
My Mate and I

Moo1996 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Come on Moo, come out with me, you can study another time, you are almost twenty years old and you should be out partying,"

Moo Bradly looked at her older sister, bitting her lips. You know you could go out if you wanted, Moo knew she didn't need a babysitter, it wasn't her fault their parents thoughts Rose needed to stay at home.

"Yea right and let the parent have more of a reason to kick my ass out if this shit hole, not that Austin is a great town anyway. We are stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do to keep us occupied." Rose shook her head and kicked the coffee table. Moo winced as it cut into her fleshy stomach. She was sitting on the floor studying. What's wrong, fatty, too much pressure?"

She smiled at her sister even as the nasty remark cut deep. Moo picked up her school bag as she got up from the table. The baggy shirt covered most of her body. Rose wouldn't have anything else to ridicule.

Mom and Dad won't find out, I can stay here and if you are back before ten,"

"You really think that would happen? Once i look for a guy am staying till I get fucked.

"Rose don't say stuff like that." Moo walked out of the room and and up the stairs to the far end of the hall of her bedroom.

Finals were coming up at college, another year almost finished, and she really needed to concentrate on passing so she could get a good job. Her parents promised to help her pay for everything provided she got the grades to get into college and then maintain them throughout. So far so good and she only had two years left.

"You know you could come with me. Be some fresh meat," Rose said coming up behind her.

"I have told you before, I don't do that.

You are almost twenty for fuck sake. You are going to need someone to pop that cherry while you are young.

Moo pulled a face, grossed out.

"You selfish little bitch," Rose yelled. I have had to listen to all the good deed little Moo has achieved in all my life. No one ever cares about me, and all I Asked is for you to come to my stupid fucking club and you shun it, you can bring your fucking schoolwork. It's not like anyone would want you anyways.

She hung her head listening to the constant assault her sister fished out. Out of all the things arise could throw at her, her size and the way she looked, hurt the most. A buzzing sounded in her ears, and she agreed to go with her before she gave it some thought.

Rose jumped up and hugged her, her older sister was twenty two with a bad attitude but a body of sin all the men drool over. The boys I Her year if collages was constantly asking for her to try and get them a date with the hot sister.

Their parents might think she was a better daughter, but Rose was the one with a social life and friends. Men adored Rose, and everyday a new guy was knocking on the door wanting to ask her out. Moo didn't have anyone but their parents to keep her company. Once, just once, she wished someone would look at her with something other than disdain. For years she had tried to be invisible, only wanting to answer when spoken to.

"Come on grab your stuff." Rose transformed into the bubbly young woman and pull her out of the room. Moo picked up her bag and walked with Rose to the car her last boyfriend had bought her as a parting gift.

"I owe you, Rose said, turning into a sweet older sister the moment she got her way. She leaned over and kissed Moo on the cheeks.

Twenty minutes later, Moo regretted her choice when they pulled over in a bar. Crowd of people drinking and yelling stood outside in the parking lot. Firs were alighted in old barrels, couples, men and women were making out, and Moo blushed when she saw one woman on her knees, her head bubbling up and down.

Don't be a child, that's tame. Come on, Rose pulled her from the car.and they moved through the herd of bodies pulsing to loud banging disguised as music.

Wearing a baggy jean and a shirt, Moo stuck out like a sore thumb. While Rose and the others wore miniskirt and short tops that allows their tuts pop out.

She followed her sister like a lifeline.

Rose girl, it's about time you show up." One of the men stopped her sister, hugged her and kiss her on the forehead.

"Sorry, sister duty. Moo meet Andrew. Andrew this is my younger sister. Moo.Andrew shook hands with her in greetings. She smiled and pulled away as soon as possible.

"A younger sister?"

"Don't worry, she will be fine, she doesn't drink and she won't cause any trouble.

"Better be otherwise, Kyle would hit the roof. You know how he is with our secrets." Rose lauged and her sister could tell she was nervous by sharp tune if her laughter, why would Rose be nervous? She knew these people, didn't she?"

" I wouldn't want to upset the alpha, now would I?" She said.

Come on. I will put her at bar, and Josh will work over her. Moo followed the couple, averting her gaze when Andrew grasps Rose's ass. One of his finger went under her sister's short skirt, Moo couldn't believe Roses had wanted to go to what looked like an orgy feast.

Most of the couples that had danced together had almost been naked, but when they walked into the bar, the couple were in fact naked. Strippers danced on the table and men feasted on the women with legs sprayed open.

Rose laughed clapping her hand, and Moo wanted to go home. They got to the bar and Andrew pushed some people away who was sitting at the end. He cleared a section right next to the exit.

"To, ken, Andrew called and gestures to tall hairy man over. She tended and Rose seated her, pulling her head back so she could hovered over her.

"Be a good girl and stay over here.

"Watch her and make sure no one takes her, she's human from the local town, Andrew orders the man named Ken.

Moo frowned, what did it matter that she was human? So was everyone else.

"No problem, you want a drink sweetheart?" He asked.

She smiled at him and shook her head.

How about some fries? We serve food as well.

Get her some water and fries. Trust me, she will eat it, Rose touches her belly, and she couldn't help but blush, why did Rose have to do this to her?

Kyle gave her a beaming smile as soon as they left and went to attend to more customers. Running her fingers through her hair, Moo tied her hair in a band and pulled her course book out, all full courses but the necessary ones to pass if she wanted to get a decent paying job.

She opened the first two book with a pen in hand. With all the distractions around her, she plugged in her music to drown all activities. She turned her music on to a few blast and started studying. Being able to get good grade meant she will get out of this town for good. Strange things happens in this town. Fights, disappearance, and strange howling sounds around in full moon. In fact, every full moon her parents locked and bolted the minutes before sunset. Apparently their parents used to do them, and the tradition simply passed on.

Kyle brought back her water and basket full of chips and Moo smiled thanks to him. In between fries and water, she highlighted important points. An earbud was taken out of her ear, and Moo tensed and turning to the large man standing over her.

"Hey pretty lady. You want some company?" A bulky with large muscles, a shaved hair and a beard stare down at her.

Moo shook her head and made to take the earpiece from her.

"Now, now, why would a pretty girl like yourself be sitting here all alone?"

Please can I have it back?" She asked, licking her lips in a nervous gesture.

"Not until we talk.

He moved his hand to push a loose strand of hair that had escape her ponytail behind her ear. She caught sight of a wolf tattoo on his forearm. Moo was intrigued by the design and allowed her gaze to follow it. The wolf stood alone in shadow with the full moon rising behind a load of rocks, the tattoo covered h entire arm.

"You like my ink.

Moo noodles not looking him in the eyes, it's an interesting design. Beautiful.

His other arm was not as picturesque. It displayed a blond woman bend over a chair being fucked from behind. More effort went into the detail of the large cock penetrating her. "What do you think of this one?"

"It's a little explicit.

The other man chuckled, I'm Bush, second in command if the Austin clan.