
The Witness

Zev kept reading the journal. He wanted to know why the person who owned the diary knew about the spear. It was the last time he was nervous before his brother Zera died.

"That night, when strange creatures called "weredragons" attacked Princess Luisa, we moved quickly to save her. We faced these monsters with our king and princess Luisa's husband, Prince Erjon. It surprised us that all of Prince Erjon's friends turned out to be like the monsters we were about to fight. It scared us when we saw them, but Prince Erjon turned to us. What he said is still on my mind. "Don't be afraid. Those monsters are not like us. In front of the king and Princess Luisa, we swore to protect and watch over Rivendell. We're on your side and will do everything we can to ensure your safety." Prince Erjon said the same thing and kept his promise. They fought those monsters to save our princess."