
My Multi Billionaire Grandfather.

Those are divorce papers you should sign them right away and leave, those words were said by Allison May who was married to Chuck Wallen. Their marriage was arranged by Allison's grandfather when he was still alive but ever since he died Allison has been looking forward to divorce him and with the help of her new found boyfriend, he managed to get the documents signed by judge and upon tossing the document to Chuck, he told him to sign and leave their house. Chuck was later rescued by his unknown grandfather who was filthy rich.

Paul_Greens · Real
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27 Chs

Can We Get Down To Business

The following day, Chuck woke up and as usual he went downstairs for breakfast. Then he went to his grandpa's room once he was done taking breakfast to check on him since they didn't have breakfast together, When he got to his old man's room, the old man was still sleeping he got so tired the other day so he wasn't up yet.

Chuck left the room without waking the old man and went back to his room to get ready. After a period of less than an hour, he was done with showering and after putting on his cloths, he went to the mirror to see how he looked then he got out of the room and went straight back to his old man's room.

Hello my child, you are ready for work already? yes grandpa, I can see you have just woken up? I got so tired yesterday and as you can see, am getting old day by day. Grandpa, you can just rest for today If it's ok with you I can just go by myself as you rest, last night I requested Sandra to send me the list of the things that we are to attend to today and with her help I believe I will be ok don't worry yourself too much grandpa.

In that case then you can go but don't work yourself too much and since we don't know if your enemy is still out there, tell two of the bodyguards to accompany you, you can take the driver with you since I don't think I will leave the compound today.

Alright grandpa take good care of yourself my child. Thanks I will and have a lovely day ahead grandpa see you in the afternoon. Chuck left his grandfather's room and went downstairs the four bodyguards were already waiting in the living room, when he got downstairs, he said to the bodyguards that he will only be going out with two bodyguards while the rest will be left at home to look after his old man. They then left and went straight to the garage and immediately left the compound.

Chuck was Lost in thoughts thinking about how his day will be without his grandfather to a point he didn't even notice that they didn't use the Rolls Royce instead they were driving in a Range Rover, only to look up on the roof and that's when he realized that there were in a different car.

He turned to the driver and asked, does my grandfather used different car to work every day? the driver nodded in agreement and told Chuck that his old man requested the driver to drive Chuck in Range Rover since the Rolls Royce was to be serviced that day.

After about thirty minutes, they reached the hospital premises and as usual Chuck was accompanied by the two bodyguards to the office.

When they got to the office, they saw Sandra who was already there doing her daily duties, Hello Sandra how was your night, Chuck greeted Sandra . Good morning sir, my night was calm how about yours? it was peaceful, please can you stop calling me sir and address me by my name? furthermore we are of the same age mates and I haven't even been made your boss, and even if I was your boss, I would like you to address me by my name we both know who the boss is.

Sandra was Shocked this young master doesn't want to be addressed as sir it seems that he is a humble man Sandra couldn't help but admire him more. Alright Chuck is that ok with you? she teased Chuck who smirked at her and then he settled down and told Sandra that the old man will not be reporting to work due to yesterday's work.

Sandra turned to Chuck and told him that she suspected that the old man was tired, he doesn't spend a lot of time in the office actually he sometimes comes and after not more than thirty minutes he lives the premises, I was even surprised yesterday that he worked until 3pm. Sandra said to Chuck.

Shall we get down to business, Sandra asked. Ok Sandra where shall we begin? She placed her to-do list on the table and without wasting another minute they began their first task.

They worked together while chatting and making fun of each other until it was tea break, Chuck, Mr. Miller requested me to take good care of you just as I always take good care of him so it's time for tea break. But Sandra am not even hungry neither am I tired furthermore it's fun working beside you. However, if you yourself you are hungry or tired, I can accompany you to the cafeteria.

Am not hungry but we must break and come back after thirty minutes, Sandra insisted.

Alright let's go then, he then turned to the bodyguards and requested them to accompany the two of them to have tea. They all went straight to the elevator and went down to the cafeteria. Tea and snacks was served to them then after they were done they went back to the office to continue where they had left. In the office, they were both working tirelessly while chatting with each other.

Chuck turned to pick a pen that he mistakenly dropped on the floor and when he was about to pick the pen, he didn't notice that Sandra was also facing down trying to reach the pen he mistakenly touched Sandra's hand which was sold delicate and tender. As he was wondering how someone's hand can be that soft and delicate, Sandra called out his name which brought him back to the reality.

Ooh am sorry Chuck said, its alright here is your pen now can we get back to work? Sandra said looking at Chuck who was looking directly at Sandra's hands, What are you thinking about? Sandra asked once she saw how Chuck was looking to her hands.

Ooh its nothing I was just wondering how somebody can have such delicate and soft hands, are you even from this world? are you insinuating that am an alien? Sandra asked with a smirk on her face. Not like that but your hands are so tender.

They then continued with what they were doing then they stopped when Chuck's Stomach started rumbling. It was lunch time.