
Return of the Twins Part 5 [R-18]

"If I may, I would like you two to wear something for me." Jurion said.

"What is it?" Terra and Ana said at the same time.

"These." Two exotic kletor magically manifested in Jurion palms.

"What are these?" Ana inquired, she took one of the rings.

"These are called exotic kletor."

"What are these for?" Terra asked.

"It's exciting! Would you like to try it on?"

"Tell us first what do they do." Ana requested.

"Trust me." Jurion took the ring from Ana's hands and looked deep in her eyes and a smiled.

"Okay sure." Ana agreed.

Jurion palmed Ana's pussy, the rings glowed in white light then disappeared leaving a pink tattoo on her clit.

"Whoa! What just happened? I fell great!" Ana exclaimed. She felt her life energy constantly aroused. Her pussy tingled. "I like it!" She has a happy face.

"Let me try it too!" Terra got intrigued.

Jurion complied.