
My Multi Billionaire Grandfather.

Those are divorce papers you should sign them right away and leave, those words were said by Allison May who was married to Chuck Wallen. Their marriage was arranged by Allison's grandfather when he was still alive but ever since he died Allison has been looking forward to divorce him and with the help of her new found boyfriend, he managed to get the documents signed by judge and upon tossing the document to Chuck, he told him to sign and leave their house. Chuck was later rescued by his unknown grandfather who was filthy rich.

Paul_Greens · Real
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27 Chs

First Time In A Rolls Royce

Grandpa you requested me to join you in your room, Yes my child, what time will you be going to the mall for your shopping? I want to start training you on how to succeed me so I want you to start accompanying me to work as from tomorrow if that's fine with you, the sooner the better.

Since am just idol I can just go right away, said Chuck, alright tell Margaret to call one of the bodyguards in my room I will instruct him on what to do. With that, Chuck stepped out of the room and went downstairs. Without wasting time, the 2 bodyguards come to Chuck and told him that they were ready, Chuck nodded and followed then outside.

When they got to the parking garage, Chuck was shocked to see the many luxuries cars his grandfather owned. The bodyguards went straight to a Black Rolls Royce, opened the door for Chuck to get in and then they instructed the driver who was already sitting behind the wheel on where to go.

Chuck was so happy he had never even dreamt of being in a Rolls Royce before he kept staring on the roof of the Rolls which looked like the sky at the night.

As Chuck was lost in thoughts he didn't know that they had already reached to their destination. We are here sir, one of the bodyguards said as he jumped out and opened the door for Chuck to get out.

Chuck was not used to that kind of life so he was so grateful to the bodyguard. They went straight to the shopping mall leaving the driver to park and wait for them. The bodyguards directed Chuck to one of the most expensive store and as they walked inside, they were received by a very beautiful young lady who was the saleswoman. welcome she said. Chuck didn't know what to buy so he requested the saleswoman to assist him in choosing some few cloths and shoes and just like that the saleswoman assisted him and within no time, they were done.

He was very satisfied with the clothes and shoes that the woman had chosen for him then he turned to the lady and and asked, do you sell watches here, sure sir please give me few minutes.

In about 20 seconds, the lady returned holding a book on her hand which she handed to Chuck to choose as she went to get a glass of water. Here sir please have a glass of water. Chuck accepted the water and took it all without hesitation, Then he continued on turning the pages until he saw a picture that he liked, do you have this kind of watch? yes sir the lady replied.

It's the most expensive watch in the world it is said that there is only 300 of them and luckily we have one of them with us. Can I see it please? alright I will get it for you, the lady left and came back with a box with was written Graff Diamonds Hallucination on the side the price of the watch is 55 million Dollars sir.

Chuck opened the box and he was very satisfied with what he saw the watch was just exactly as it was on the picture.

The total amount was displayed on the computer screen and Chuck handed the bank card to the sales woman who took it to the cashier after paying, Chuck went out as the bodyguards took the shopping bags from his hands.

In the shopping bags, Chuck had bought few suits and few casual wares and shoes since he will be joining his grandfather to the office so he wanted to be decent and look like the only grandson of the presidents. When they got home, Chuck went to his room, he placed the shopping bags on the bed then went to his grandfathers room. His grandfather was happy to see him back. Are you done my child? that was fast he asked, yes am done thank you. From tomorrow you will accompany me to work I go to work 3 days per week then from there I want my personal bodyguard to train you on how to fight it's very important for you to learn some martial arts.

That's a good idea he thought then he looked at his grandpa and said that he will do whatever the old man wants him to do. Alright do you have a driver's license? yes I do grandpa, alright one of this days I will buy you a car that you like, think of any car that you want and I will buy it for you. Come to think of that my private detective told me that you have a son? Yes grandpa I have a son who is almost 3 years old now but he was left back with his mother.

Do you want to get your son to live with us or what's your plan with him? remember you are a Wallen and he is also a Wallen. Grandpa I would really want my son to come live with us. Alright don't worry leave that to me as for now just go downstairs and have something to eat. Ok what about you are you coming to have lunch with me or should I bring your lunch in your room? that's kind of you my child I will join you shortly as we discuss about your Child, what's his name again? ooh his name is Nick Wallen.