
The Swapping

Xin Suihing was in her large villa, getting away from the sleep which covered her in the night. She yawned and was sitting beside her husband in sleeping clothes.


"Good Morning hubby!"

Her husband lied on her lap and smiled over at her.

"Good Morning Darling! Did you finish the contract with the new secretary?"

"No, But you can help me, right!?"

"Yes, I will do everything for my little wife!"

My name is Xin Suihing, I am the richest woman in Beijing and my Husband is rich and influential just after me. People are often jealous of our lucky lives and influence. Some are after my husband. But he is a faithful and honest man and only gave his heart to me.

Darling, I will get food in the cafeteria and I will come back early.

Will you stay at home today?

No, but you can wait for me, I will be quick!

Mwah... Bye!

On the way to the company,

Mr. Fu! (the driver) Please I will like you to get my chart board ready! Miss Helene will give it to you at the gate. I want it at 3 pm and no delay, even for one minute. After that you can go back home, my husband will come and take me himself.

Yes Madam!

Good morning, Madam!

Yeah Morning.

My secretary is still not there!? Give this work to her. Tell her to get me this ready in the next two hours.


You are coming early this times. I will make you an augmentation of 10 percent.

Thank you, Madam!

Good morning Madam!

Yeah, Good morning.

Phone ringing*... excuse me. Hello, Yes Mr.

"Miss Xin, I am Director Huo from the Starlight companies, I will like to invite you to our platform tonight, we will like to discuss about a collaboration with your companies for an advertisement in a Western show."

A man has opened the door of her office without knocking and she quickly saw him but she rejected him pacificly.

Please excuse me, I coming to you later.

"When do you want us to meet?"

At 5 pm. No delay, please.

"Miss Xin, you look like a strict CEO.

Okay, 5 pm in the Starlight Company.

My secretary will receive you.

Thank you, Miss Xin, It's a pleasure to collaborate with you". Me too.

Phone set back* now what did the secretary said?

She said she will bring you that work ready on time, she wanted to give this to you.

Oh, this work I was looking up for it. Thank you!

Madam, I am going back to work, if you need anything I am at your service.


Phew, What an exhausting situation. I got to finish this work quickly.

Madam! Someone is down waiting for you.

What is his name?

He asked me not to tell the name.

it's a he or a she at least?

A she, Madam.

A second, I am coming!


Later on at the entry gate of the company near reception

Thump, Thump... Hello, my bestie. How are you!?

I am in a workplace Jinrou. What do you want?

Please, it is a sibling you can go back to work.

You know what I want, I am sick and I am your aunt who came to your wedding and supported you when you were in difficulty.

You never supported me. When my mother died, you laughed and you did nothing for the fees of the hospital. How could you?

Suihing don't be ruthless with your Aunt.

Why won't I!? Did you think about Mei Mei?

She is in the United States, I helped her to succeed like me, she has money! Why don't you ask her? You are afraid to waste her money? You have two legs, two hands, and a brain to work.

If you want money ask your two daughters or work by yourself don't ask me. I will not even give a penny to someone who mocks the death of my mother and who thinks she helped me and my family. You can disappear far away! or the security can do it for you. Suihing said without taking a glance at her

You can't do that Xin Suihing!

Security take this woman out, please. If she ever comes here again, get her beaten!

Yes, Madam!

Suihing stop it, you can't do this to me! You can't!

Back in the office! Suihing exclaimed haughtily because of all the work she had to do

Calling on phone*...

Hubby! Jinrou came again and she is harassing me for money.

"That woman is ruthless! Tell her that if she comes again you will report it to the police and I am going to send the elders to see what she is doing!

She will see that you will have more influence on the police than her. She has no chance against you.

" It's a good idea, Thank you, Hubby. Did you finish working?

I will take a little longer working. No, I... Long Conference!?

Same thing from this side.

Suihing, I will not let anyone bully you! I will seek information and post it on the Media. She will not come anymore.

Thank you, hubby!

Are you crying?

No, but it is so emotional and what you do for me is as romantic as it got to be.

Now you have to work, I will come and take you at 6 pm.

What Did I do to merit such a wonderful husband? Suihing thought to herself.

Huh... Madam!

My eyes, I can't show my eyes like this! where's my make-up? Damn documents.

Hah... Here it is!


A second, please! Ok, Yes please enter.

Your driver has a chart board for you. Take it and bring it to the meeting room. I will start the conference.

Phew* I saved myself from a disastrous calamity

After the conference ...

It's already 4:50, please is the driver there?

Yes, Madam.

Ok! Tell the new secretary, she can take a rest today and she did a great job.

Yes, Madam.

Mr. Fu, did you get the localization I sent you?

Yes, Miss Xin. I got to deal with that Mr. Huo!

I got to see that collaboration.

Starlight companies...

Miss Xin, it's a pleasure to see you. Oh! Where are my manners please come in.

