
Chapter 3 A New Life?

Lynn stared at her reflection in shock.

Why did she look so different?

Normally, Lynn had brown shoulder length hair, and brown eyes. She was 5'9, and was 27. Her body was also rather muscular. Her hands had calluses after using so many different weapons. Her skin wasn't dark, but it wasn't pale ether. She also had a scar on the right side of her face that ran from her eye to her chin.

But now, she had raven black hair that almost went past her waist. Her eyes were now a stormy gray that seemed to change color depending on the light. She also seemed to have shrunk into the body of a 12 year old. She was skinny, like, royalty skinny. Her skin was pale, and her skin felt smooth. Everything about this person was perfect. From the body to the face, and clothes. She had also lost a lot of muscle.

Lynn frowned and touched her cheek, seeing if what she saw was real or not. The girls reflection moved with Lynn's movement.

What the hell? How did I end up here? And in a twelve year olds body.

Lynn groaned.

I have no idea what happened... this never happened before! In the past, I always woke up back when I was in the slave house! What was different this time around?

Lynn started to bite her finger nails, pacing in front of the mirror. In all of the times she had been revived, she had never experienced this. Everytime she was reborn, she was in the slave house, where she spent most of her childhood. She would wake up in her fourteen year old self, in bed, with her friends. Or, the people who kept betraying her, despite how many times she's revived and tried to change their minds.

Fuck! What went wrong? What happened this time that was different than the others?

Lynn sighed, putting her hands down to her side. She took a moment to stare at her reflection again. The face of her new body stared back.

I guess I have to play the part. I'll play my part as this person, and try to find out what happened.

Lynn took a moment to straighten her back, trying to look her part. Based on the way the room looked, and the night gown she was wearing, this person was royalty, or at least, someone rich.

What did that boy say what my name was again? Suyin? Yeah, I think that's it...

Lynn groaned.

"Okay, Lynn... you're name is Suyin now. Forget about everything else that happened in your past lives. Focus on the task at hand." She muttered to herself

She took a deep breath, to calm her nerves.

"You can do this... it's nothing different from before. Just that... you're in a different body and environment...."

Lynn took one last deep breath. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach, but she pushed the feeling down.

Stay calm, and follow along with the others. See how they act, and act the way they do. No one will be suspicious that way...

Lynn combed her fingers through her hair, before finally gathering up the courage to push open the huge bedroom doors to start her day as Suyin.