
My Multi Billionaire Grandfather.

Those are divorce papers you should sign them right away and leave, those words were said by Allison May who was married to Chuck Wallen. Their marriage was arranged by Allison's grandfather when he was still alive but ever since he died Allison has been looking forward to divorce him and with the help of her new found boyfriend, he managed to get the documents signed by judge and upon tossing the document to Chuck, he told him to sign and leave their house. Chuck was later rescued by his unknown grandfather who was filthy rich.

Paul_Greens · Real
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27 Chs

Riding On A Bentley Bentayga

Early in the morning the following day, Chuck woke up, and before going downstairs to have his breakfast, he went to his son's room to check on him.

The boy was still asleep so Chuck went back to his room, on the bed, he placed few pairs of suits that he bought earlier and pairs of shirts. He wanted to look smart on that day than the other days, so he had a hard time choosing on which suit to wear on that day.

He then settled on one pair of suit, shirt and a tie before going downstairs to have his breakfast. Upon reaching in the dining room, his old man was already settled down having his own breakfast.

They both greeted each other morning greetings then Chuck settled down, poured himself a cup of coffee, served some snacks and he started dishing his breakfast.

It didn't take the old man long to finish his own and upon finishing, he left the dining room and went upstairs to get ready for work. Chuck on the other hand was not yet done so he was still on the dining table and it didn't took him long to finish and vanished to his room.

After about half and hour, Chuck was already done he looked himself on the mirror and he was satisfied with his look, indeed cloths makes a man as the saying goes, and if looks could kill, Chuck could kill anyone who saw how handsome the young man was on that day.

On the bed, there was a small box written Nautica Blue Eau De Toilette it was an expensive cologne for men, he applied on his suit then he left the room.

Upon reaching downstairs, the old man was still in his room so Chuck knew that he wasn't done and he settled himself in the living room to wait for his grandfather.

It didn't take the old man long to get done and left his room, when he saw Chuck, he complemented him for his handsomeness and on his suit then they left to the parking garage where the driver and the bodyguards were waiting for them.

It was when Chuck noticed that the bodyguards were standing beside a different motor vehicle which was parked next to the Rolls Royce. They were going to ride on a Bentley Bentayga S which was also one of his grandfather's favorite car.

The motor vehicle was so eye catching with its alluaring interior and it was also as comfy as the Rolls Royce.

One of the bodyguards rode with them while the other three followed in a Mercedes Maybach. his grandfather was really a rich man he hard more than five different and luxurious cars.

It took them not more than an hour to reach to their destination and the driver parked right beside the elevator, the bodyguard got out first, opened the car door for the old man and as he was about to go round to open the door for Chuck, the young man had already opened the door and was already getting out of the car.

They took the elevator to the 105th floor and upon reaching, Sandra was already in the office, she looked so beautiful in her black short dress which was fitting her curvaceous figure perfectly and was on her 2 inches high heels, In Chucks eyes, she was a goddess, Chuck couldn't help but admire here more.

In the back of his mind, he was comparing her to Allison Although Allison was beautiful and curvaceous, the woman standing in front of them was way more beautiful than Allison.

He kept on staring at the beautiful young woman to a point his grandfather noticed and asked Chuck, my child you really like Sandra don't you?

Upon hearing his old man's question, Chuck couldn't help but admit to his old man that indeed he liked Sandra.

At you age its understandable you should ask her out one of this days said the old man, grandpa? I don't think she will agree to that, what makes you think she will not? asked the old man, then he told Chuck to try and who knows she might be waiting for that.

As Chuck and grandpa were chatting about Sandra, Sandra was also staring at the young man who was so handsome on his suit which was fitting him very well protruding his muscular arms. This guy is so handsome i wish to have him as my husband Sandra murmured at the back of her mind then she got back to reality when the old man greeted her.

The old man then settled down on a couch as Chuck approached Sandra and sat next to her, Hello beautiful, Chuck said, you look so beautiful today what's the occasion Chuck asked? look who is talking, did you even look yourself up in the mirror, are you having a date after work or something, Sandra asked, then Chuck took the initiative to tease Sandra although he was teasing her, deep down his minds he wished Sandra would agree to go out on a date with him, Yes am going on date after work although I don't know if my date is confirmed, Sandra's heart skipped a bit upon hearing those words from Chuck.

And who is the luckiest woman to go out on a date with with a handsome man sitting beside me today? Sandra asked, I forgot to mention, her name is Sandra Hennessy, Sandra Hennessy? Sandra frowned upon hearing Chuck mention her name, then she turned to Chuck with a smile on her face and said, "I didn't know that I was to be your date today," now you know Chuck said. and with that, should I book a reservation? Sandra looked at Chuck with confusion and asked, "are you really serious that you want to take me out for a date today"?.

Yes am serious Miss Hennessy and with your permission, I will just book a reservation, can I go ahead? Chuck asked, if you insist said Sandra.

With that, Chuck removed his phone from his pocket, checked a number from the internet and then he made a call, he turned to Sandra and said, " it's a date, time 6Pm in the evening. Alright handsome.

They then settled down and Started working. It was not until 10pm when Sandra turned to Chuck and told him that it was tea time. she then took few documents to Mr. Miller which required his signature then they both left the office going to the cafeteria.

Upon reaching to the cafeteria, as usual, they were welcomed by the waitress and after being directed to their table, they were soon served with what Sandra had ordered for the both of them.

Back in the office, Mr. Miller was having a conversations with Mr. Smith regarding the afternoon meeting and upon reaching their agreement about the meeting, Mr. Smith stood up and left going back to his office.

Mr. Miller was left in his office having his coffee which was always served to him in his office. It didn't took long for Chuck and Sandra to finish their coffee back in the cafeteria and when their time was up, they stood up and went back to the office to continue with their remaining work before going to the meeting.