
Messed Up


As I get into the cab I look out of the window as Lucy is still standing on the porch looking at me. It looks like she has been smacked through the face with a dead fish. I think I have now forever ruined any chances that I might be a Captain of a Navy ship again.

If we do not find solid evidence that her dad has cheated the system then they get scot-free away from what they did to Amy. I tell the cab driver to take me to Amy's house. I hope that I will find her there and that she would be willing to speak to me. I know she said that she needed some time but I do need to clear the air.

As we arrive in the driveway, I ask the cab driver to wait for me. I do not know what is waiting for me on the other side of the door. I walk up to the house and it's almost just as big as Lucy's house. The only difference is I feel completely different about this house.