Here is my conference room. Inside the conference, they could see a bunch of people professionally dressed who could be seen working on working on a project.

Miss Xin here are my best workers and superiors in the hierarchy of the company.

Here is the General Director in charge of the logistics. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Xin.

Mr. Huo, I'm very flattered by your welcoming, and I quite like the atmosphere but can we go straight to the point.

Miss Xin, I like your way of seeing things and I won't disturb you further.

Please, workers, sit down the conference began. Yes, President. They all said.

Miss Xin as you can see we had proposed you an offer for a collaboration with my company thought the US. I want this collaboration for advertisements we produce for our celebrities and models for work. These advertisements will be displayed in the U.S.

Uh, Humm... Mr. Huo, I see what you mean. But what will be the price and the benefits of this collaboration?

This woman is such a badass. He thought.

Well, I think that point is also important for a good collaboration. Secretary bring the chart and let me show it to Miss Xin.

He smiled and continued.

As you can see your company will organize a meeting with the US embassy and an organization in which we will give you the address. Then the celebrities can go and do their photo shoots and programs. Then you can just help us with the spreading and arrangement of the advertisements. As for the benefits, your company will half of the income received and you will be recognized for your help and support in the advertisements.

I liked your presentation, point of view, and explanations, Mr. Huo. I will accept your offer.

After shaking hands...

Miss Xin as a senior let me accompany you out of the company.

No thanks, I have guards.

No problem...

At the entrance of Suihing's company...

Where is my hubby? He had to be already there! I swear I w...

A bright blue car with a handsome man inside suddenly appeared with spading light. The man in the car wore a black coat with black trousers.

Come in! The man gestured

Suihing entered the luxurious car. What took you so long to come?

I had work to do.

Oh! Sorry.

Is it okay at the office!?

Yeah, quite well except for all those meetings, but you know how I'm strong right?

Why do you think like that, stop it Ok?

Okay, babe.

How is Mei Mei?

I didn't talk to her.

She is fine and she will soon get fame like you. Mo Han said. I'm so happy for her.

Her father raised her so well and she's such a good girl. Suihing said.

I just hope her the best. She said looking at her husband.

I'm curious, you didn't ask about the dinner.

Huh! I like you. Mo Han just smiled and continued driving.

Here we are! I will show you our table. Mo Han proposed

Inside the restaurant, their vast tables were warmly covered with floral decorations, and music of medieval ages could be heard from every corner. It was all accompanied by a luxurious red carpet.

I reserved a VIP room on the last floor. Mo Han said.

Come it looks wonderful.

I'm already thinking I'm there without going.

There they could see a vast room well prepared and with soft sofas and an elegant dining table. Beside was a great window in which they could see all of Beijing.

It's so beautiful. Thank you, hubby.

I think I will go back to the car and take my phone.

No, I will send someone do it. Mo Han said hastily determined not to let anything disturb their dinner

No, it's okay, I will do it.

Can I trust you? He asked

Yes, don't worry. Suihing responded firmly

In the car...

Ok, good my phone is here, now I got to back. I don't want to miss a moment more.

Humm... Isn't that Jinrou! and oh No! Suhing exclaimed in horror

Back to the VIP room...

Hubby, I got something to tell you.

What's it? he asked surprised by the expression on the face of Suihing

You can tell me everything. he added

I saw Jinrou and she is with Yu Mi.

What! He exclaimed in horror

When did she get out of jail? he said

Two days ago, but I didn't pay much attention. Suihing said

Yu Mi is the exact opposite of Mei Mei, she is such a badly brought up child by her mother. That's not surprising. Suihing added

I feel like something bad will happen. I can book another restaurant. Mo Han said.

Let's profit of this time Mo Han, please. We can't flee because of them.

At last, you are true we will stay. He said.

They can't do me anything but you. I'm afraid something happens to you Suihing.

I know, but don't you worry. she convinced her sweet CEO firmly

Let's just profit from this romantic moment. She said smiling at him.

With great pleasure. He answered.

Humm... The food is there! I am so hungry.

Whoa! This food is holy it is so well made. I think we should come here often.

Baby! I don't know but I start feeling bad. Suihing said feeling a little bit dizzy

Are you bad? Let me check on you. Mo Han said

My eyes are blurry, God I don't want to die, Help... Suihing fainted in disbelief in front of Mo Han.

Mo Han called the aids after examining the plate of Suihing carefully.

Hello, are these the aids? He asked

Yes, it is, how can we help you? they answered vividly

There is an urgent case, a case of poisoning her life is very uncertain. Mo Han said thinking firmly they either drugged or poisoned his wife

Mr. a helicopter will be brought to you. Do not off your phone, we are localizing your position.

Suihing you will make it. You will make it.

4 days later...

Yawn... I thought I died. Hubby? Where are you, sweetie? She said in a sweet voice

What is this place? Where am I? First, Who Am I right now?

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