

Lisa's Pov

We're done cooking. I go to my room to take a bath because I was sweating when i was cooking. My wounds were cleaned and mom said it was almost healed. Mom Rita left me because she said she was going to do something downstairs. I'm bored when I'm alone. I'll go down again. I want to talk to mom or i'll help her.

I went down to look for mom, the house was so big and I couldn't find her. I sat in the living room and turned on the tv. I was serious watching when the door opened. Oh! It's just BTS. I returned my attention to the tv.

"No! We being are ignored. I feel rejected huhuhu." Jhope cried jokingly.

"Are you seriously watching that? Seriously Lisa, spongebob really?" said Suga.

"Of course why not. Spongebob is cute." I said. Mom came out of the kitchen to call us to eat.

"Come and eat. Baby Lisa you left your cellphone on the table." mom said.

"Oh that's right. I've been looking for that." I said.

"Baby Lisa? Mom?" BTS said in unison.

"Manang Rita, do you have favoritism? You don't call us your son. But why did you call her baby Lisa. Huhuhu" V said as he cried. Yeah he only pretending. Crying with no tears.

"You are all my children. Dont act like you didnt know. Of course Lisa is different. You know, I have always wanted to have a baby girl." mom explained.

"Of course we knew. We just make fun of you 2. You're like mother to all of us, especially me." Jk said and he put his arm on mom shoulder.

"Your all bad children. Just eat, maybe your all hungry. Just sit down will you."

We're all ready seated. I want to help her preparing our food but she stopped me. When shes done serving the food everyone dig in. Everyone enjoyed the food. Mom just watched us eating when Jimin speak.

"Manang your cooking is better than the last time." Jimin said.

"Yes indeed" Bts said in unison.

"Manang your cooking seems change. Its like you didn't cook it." Jk said. Mom laughed. I'm a bit embarrassed. I smiled because he said that the food was good.

"I didn't cook it, but Lisa did. She cooked the Kare kare and Menudo. Hahaha! I thought you'll never notice it because you devoured everything on your plate." mom laughed.

"Wow Lisa you know how to cook? The food was delicious." Jk said. I just smiled at him. I'm glad they liked the food and I smiled at Jk.

"I just want to thank you all for the things you've done for me. Im in debt to all of you." I said.

"Dont mind it Lisa. You dont owe us anything. Remember Lisa that you are our friend." Jin said.

"You're really different Lisa from the other girls. It's kind and beautiful inside and out. And also your a good cook. You can marry anytime, right Jk." V said. Then all of Jk's friends teasing him. I looked at Jk and he was staring at me. I looked down. I am shy of what was V said.

"You are all naughty. Dont tease them because Lisa might get shy. Dont tease Jk. He might end up doing it. Hahaha!" Mom tease us too. Literally my cheeks becomes red.

"Dont joke around Lisa might be uncomfortable with that. Look at her flushed cheeks." Jk said.

"Oh wow! You're having lunch. Gosh im hungry. Rita prepare some plate for me. Is there any other food? It smell bad. Can you get me some steak? Wait who are you? Get out of my seat." I stared at her. Who is she?

"Oh here we go again." Jimin said.