
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Unraveling of the memories..

The system's voice softened, almost apologetic. "Master, the memories are a delicate matter. As part of the new package, you will receive glimpses, fragments of your past. They may not be complete, but they will provide insight and clarity, helping you piece together the puzzle of your identity."

Though the prospect of regaining even a fraction of my memories filled me with both anticipation and trepidation, I understood that the fragments would serve as guiding beacons, illuminating my path and strengthening my resolve.

Very well," I said, a newfound determination in my voice. "Let us proceed with unlocking the new package and embracing its potential."

As the system initiated the process of unlocking the new package, a strange sensation washed over me. It was as if a door hidden deep within my consciousness had been creaked open, and memories that were once shrouded in darkness began to flicker into existence, like stars emerging in the night sky. The fragments of my past, once lost in the vast expanse of my mind, now started to materialize.

As the first memory washed over me like a gentle wave, I found myself teetering on the edge of a cliff, the world sprawling out before me in a breathtaking panorama of mountains and valleys. The sky blazed with the fiery hues of sunset, casting a warm glow over the landscape. And standing beside me, a figure shrouded in mystery yet radiating a comforting presence. Though their features remained hazy in my mind, I felt an inexplicable bond with this enigmatic companion, as if our souls were intertwined in a dance across time.

Then, like a veil lifting, the second memory unfolded before me, enveloping me in a cocoon of love and warmth. It was a feeling I had never experienced before in my current life—a love so profound it brought tears to my eyes. In this fragment, I was embraced by the unending love of a mother, her tender affection guiding me through the labyrinth of memories. Though her face remained obscured, the depth of her love resonated within me, a beacon of light in the darkness of my fragmented past.

As the memories continued to unfurl, each fragment revealed a different facet of my former life. I witnessed myself training with a cadre of martial artists, honing my combat skills and delving into the ancient arts of cultivation. Another scene depicted me immersed in the pursuit of knowledge, delving into the mysteries of the universe and harnessing the elemental forces that shaped our world.

But amidst the moments of strength and enlightenment, there lingered shadows of vulnerability and loss. I bore witness to the deaths of friends and mentors, felt the searing pain of heartbreak, and tasted the bitterness of betrayal. These memories, though painful to confront, were crucial in piecing together the tapestry of my identity, each thread weaving a story of resilience and perseverance.

Then, in a sudden burst of clarity, a vision unlike any other pierced through the haze of my memories. It felt not like a recollection of my past, but a glimpse into the future—a future intertwined with destiny and love. In this vision, I stood amidst a verdant garden adorned with blossoming flowers, the air alive with the sweet scent of spring. And before me stood a woman of ethereal beauty, her silver hair cascading like a waterfall around her shoulders. There was a familiarity in her gaze, a connection that transcended time and space. Her words echoed in my mind, a whispered promise of love enduring through the ages.

Yet, amid the tapestry of memories, there lingered a nagging sensation of incompleteness, like a puzzle missing its final piece. The explanation offered by the system about the fragmented nature of my memories suddenly made sense. There was more to my story, more layers waiting to be uncovered, and I was determined to unravel the truth, no matter where it may lead.

As I immersed myself further into the fragments of my memories, the yearning to unravel the missing pieces intensified. The enigmatic figure from the first memory, the woman with the radiant Silver hair from the vision – who were they, and how did they fit into the tapestry of my past? These questions gnawed at my mind, driving me to seek answers.

With a newfound determination, I confronted the system, demanding clarity about the new package.

Upon my confrontation with the system, it responded with a gentle yet confident tone, "Master, the memories you have experienced are an essential part of the new package, designed to ignite your inner power and awaken your true potential. However, within this package, there are also pills and techniques carefully tailored to aid you in your journey of self-discovery."

Intrigued by the mention of pills and techniques, I eagerly inquired about their nature and purpose. The system explained, "The pills are infused with ancient energies and alchemical wonders. They will not only enhance your physical abilities but also heighten your spiritual awareness, allowing you to delve deeper into your memories and unravel hidden truths."

As for the techniques, the system continued, "These are secret arts passed down through generations. Each technique corresponds to a specific element – fire, water, earth, air, and spirit. Mastering these techniques will empower you to harness the elemental forces within you, granting you unparalleled control over nature and the cosmos."

With this newfound knowledge, I took the pills and began practicing the techniques. The pills ignited a surge of energy within me, expanding my consciousness and allowing me to connect more deeply with my memories. Each technique was a journey in itself, requiring discipline, focus, and an understanding of the elemental forces that governed the universe.

And no matter what, i have to hide my existence until i am the strongest.

To be continued....