
Dominating dad

( Hello my lovely author heer this chapter is dedicated to you ??

and you all silent reader i want to suggest that please drop this book from reading if you are not able to respond. i am not asking you for any coins and all i just want your comment is it that big for you?

you yes i am talking to you don't look hear and there this chapter is not for you all, if you dont have time for comment then leave.don't you dare to read it. ??)

After half an hour he called his driver and they drove to walter mansion.

In the Walter's mansion everyone gathered at the dining table.

Everett entered and after removing his black shiny leather shoes and washing his hand he greets his parents. His mother lucy served him food and then

"Eve tomorrow you are going to London college of fashion, as a chairman of the college i am invited but tomorrow i have an important client meeting out of the town so you are going in place of mine". his father alex walter announced.