
My Master Is Lesbian

Aina Usami is a young 20 year old girl in a part of Japan (Dif universe) where people use magic. One day she got knocked out by a few men. That's when Hikaru Yowian (A girl from a rich family) saves her and in return Aina-kan has to do something(s) for Hikaru-kan.

Them_Weed_Bitchz · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

The man who grabbed her tightened the grip on her arm and threw her against a wall.

"Well boy's," he said to the other men, "We got a pretty one tonight."

The men started to crowd around her.

"We never get good ones like this!" One of the men said as he licked his lips.

"Despite your looks,'' said a voice in sarcasm from a few feet away.

The men charged in the direction from where the voice came from. "What a shame," the voice called, "You really think I'm that stupid?!"

The men froze in place as if they were stone. A young woman around Aina-kan's age came up and her fingers were intensely strong, Aina-kan realized as the stranger picked her up.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes thank you, I'd like to repay you however you like."

"Like what?" Asked the girl.

"I can give you money." Aina-kan said.

"Ha! I don't need money."

"What do you need then?" Aina-kan asked in confusion.

The girl grinds and teases, "Hm, let me think."

"How about you do whatever I say forever?"

"Whatever you say?! What do you mean by that?!" Aina-kan says and gives a blush of anger.

"So what do you say?" Asked the girl.

"Oh alright but don't do anything to me, I mean inappropriately." Aina-kan said, seeing how the girl would respond.

"No promises." Said the girl right as she grabbed Aina-kan's left hand and licked it.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" Aina-kan in a blushing rage.

"Nothing." Answer the girl innocently.

"Well at least let me know your name if I'm working for you." Aina-kan said, still blushing but not as mad.

"Fine I'm Hikaru Yowian but feel free to call me Hikaru-kan or *Giggles* Master."

"Your Hikaru Yowian, from the rich family?!"

"Well, yeah."

"When do I start working?"



"Yeah I told my dad I was in love with someone and he would meet them in a few days, luckily for me I will actually be telling the truth."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"What I'm saying is, I love you miss!"

"WHAT?!" Said Aina-kan as she blushed, no one had ever loved her before, well that wasn't true people loved her but she never had this feeling ever.