
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasía
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64 Chs

The healing journey.

As i listened to him i said, "I will follow your lead for those three herbs but if you try to play with me ". I picked the system and threw it at the end of cave. " You will be broken into pieces".

System:( Host don't do it, I am here to help you). -_-

"Call me master from now on".

System:( Ok master).

"Which herb should i look for first".

System:( A ten thousand years old ginseng).

" Yah , are you obsessed with ginseng or what ".

System:( master it is good for your vitality that is the only reason).

" Let's go than, what are we waiting for ".

System:( But first you need to stabilize your soul and power which you gained from martial emperor's soul and heal level 100 injuries)

"And how do i do it".

System:( Master you have to soak in that medicinal lake and cultivate your soul essence and true essence, it may take a year or may be a decade to heal level 100 injuries).

"Its fine , I don't have other choice".

As I stood before the medicinal lake, its tranquil surface shrouded in a soft mist, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation mingled with anticipation. The system's instructions echoed in my mind, urging me to immerse myself in the healing waters and gather the essence needed to stabilize my soul and power. But the uncertainty of what lay ahead gnawed at me, casting a shadow over my resolve.

With a deep breath, I steeled myself for what was to come and slowly waded into the cool embrace of the lake. As the water enveloped me, a surge of energy washed over me, tingling against my skin like a gentle caress. It was a sensation unlike any I had ever experienced, a delicate dance of soul essence and true essence that seemed to awaken something deep within me.

For days on end, I remained submerged in the medicinal lake, allowing its mystical properties to work their magic on my wounded body and soul. The pain that had once plagued me began to subside, replaced by a newfound vitality that coursed through my veins like liquid fire. With each passing moment, I could feel myself growing stronger, more resilient, as if the very essence of the lake was infusing me with its healing power.

But it wasn't just my body that underwent a transformation—it was my mind as well. In the quiet solitude of the lake, I delved deep into the realm of cultivation, honing my focus and sharpening my senses. I practiced ancient breathing techniques, allowing the rhythmic ebb and flow of my breath to guide me into a state of deep meditation. And as I surrendered myself to the teachings of the past, I could feel my connection to the world around me growing stronger with each passing day.

As the seasons changed and years passed, I emerged from the medicinal lake reborn and transformed. My wounds had healed, my soul had stabilized, and my power had grown exponentially. But as I gazed upon my reflection in the shimmering waters of the lake, I was struck by a profound sense of awe. The image that stared back at me was not that of a mere mortal, but of a being imbued with divine grace and power.

But my moment of revelation was short-lived, as a sudden sound pierced the tranquility of the lake, reminding me of the task that lay ahead. Ding... Master, you healed your level 100 injuries. The sound jolted me back to reality, the euphoria of my transformation giving way to a renewed sense of purpose.

With a determined expression, I turned to the system, my gaze piercing through its digital facade. "How much time has passed?" I asked, my voice betraying a hint of impatience.

"Five years, master," the system replied promptly, its voice tinged with deference. "You healed earlier than expected."

I nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over me at the realization of my progress. But my attention quickly shifted as I pressed the system for information on the next step of my journey.

"Where can I find the ginseng?" I asked, my voice tinged with anticipation.

The system hesitated for a moment before responding cautiously, "You cannot leave the cave, master."

I frowned, frustration bubbling within me at the thought of being confined to the cavernous depths of the cave. "How am I supposed to find it then?" I demanded, my tone edged with irritation.

The system paused, as if weighing its words carefully before responding, "There is a place underneath this lake where you will find the herbs you require. But if you cannot find them there, you will have to grow them yourself."

I considered the system's words carefully, the prospect of finding the ginseng beneath the lake filling me with a sense of excitement. "Lead the way," I said, determination shining in my eyes.

With a deep breath, I submerged myself into the medicinal waters once more, my senses heightened as I delved deeper into the depths of the lake. It wasn't long before I stumbled upon a hidden cavern, its entrance obscured by a tangle of roots and vines.

As I entered the cavern, I was greeted by the sight of a magnificent root, pulsing with a vibrant energy that seemed to beckon to me. "Master, you've struck a stroke of luck," the system chimed in eagerly. "It's a true essence ginseng, far older and more potent than the ten-thousand-year-old variety."

I approached the root cautiously, my fingers trembling with anticipation as I reached out to pluck it from its resting place. But as I did, I hesitated, a voice echoing in the depths of my mind, pleading for mercy.

I paused, torn between my desire for healing and the plight of the ginseng before me. But in the end, I knew what I had to do. With a determined nod, I reached out and gently freed the ginseng from its confines, a sense of gratitude washing over me as I released it back into the depths of the lake.

As I resurfaced from the depths of the lake, the true essenceginseng clutched tightly in my grasp, I felt a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins. This ancient herb held the key to unlocking even greater power within me, and I was eager to harness its potential.

With the true essence ginseng secured, I returned to the shore of the medicinal lake, my mind buzzing with possibilities. The system's words echoed in my thoughts, reminding me of the immense healing capabilities of this precious herb. But before I could consume it, I knew I had to prepare myself mentally and physically for the transformation that would follow.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused my mind, channeling my energy into a state of deep meditation. With each passing moment, I could feel the true essence ginseng pulsing in my hand, its energy intertwining with my own in a delicate dance of power and potential.

As I delved deeper into meditation, I began to visualize the healing properties of the ginseng infusing every fiber of my being, repairing the damage that had plagued me for so long. I imagined the pain subsiding, the wounds closing, and a newfound vitality coursing through my veins.

With a sudden surge of determination, I opened my eyes and brought the true essence ginseng to my lips, swallowing it whole in a single gulp. Instantly, a wave of energy washed over me, tingling against my skin and filling me with a sense of renewed vigor.

But as the effects of the ginseng took hold, I felt something stirring deep within me, a power unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was as if the very essence of the herb was merging with my own, unlocking hidden reserves of strength and resilience that lay dormant within me.

With each passing moment, I could feel my wounds healing, my body growing stronger, and my spirit soaring to new heights. The true essence ginseng had not only healed my physical injuries but had also awakened something primal and untamed within me, a power that defied explanation.

To be continued...