
My Masked Lover

Forced into an arranged marriage to save his stepmother's crumbling business, Lee lives his life in sadness. His CEO husband doesn't love him, he resents him with all his being. As a young teen who wants nothing more than the sweet true love he envisioned, Lee tries to make things better, but it seems the more he tries to get his CEO lover to like him, the more he's despised. When a chance comes for him to attend a weekly masked ball presents itself, he goes there with the main purpose of escaping the drama of his life. There he meets a man. Thor was the masked name he goes by. Thor, a man whose caresses ignites a fire in Lee's soul.  Week after week of meeting, Lee fells in love with him. Lee lives in sadness during the week with his CEO husband who treats him like trash, and not as a significant other. And he lives his weekend dancing, and having the time of his life in the arms of his masked lover. Lee can't stop his teen heart from falling for the smooth talker. What happens when Lee finds out they are married in real life? And don't forget the secret that seems to shake his life to the core.

Unsolvable_Mystery · LGBT+
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236 Chs


"Oh, this?" I touch my cheeks. "It was nothing."

"Nothing?" Sly narrowed his eyes to slits as he glared darkly at me.

"I mistakenly wounded myself on the cheeks. You don't have to worry about that."

Sly looked like he didn't believe my words, however, he didn't try to argue with me.

"You are not ready?" Sly gave me a once over.

"I will be when I eat. I'm too hungry to dress up."

If I don't see the food you eat, why should I dress up?

"Aren't you always hungry?" Sly brought out my chair for me, and I sat down, with a smile on my face.

"It's not my fault. I'm still growing, so I need food."

"Who told you?"

"My high school teacher."


Sly and I conversed as we patiently wait for Marli to get the food.

"When are we meeting him?"

"This evening. He said he has something to take care of in the afternoon."

"You will stay in my office until then?" Sly arched his brow, in question.