
The Rock


He just reported back to the Admiral about the danger they're in and then decided to take a walk and clear his head but then he saw the beauty that he's gotten used to seeing almost every day. You're sitting on a rock with your long, wet hair blowing in the wind. The red dress is showing your silky long legs off. He tries to turn around but he's drawn to you because your splendor is pulling him in. He knows he shouldn't get any closer but before he could stop himself, he's standing next to you.


He doesn't know what he's doing here but the knows that there's nowhere else he wants to be. He feels nervous and anxious. He's palms start to sweat and he can't believe his feeling so out of control around you.


You're staring over the still water just thinking about how peaceful it is around you. You feel so fulfilled and complete. You feel the wind softly blowing your dress over your legs and your heart is happy. You jump as you hear his voice next to you but then the feeling is quickly replaced by enjoyment. He brings a feeling of wholeness when he's around you and you know you want to be around him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry….I'm not supposed to be here…"

He turns around and starts to walk back. You feel the warmth leaving your side. You want more of him.


He turns around and looks into your eyes with intense passion.


"I'm glad you're back..."

He smiles at you. "Me too….me too…"

He turns around and then disappears behind the trees. You know now that you're even more in danger than you thought. He has a strong hold on you.


(Oh god! I just made a big fool of myself. Why did I go there? She's messing with my mind….and I love it?)

He knows he can't be with you but he also knows that he can't be without you. He walks back to the camp and then suddenly he feels very protective over you. He knows what danger lies just a few miles from camp and he won't be very happy if something should happen to you. He stops dead in his track and turns around back to you.

He clears the bushes and then searches for the rock you once sat on but his eyes can't find you. He starts to look left and right but he can't seem to find you. He's heartbeat increases rapidly.

(Fuck! Where are you? Kim! Don't do this to me! If something should…should happen to you…god!)

He knows there's only one way back to camp and that's the way he came from. Different scenarios start running through his head. He starts to strategically work out in his mind, how the enemy could have gotten to you without him noticing it. He starts looking for tracks and then fear overtakes him that he might find your body in the bushes and they're starting to take out the camp, one by one.

(God no!)

Then he sees something moving in the bushes. His heart starts to race like it always does when gets ready for battle. He moves into a position to attack whatever emerges from those bushes. Then he gets a glimpse…


Nick has such a strong hold on you. You try and get him out of your head. You're enjoying the peace that the wind brings and then decide to go back to the camp. You decide to just keep your distance from Nick. You start to walk back but then nature calls and you find a place to tinkle. You see a nice bushy area not far from the rock you just sat on. You make your way through the bushes and find the right place.

You do your business and then you hear something moving in the distance. You quickly finish and go to investigate. You move slowly towards the moving bush. You part the bush and you jump back.


It's a beautiful little white bunny. You move closer to try and pat him but you know that, that would be impossible to do. Just as you get close enough to the bunny, hit hops away. You shrug and then start making our way back to the ocean.


Nick grabs the person coming out of the bushes into the death grip and you fall to the ground.


Nick looks bewildered and sees it's you he's pining down on the ground. He quickly stands and helps you up.

"God! I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry!"

He dusts you off and then put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I'm a bit shaken up but I'm a bit shaken up but I'm okay. What were you thinking I'm going to do to you?"

"I didn't know it was you, I thought it was….nevermind, I'm just so very sorry. Are you sure I didn't hurt you?"

He's immediately filled with concern and immense embarrassment. He came over to see if you're safe and now he caused you to maybe get hurt. He tries to console you but the situation stays awkward.


"It's okay, but who did you think it would be for you to feel that you had to-"

Suddenly it dawns on you that you might not be safe on the island. You've been so busy enjoying the ocean being so peaceful, that you never thought there could be a dangerous island. You move your hand over your mouth.

"Nick…are we in danger?"

He looks down to the ground and starts to play with his foot in the sand.

"I can't really discuss anything with you. All I can say is, please stay close to the camp, please…please don't wander off alone"

"Of course…of course, I will"

"Thank you…"

"I uhm….was going back, are you going back?"

"I think I should and make sure you're okay getting there…"

You both start to walk back to the camp. You can feel the attraction between you. The atmosphere is so thick that you can feel it pulling you closer to each other. Your heart starts to race and you know, you better break this atmosphere fast.

"So…Nick, I know so little about you…"

"Oh, I beg to differ, you know much more than most-….I mean, what would you like to know, Dr. McPherson?"

"Okay, well…tell me a bit about your family?"

He clears his throat and then swallows hard. It's clear that this is a hard question for him. He looks at you and a hint of pain plays in his eyes.

"Well, my mom and dad both still working in the hardware shop. They're both healthy and happy"

"Any brothers? Or sisters?"

He looks at the ocean, trying to right find the words.

"Uhm…no, I'm the only child…"

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