...You turn and see a man like no other, his black hair falls perfectly in place and his piercing blue eyes meet yours. Every muscle in his body sings in perfect harmony as he moves. ...He gives you a cocky smile and slowly removes his shirt. You knew that the man before you was well built but this is a ridiculously, breath-stealing, indefinable masterpiece sitting in front of you. You're trying to regain some sort of respectability around him but you can't control the flush shifting inside the very foundation of your being. You swallow visibly. He sees your blush shining like a beacon for all to see. His cocky smile returns on his face and he knows what he's doing to you... ....You open the door and the smell of the ocean fills your senses. You feel the wind through your hair and the unmistakable stickiness that comes with the sea air. You walk on the deck to the side of the ship. The moonlight is playing on the dark ocean in front of you. It's a warm summer night. You hear the waves crashing against the ship. You take a deep breath of the fresh ocean air. You stare at the ocean and an unfamiliar calmness comes over you. You feel for the first time that you have to be here, that this is where you belong. You've always wondered if you made the right choice and this feeling right here confirms what you've been thinking all this time. This is your home now....
You're living in a small town called Maysville. You've been living there your entire life until you went off to college. You did your degree and now you're a certified surgeon. You've decided that the big city isn't for you and wanted to have a fresh start in life. You've signed up to be a doctor with the Navy Seals and you're deploying next week. You decided to spend your last two days with your family and your hometown boyfriend.
You took the train home. The roads to your hometown are close to hazardous territory but then again, you should probably get used to having danger in your life. Your mom meets you at the station.
"Honey! Honey! Over here!!" Your mom is on the platform waving at you. You jump out of the train and you both start running to each other. You and your mother are like best friends. You talk until late at night and discuss everything.
"Mom, I've missed you so much!"
"Me too honey, me too!" You hug each other and walk to the truck.
"Where's dad and Angie?"
"Oh, honey, you know your father always busy on the ranch and your sister following his every footstep. We'll meet them at home"
You and your sister have been different from the very beginning. You liked the finer things in life and she always just wanted to grow old on the ranch and take its legacy to the next generation. You ride down the all so familiar road. How many times you've driven this road late at night together with your friends and now, now you're leaving this all behind.
"Honey, you're so quiet, what's going on in that mind of yours?"
"Oh, nothing much. It's just I'm definitely going to miss this place" Your mother approves of you leaving for the Navy Seals and understands where your heart is at.
"There's just no place like home"
"That's true...Ah, here's Angie"
Angie rides on her favorite horse and waves at you. "Hey! I'll meet you at the house, I'll tell dad you're here" She rides off and you stop at the house.
You take your luggage to your old room. Everything is still the same nothing has changed. You pack your things away. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.
"Honey, you descent?"
"Yes, come in, dad"
"Look at my baby girl all grown up and ready to go to the Navy Seals? Are you sure you what to do this?"
"Not again dad...come on. You know I want to do this for me but I'll always stay your baby girl..." You hug each other and walk downstairs. Everyone waits in the living room.
"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in!!" Angie runs to give you a tight hug. Her hugs have always been a bit tighter than that of an ordinary girl-grip but you don't want it any other way and you're drinking in every moment. You want to remember everything because once you're over there, you won't be seeing them for another two years.
"I'm going to miss this" Everyone comes in for a hug and you all laugh, squeezing each other.
Your mom wipe away her tears "Now let's stop with all the sappy stuff and let's have some homemade milk tart? Who's game?" You all shout as one and move to the kitchen.
Angie grabs your arm and let you walk next to her "You're in for tonight?"
"Tonight? We going somewhere?"
"Hell yeah! We're celebrating your last day with us at the pub and of course, John will be there.."
"John will be there?"
"Yeah, you want him to be there right?"
"Yeah, it's just going to be horrible to say bye to your boyfriend of ten years, that's all"
"I know I'm sorry...Do you want to cancel?"
"No, I should probably face it but thanks for thinking of me, nonetheless" You sit around the table and chat till late. Then you get ready for the party at the pub.
"I'm ready! Tell me you're ready.... let's go already!" You shout at Angie from your room. "I'm coming! I'm ready, let's go"
You get into the truck and go to the local hang out, Crawlies. You walk through the doors and you try to take in every smell and every sound, to not forget a single thing. You find the first table and take a seat. You enjoy the company and everyone laughs and cheers to your departure.
Then you look at the door and see John, your boyfriend, for over ten years. He walks over to your table and you give him a big hug. You hug him tight and you don't let go, he doesn't let you go either.
"I'm going to miss you so damn much. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"We've talked about that, John. We've agreed not to talk about it anymore, we'll only fight"
You pull apart and see tears in his eyes. Your heart breaks into a thousand pieces but you know that you have to do it. You have to do it for yourself. Your parents always taught you to be part of the solution and this is the solution to help the men defending your country, your hometown, your people.
"Then let's get a drink and celebrate the beauty that stands before me"
"Aaahhhh baby, I love you so much!...and you know, long-distance will work for us, right?
"Of course it will, of course, it will..."
You both don't say the unspoken words that hang heavily in the air. "Long-distance doesn't work". You walk back to the table hand in hand and enjoy the rest of the night. You're about to leave and then you turn to John.
"I don't want you to come..."
"I don't understand, you don't want me to come? Where?"
"Tomorrow, to the train, when I leave. I wouldn't leave when you're there. I won't get on that train...I just won't"
You feel the tears falling down your cheeks as you imagine leaving your hometown, leaving John...
"Okay, baby, don't cry, I won't come but you must know that I'll miss the damn out of you"
You embrace each other and kiss passionately and you know this is the last time you'll be feeling his embrace and love. He's been your rock and safety, and now you're leaving him. You turn around crying and disappear into the night. The next morning you sit on the train with your family standing on the platform waving. The train rides off and you get lost in your mind. You cry and cry for, it seems like hours until you decide that...that was enough mourning and you should get a grip.
You wipe away the tears. You're ready to take on the world. Then you arrive at the ship that you'll be working on for a while and then you'll be taken to the base. You stand around trying to see where you should go.
A woman appears out of the crowd and walks straight to you "Hello"
"Oh, hi"
"Are you Dr. Kim McPherson?"
"Yes! How did you know?"
"Oh, it's my job to know who you are and welcome the new doctors. I'm Dr. Nita Naidoo, please to meet you"
"Same here. Thank god for you, I didn't know where to go..."
"It's not a problem at all. Is that your luggage?"
"Yes...is it too much?"
"Nothing is too much for us doctors" You laugh together. You then reach for luggage but she grabs your arm.
"Oh no, no, no...not on your first day...Nick!!"
"Please come and help us with the luggage? You know us doctors have fragile hands..."
You turn and see a man like no other, his black hair falls perfectly in place and his piercing blue eyes meet yours. Every muscle in his body sings in perfect harmony as he moves. He smiles at you with his perfect chiseled jaw and you feel some form of excitement burning inside you. You open your lips slightly to relieve the fascination built up inside your every fiber. He comes closer and his scent ignites the blood rushing through your veins.
"Of course you do. I'm Nick Roberts, please to meet you and you are?"
He sticks out his hand for a handshake. You shake and he holds your hand for a moment too long, staring into your eyes. You feel his rough and muscled, yet gentle hand holding yours, something stirs in you.
"Please to meet you too, Nick. I'm Kim McPherson..."