
My Multi Billionaire Grandfather.

Those are divorce papers you should sign them right away and leave, those words were said by Allison May who was married to Chuck Wallen. Their marriage was arranged by Allison's grandfather when he was still alive but ever since he died Allison has been looking forward to divorce him and with the help of her new found boyfriend, he managed to get the documents signed by judge and upon tossing the document to Chuck, he told him to sign and leave their house. Chuck was later rescued by his unknown grandfather who was filthy rich.

Paul_Greens · Real
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27 Chs

The Training Begins

It didn't took long for them to get home, and when they did, Chuck as usual went straight to his son's room to check on him before going to his grandfather's room to tell him what had happened as well as checking up on his old man. Once Chuck was sure that his son was ok, he left him playing will his toys and went to his grandfather's room.

Upon seeing his grandson safe and sound, Mr. Miller was relieved even though he knew that no one was capable of harming Chuck in the presence of his bodyguards. However, he was still worried for his grandson.

Chuck explained everything to his grand father then thanked the old man for sending his best fighters to rescue him. It's ok my child said the old man, they are here to make sure everyone's safety is not at risk so they were just performing their duties.

How was your dinner with Sandra before you got interrupted? asked the old man, hope they didn't ruin your date did they? It went on well grandpa even though we were interrupted, I managed to win Sandra's heart before Louis and Allison showed up. Congratulations my child, I wish you all the best with Sandra, and hope you will treat the lady well. Thanks grandpa be rest assured I will treat her well.

Tomorrow you will begin your physical training are you ready my child? asked grandpa. Yes grandpa am very ready, I will start early in the morning then later in the afternoon I will go to check on Sandra the attackers might decide to get to her once they realize that am not around. That's good, you can talk to the bodyguards and set the time with them, I will he responded to his old man then he left the room to allow his old man to sleep, since it was already late at night.

Before going to his room, Chuck went to the bodyguards and informed then about his plans for the following day, then he told them the appropriate time that he was to be ready to start the training and once he was done with them, he released them and went upstairs to his room, took shower and then he went straight to his bed. However, Before sleeping, he picked his phone and dialed Sandra's phone number and before long, the call was connected.

Hello Chuck boo, Said sandra. Hello too Sandra, I thought you are asleep? asked Chuck. How could i have slept without hearing from you. she asked, did you arrive home safely? Yes even though we were attacked on the way but thanks to my grandfather's bodyguards they managed to get to us on time and took control of the situation. Said Chuck. Are you ok? asked Sandra who was so frightened upon hearing that Chuck was attacked on their way back home. Chuck assured her that he was ok and that he wasn't hurt. As for who attacked us, it was Louis and his goons who are now all dead except for Louis and Allison, but am sure they will not dare try that again.

He then reminded Sandra that he was going to be late to work the following day. However, don't worry I will be in the office before you even knows it. How can I not know you aren't there Chuck boo? She asked, i miss you already, I miss you too Sandra.

After talking for about thirty minutes on the phone, they wished each other a good night then the call was disconnected. How lucky am I to have Sandra as my girlfriend? Chuck thought at the back of his mind then he got himself smiling.

Early in the morning the following day, Chuck woke up, freshened up and then he left the room. when he got downstairs, the bodyguards were already there waiting for him, he greeted them and then followed them to the basement of the villa, chuck was shocked when they got to the basement he didn't even knew that the villa had a basement which was fully equipped with training equipment. It was a very well equipped gymnasium. As soon as they got to the gym, they had no time to waste so they started immediately.

The training was going on well, Chuck was already physically fit because he used to go for the morning jogging when he was living at Allison's place so to him running was not an issue which was an advantage to him because the training required some exercise to begin with. They kept on training until it was 10 o'clock in the morning that's when the bodyguard allowed chuck to take a few minutes break, then they handed him a bottle of cold water which really helped his sweaty body and smothering his dry throat.

After talking a bottle of water and relaxing his body for few minutes, Chuck was ready for the second round. They continued with the training and luckily for him, he had managed to master some few moves, if he was to be placed with a low level fighter, he can manage to defend himself or even defeating his opponent, the training was doing him really good even though he was getting really tired.

They kept on training until it was time to evaluate what he had learne. One of the bodyguards Charged towards him and upon reaching his position, he started throwing punches to him. Chuck managed to block the punches and even throwing few onto the bodyguard and knocking him few times.

They trained until it was around 1:30pm when Chuck told the bodyguards that the training would have to continue the following day since he had to go have his lunch and later on go to the office. The bodyguards went to their room which was in the servants quarters to shower while Chuck on the other hand went back to the villa. He was so hungry but before going to the dining room to have his meal, he went to check on his son first then his grandfather and later he went to the dining room.

After he was done with his meal, He went to his room, took shower, then left the room when he was done. In the dining room, his grandfather was having his meal together with Nick. He waved both of them a goodbye then he left heading to the parking garage where the driver and two bodyguards were waiting for him.

He got into the car and immediately they left the premises, on the way to the office, Chuck instructed the driver to drive to one of the restaurant that he needed to buy packed lunch for Sandra. He bought the food and then got back to the car and they drove way.