
A fight with Jade

Lisa's Pov

I volunteer that i should the one to get some snacks so that I can also take some medicine too. I left them in the gaming room. As I was going down, I heard a loud noise. I quickly run off and went to the dining room where we left Manang Rita and Jade. My eyes were darkened by what I saw.

Jade slapped Mom (Manang Rita) and she was going to hit Mom with her bag. I quickly grabbed Jade's bag so that it cant hurt mom.

"What is your problem? Why do you need yo hurt Mom!" i yell at her.

"So she' your mother? She is so stupid. She spilled out with rotten food in my dress.. Do you know how much it is? This is so expensive!" the brat yell.

I lost my temper and i slap her.

"You're a fool. Did she he meant it? You're insane? Why do you have to hurt this old lady because of your clothes? No wonder why jungkook and his friends didnt like you at all. Its because of bad your attitude. You're ugly inside and out." Actually shes pretty but not her attitude.

"How dare you say that to me. You dont know me. Do you know who are my parents? Their so powerful, so if i were you just shut up. You slapped me. And i will tell my parents about this. Just wait and see." the brat said.

"I will do what ever i want to do with you. Yeah i dont know who your parents are and so what. Its not right to hurt someone because you only want to." i said.

I turned around to look at mom. I noticed that her both cheeks were swollen. I'm so angry at this girl. She had no respect in elderly.

I just ignored her. I was about to take some ice to relieve Manang Rita's red cheek but something hit my head. Jade threw her bag at me.

"You're not going to stop, aren't you? Don't look for a fight if you won't be able to handle it". I said.

"I don't care. I'll do whatever I want." she said. She came up to me and pulled my hair.

"Ouch! What the hell! Stop!" I screamed..

"That's what you get. You actually have a nerve to fight against me!" Jade yelled.

"Stop it!. Stop it please." Mom pleaded.

It hurts so much but I can bear it. I found a way to hold her hand. I tried to hold her tight until she let go of my hair. She was holding her hand because of the pain. I made sure she would let go of my hair because of the pain when i held her. I found a knife and pointed at her.

"Try to come closer and I wouldn't hesitate to hurt you. I warned you. I told you to stop but didn't. Come closer and you'll got what your looking for." I dare her.

"Thats enough dear, let go of the knife." mom said.

"Get out! Before i could do anything to you. Get out!" I shouted.

"What's going on here?" Jk asked. Jade approach Jk and cling in Jk's arm and started to plead.

Great! Will he believe her?