
My Mr Perfect

Xena Li "Yu'Er?"Grandpa Ding calls as he goes to the garden and sees his granddaughter drinking herself stupidly..."Can you stop this!" he smashes the bottle on the floor. "Grandpa! that was till full!"Yuxi whines as she reaches her hand for another one "Stop this behavior Yuxi! you're hurting grandpa!"He drags her to the spacious living room.."Xiao Yu? you still haven't found a husband at your age,you're already 29!" "29? when did I turn that fast?"Yuxi says still drunk.."Grandpa must I get married? all men are quite ugly " "You're going on a blind date! whether you like it or not!"Granpa Ding says "Grandpa! you can't force me! I am a tigress!"Yuxi roared and ran out to her room "Dont make me!..never mind!"Grand Ding laughed at his granddaughter .She really has been lonely ever since her parent divorced and her mom went away,she mostly spends time crying or looking at the sky Next Morning) At Ding Corps) "Your grandpa called and said I should give you the address of the blind date and should not embarras him " Wang Lu ,her Vice says as she stares at her .He had always liked the cold,aloof and indifferent Miss Yuxi but has never come out to tell her because of the dates her grandpa has been setting her on "Geez! I totally forgot I have to ruin this date!"She bluffed and turns around and looks at him.."Wang Lu? do you still have that ugly disguise I used to chase my last date?" "Yes Ma'am? do you wanna sabotage this date,but your grandpa would be super angry!" Wang Lu said but in his mind already rejoicing "Or do you want the date Wang Lu?"She stands up and moved towards him and pins him to the wall.."You've been acting suspicious lately,are you sure you're not a gay?" Yuxi teasingly says as Wang Lu gulps hard at the closeness of their face if anyone would walking in here it would be too embarrassing "No Ma'am! I am not a gay!"Wang Lu avoids her gaze and she chuckles "Wang Lu? why do you address me as Ma'am? do I look to old?" Yuxi sighs as she let's go off him and walks towards her desk "No you're too young Miss Yuxi! "Wang Lu corrected himself "Wang Lu? would you like to accompany me to this blind date? I am bored and I dont think this old man would leave me alone!" Yuxi gets up and packs up her file "You want me to go with you?" Wang Lu heart skipped a beat,first time she asked me to accompany her without me pleading "And I also want you to act as my boyfriend when we get there,got it?"She said as she walks out and goes of her car.."I'll text you the thing you need to know and say!" with that she drove off to the place "I wish you'd ask me to be your boyfriend without any string attached!" Wang Lu sadly says as he hops into his car too

JessicaE777 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
244 Chs

Chapter 41 Yuxi Vs Yue

"You still remembered how I like my juices unlike my grandparents that never remember, I guess they are too old to think about fruits "Yuxi gulped it and Stares at Zichen.

She was super angry when she saw him with another woman in his arms that's why she decided to take the photoshoot to make him jealous and he didn't seem like it,Seems like he never liked her in the first place,Why is he Soo hard to read!

"That's true,its been long since I have seen those two grumpy old people,I can't wait to tease them "Zhao intertwined her hands with his and it didn't undergo Zichen and Wang Lu sight

Just how dare this man steal their beauty huh? now three against one?Geez and Zichen is just at the last place

Zichen.... 5%

Wang Lu.....20%

Fang Zhao....75%

"I can still remember when they spanked you for making them worry about you that you cried for my help! "Yuxi said

"Dont tease me about that! I have not forgotten the time that you were also teased for not being in a relationship and for tearing those love letters, Have they stopped disturbing you?"Fang Zhao poured more wine

"NO they haven't its like they are permanently glued to my face I even had to go to the post office to delete my mail number from them! Soo frustrating "Yuxi laughs at the memories of the past

"I didn't know you two had such a nice past,Have you ever thought of dating? "Ting Yue spoke up

Gosh silence was killing her as if she was ignored! never has she been ignored in her life and Yuxi did! first she stole the night and now Zichen attention and then ignored her!This bitch got to go

"Sorry Miss Ting but we are not in that kind of relationship, we are just friends and nothing else "Fang Zhao said oblivious to her hidden agenda

"Thanks for the laughter its been long since I have had such,Maybe we'll see again shall we?"Yuxi exchanged numbers with him and bent down to Fang Shao Wen ."Seems the Fang's have a new stubborn person,see he takes after you!"She gave him a hand five and stood up

"I noticed a little girl who is she? dont tell me you've married and not invited me!little Zhao would be Soo sad!"Zhao pouts his lips

"She is an adopted child, it seems both of them are quite alike,if you dont mind maybe they can spend a little time together,let's be going I guess the awards is about to begin!"Yuxi said as Fang Zhao left and Wang Lu accompanied her

"They've all gone why are you still waiting? "Ting Yue asked

"Can you just let go off me!you've been glueing to me since I picked you up its getting me irritated!"Zichen said as he freed himself from her clutch and went to sit down

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen!The Award you've been all waiting for! is nothing but the golden buzzer! "The host began as cards filled his hands and trophies were kept near him and he was getting ready announce it

"Okay let the award giving begin!"The host opened the first card . "So the winner for the Little Miss pageant goes to Yang Mei!" The host called out as Mei stood up the stage and collected it and it went on for a little of while until it came down to most successful Business woman

"The most precious award women fight for every year has come again!"The host cracked a joke and everyone laughed

The award for the most successful business woman is always a tough award that many women fight for every Gala night

"Lets get on with it and we've got for the nominees and we have;

★ Miss Wan Peng from Peng Ltd with a rating of 2 points

★Miss You ruo with 3 points

★Miss Eleanor Lee with 4points

★Miss Wei Jiao with 1 point

"And the final we've been waiting for "

He said and everyone jerked up in their sit wondering who'd be the winner Its between Ding Yuxi and Ting Yue what a tough competition