
Chapter One

The thudding noise of thunder was terrible. It made me shiver and know this was not my day. My boyfriend, Fabio, had been in New York all this time waiting for me to come back from my meeting in Venezuela and his texts, unexpectedly said "I miss you". Knowing he couldn't come out to the fresh autumn air I knew he'd die from the surprise he was going to get.

I smiled to the taxi driver and said, "Thanks. I will pay he bill online."

And I got out the luxurious black mercedes.

Under my black long FASHION NOVA coat I had nothing. But my bra and my pants. My bra was so thin that my boobs were visible and so were my knickers that it looked like I wasn't wearing any.

I brought my keys out and took the elevator to the private, luxurious room where my boyfriend waited for me. Drunk guests staggered around the halls with Vodka bottles in their hands. Some made out naked in the halls and I felt my undigested Pasta Bologna with wine in my mouth. I brought my gold key and turned it in the lock. As I did this I heard gasping. The Gasping that I did when me and Fabio had safe sex.

I opened the door. I couldn't not believe my eyes...