
My Nemesis Rising

In a world ravaged by catastrophic events and teetering on the brink of annihilation, humanity receives an unexpected gift—or curse—in the form of the enigmatic Mindscape. Created by the mysterious Tel-nu, this virtual reality system transforms life as we know it, halting aging, eradicating disease, and providing a new form of existence. Amidst this transformation, the protagonist, Delson Snow, finds himself entangled in a web of survival, debt, and unforeseen power. Delson, a man who should have been another casualty in this harsh new world, stumbles upon an OmniCrystal, triggering a sequence of events that integrates him with the Mindscape. As he navigates through this digital realm, he discovers new abilities and faces challenges that test his resilience and wit. The story delves into Delson's struggle with a past filled with hardship and a future brimming with potential—and danger. My Nemesis Rising is not just a tale of survival but a journey through a richly reimagined post-apocalyptic world where technology and magic blur. With society rebuilding in the shadow of the old world’s collapse, Delson must confront his inner demons, adapt to the new societal norms, and rise above his circumstances. This narrative explores themes of resilience, transformation, and the quest for identity in a reality where the rules of life and death have been rewritten.

Snow_Van_Hofften · Fantasía
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12 Chs

The System Attached?

"Welcome to the mindscape. I am Tel-nu. The developer of this technology. This is a worldwide metaverse for the evolution and ascension of humanity. The Mindscape tutorial will now begin."

Delson was confused. [What is this? Am I sleeping? Did someone drug me?]

*System Download Initiated*

*System Download Completed*

*System Installation Initiated*

*System Installation Completed*

*System Online*

*System Integration with Host Initiated*

*System Integration with Host Completed*

*System Host Cohesion Scan Initiated*

*System Host Cohesion Scan Completed*

*System Host Cohesion Scan Results*

*Cohesion above expected parameters*

*Host and System appear to have merged perfectly and synced into a new species*

*Start-up Completed*

*System Automator Initiated*

*System Automator Running*


Name: Delson Snow

Race: Deviant

Next Evolution: 🔒 Hidden 🔒


Level: 1

HP: 138/150

MP: 10/10


Str: 10

Dex: 15

Con: 11

Int: 10

Wis: 10

Cha: 14


Skills: None

Abilities Active: None

Abilities Passive: 🔒 Hidden 🔒



1. Complete tutorial.

Reward: 🔒



Delson looked at the information in front of his eyes and still couldn't make heads of tails of it. [This has to be some kind of messed up dream I am having, right? There is no way this could happen in real life. ] Delson tried looking around himself only to find he was suspended in some void, nothing around him, but blackness. [Well, this is weird. If only there was something here, I could at least walk around] Delson thought. [If this is a dream, then perhaps if I think about my room, it'll materialize here?] Suddenly, Delson found himself in his room. [Ahhh, that is better]


*Quest: Complete Tutorial Has Been Updated*

*Quest: Complete Tutorial Has Been Completed By 12%*

*System Announcement: You are the first to accomplish this achievement.*

*System Achievement: Create Something in The Mindscape.*

*Reward pending approval: Yes or No?*

Delson was confused. [Reward pending approval? Hmmm... Why wouldn't I say yes? Yes, I approve the reward.]

*Reward Approval: Yes Selected*

*Reward Chest Available: Bronze Chest, Allocation points or Challenge to receive both? Pending approval*

[Another no-brainer. Bring on the challenge you fool!]

Suddenly, a creature appeared in front of Delson. It was a little green quadripedal monster. Each of its 4 legs ended in a 3 clawed foot like that of an avian creature. The legs joined at an almost disk like body covered in sharp, pointy quills. There were 8 beety little black eyes like you would see on an arachnid. Something was oozing from the belly of the creature.

<click click click>

The creature's hind legs suddenly swatted down, and the forelegs extended, revealing the belly of the creature and its mouth. The oozing liquid turned out to be its stomach, which suddenly launched at Delsons face. Delson dived to the side, barely dodging the flying stomach as it lurched past. [Disgusting! I need a weapon fast. But what kind?] Delson kicked his coffee table into the creature, which let out a bunch more clicking sounds, and tumbled onto its side. 2 of the 4 legs bent in funny angles. [ Well, that worked well. If only I had a big hammer like Mjolnir, I could squash this disgusting cretin.] As soon as the thought crossed his mind, Delson's right arm was taken straight to the floor. When Delson looked at his hand, he found himself holding the handle of Mjolnir. [What?!? I was joking. I can't use this!] Suddenly, the stomach lashed out again. Striking Delson's left shoulder with a glancing blow. [Fucking bug. Just die already.]

The creature fell limp on the floor. Dead. Instantly. Delson's eyes went wide. [What in the actual fuck? I could have just done that the whole time?]


*System Announcement: Unique Skill Unlocked. 'Thought of Death.'*

*Unique skill is a skill only you can use.*

*Thought of Death: Once a day, you can instantly kill an enemy with a mere thought. Enemy must be weaker or equal to your strength. Enemy must have ill intentions towards you. Enemy MUST HAVE initiated the fight.*

[What an op skill with an instant nerf. WTF system, whose side are you on?]

- I am neutral -