
Who am I?

I don't know anything about me. I just became friends with my enemy, Sadhana. She was the girl who framed me and I was about to expelled me from school. Yet here I am, friends with her. Sure I have a lot of friends. I am always surrounded by my friends that my class teacher started to call me GANG-LEADER. What else? My life is a mess. my BFF, Aarushi is ditching me. For a guy! She denies that she doesn't like him but the whole class knows that they like each other. Why does she pretend that she doesn't like a guy to her best friend. But to tell the truth, she treats me like a pet. And she boring. she doesn't know that but it's true. When ever I'm with her, she makes me sleepy. The only reason I'm with her is because she was so sad last year after her old BFF left the school. I felt bad for her and now she is taking advantage of me. I just want to scream at her face!! She is so weird. And over the top possessive. I asked her to sit with me at lunch, she said no. Then I invited another friend to sit with me and she got up for a second to talk to the teacher and at that time Aarushi threw Nakshatra's things on the floor and she sat next to me! What is going on! She never tells me anything about her life. That guy she likes, Abhiraaj, is actually my sworn enemy. I hate him to the core! I like his friends, Siddharth, Sashwath and Akhil though. I sure do have a lot of friends. That's because my biggest fear is to be alone. I hate that. Okay, Prologue over.