lord and proceed to arrange his clothing and belongings. They would not dare not make the same mistake for they know that not only that they will lose their job, they will be also leaving with injuries and a few broken bones courtesy by their young lord.

The servants attend to the young lord quietly, afraid that even the sound of their breaths will put them under his wrath. August, not really caring about the inner turmoil of his servants, turn his attention to the head butler of their family.

"Is Rosette going with us to the town?" he asked as he shoo the hand of the manservant who attempt to fix his collar. He often wonder why they need to help him every time he needs to get dress. Even a mere five-year old can do it.

The head butler upon hearing his young lord's question give him a polite bow before answering.

"The Duchess decided to take young lady Rosette to the royal banquet that's why she will be also accompanying his young lord to the town to shop for clothes," the butler replied. A scowl made its way to August's face upon hearing the butler's reply. Isn't his little sister too young to attend banquets? She might be consider as a genius but it does not change the fact that it is still early for her to attend formal gatherings. If his parents really intend to bring her along, she may steal the spotlight from him just like what she always did.

Even though they are only two years apart, August does not really get along with his little sister. If one will ask him why, he will happily replied that she is a nuisance and bratty girl that always try to impress other people with her mediocre talent. However, in reality, Rosette von Edenburgh is nothing like that. Even if she is a little energetic and eccentric, she is a sweet little girl who has immense magical potential. At the young age of eight, she can already summon mid-level magical creatures and if she wants to, form a temporary contract with them. The Duke and Duchess is extremely elated when they found it out about their daughter's talent. This made August thinks that they are secretly happy because someone can make it up for their only son's lack of ability.

"My lord if you are ready, then shall we proceed downstairs to meet the Duke and Duchess?" the head butler snap him out of his thoughts as he extend his hand towards the young lord. August reluctantly accept it with a pout on his face, disappointed that he has to hold someone's hand every time he needs to descend down the flight of stairs. The incident that gave him with shallow wounds happened a few months ago so why does he still needs to be assisted?

With slow and steady steps, they make their way out of his room and down the stairs. From the entrance of the manor, August can already see elegant silver carriage pulled by two white stallion. He can also see his mother and father inside, not to mention his little sister who is giggling happily with, August will only describe as, idiotic delight.

The head butler open the carriage door and give a polite bow before the Duke and Duchess, smiling softy at the young lady who give him a toothy grin and energetic small wave. He help August climb up the steps and only release his hand when he made sure that his young lord is already settle comfortably on the velvet cushion beside the Duke.

"Will Raphie come with us to the town? I always want to show Raphie to my favorite candy store but he never come with us every time we go out," Rosette innocently asked as she stare at her mother with big clear eyes. The Duchess only laugh softly at her daughter's request before patting her head affectionately.

"I am afraid that Raphie has to stay home because he needs to finish his work. We will only be gone for less than an hour so I am sure Raphie will not be lonely, right Raphael?" the Duchess turn her attention to the head butler who is still standing guard at the carriage door. Raphael nod his head and give the young lady a small smile in which Rosette replied with wide grin.

"I hope that young lady will enjoy her time visiting various shops today."

"Don't worry Raphie! I will make sure that I will bring home the most delicious candy for you!"

"Can we just go already?" August stated irritatedly, giving his little sister the scariest frown that his eight-year old face can muster. It only deepen when he notices the silver ice butterfly lazily fluttering its clear wings on top of his little sister's head. What a showy little brat.

Rosette shriek and bury her face on her mother's dress. She is always been afraid of her older brother. Her eight-year-old mind cannot understand why he is always mean to her, always scowling and scolding her with his loud voice.

The Duchess noticing that another sibling quarrel may begin any moment; give her eldest a soft expression with a silent message of "Please let it go. Your sister only wants to invite Raphael with us." Upon receiving the message August only scoff and cross his arms over his chest. It does not matter if his little sister is just a child. She has to learn not to get on his nerves if she wants to get along with him.

Giving the silver ice butterfly on Rosette's head a second glance, another scowl creeps itself on his fair face. If his bratty little sister will be coming with them in tonight's banquet he need to make sure that he will not be outshine by her.

I am a new webnovel author. I have been writing since middle school but this is my first time uploading a story/novel online. I will really appreciate it if you give some of your time to read my work. Also, I will be delighted if you comment your thoughts about this chapter ^_^.

Thank you very much \(°^°\)!!

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