
Welcome to My Marvel Academia!

My last two days went by as if nothing had happened, the A.S.A. was much bigger than I thought, and how equipped it was... it wasn't a joke. Before I started, I got a call from Mr. Stark. He asked me to meet him in break room number 4 and I wondered if it had anything to do with the new suit.

-Mr... -Mr. Stark!? –

As I entered the room, I observed Mr. Stark lying on the floor, there was blood on the floor near his mouth, and also dripping from it. I tried to get him up, but as soon as I got there to help him, he just said.

-Do me a favor... -Close the door, it's cold. –

Although he was in a terrible situation, he didn't leave out his characteristic sarcasm, only that I don't consider it to be the place and the time to joke, especially in his condition. I closed the door, picked him up and took him to the armchair in the living room.

He looked pale, his eyes were pink with red, his appearance was basically that of a corpse. That only made me more worried.

-Mr Stark, what happened to you? -Why were you like that just now? –

- That? It's not something you should care about, you should concentrate on what you're going to do tomorrow... -

I know that Tony Stark has been listed as one of the most charismatic, but also one of the most difficult people to deal with. As much help as he needs, he'll never admit otherwise.

-I'm sorry, sir, but you're clearly not well... -

-I apologize for my boss, young Parker. He doesn't tend to admit his faults easily. –

- Who... Who said that?! –

Inside the room a female voice had been heard, with an artificial tone.

- Her? Mr. Parker, meet Friday, Friday meet Mr. Parker. –

- Excuse me. Friday? One day a week? –

- No child! Friday is my assistant...

- An artificial intelligence to be more exact. –

Miss Friday was filling in for JARVIS, the old artificial intelligence that Mr. Stark had created. JARVIS was used to give consciousness to his fellow Vision and now he could operate as an avenger.

-Well, it wasn't to show you Friday that I called you. –

Mr. Stark stood up from his seat, walked over to his sack hanging from a coat hanger, picked up again the same box he used in my room, took out his ARK reactor and ended up changing that palladium plate.

When I saw it, I was terrified, the plate was completely corroded to the half, Mr. Stark turned his back on me so as not to see its state, but in a slight reflection, the cybernetic marks... were even more present.


- I know you have a lot of questions, kid. That's why I brought you here...-

Mr. Stark interrupted me before I had finished what I was going to say, he bent down to take a case and put it on the table, as soon as he opened it there was a liquid and a device resembling a syringe.

- What is this, Mr. Stark? –

- Oh! I'm glad you asked. This... may be the solution to my problems. –

I was speechless for a moment, that he said that was a relief. Worthy of hero number one.

-Will that liquid... -help you get better? –

- Yes! And no...

- Huh? What do you mean, yes and no? –

- This liquid is not going to cure me completely, it's just the solution to my symptoms. –

It was good to have an air of hope for a second, but that's better than nothing.

Mr. Stark explained to me that it was that liquid, it was called EXTREMIS, that liquid would eliminate a great part of the compounds spread by the palladium. It would make it more stable and peaceful for the time being.

-Everything seems fine but now... -There's something I have to give in return...

- Something... In return? You mean like a side effect, right? –

- That's right, kid, and I want you to listen carefully. I don't want it to go to your head that you're going to be my successor, I'm not dead yet and I don't plan to be soon...

Mr. Stark looked intrigued, began to touch his left arm, holding it with his elbow in the palm of his hand, hesitated for a moment, turned to tell me the last thing I wanted to hear...

-Don't think about it anymore kid, I'll fix it, now you have class soon, sleep well and... see you later. –

After that Mr. Stark basically kicked me out of the room. I could barely think of the last thing he said. But I was determined, if I got depressed about it, I'd just show my weakness even more, No hiding! No crying! Just keep moving.

- Why didn't you tell your "successor" the truth? –

-Because otherwise he won't move forward if he's only afraid. He's already lost someone and barely got out of the hole... Do you know what happens when someone thinks people are dying because of him? –

- No, sir, but unfortunately... you do. –

-Exactly ... that's why I must avoid it at all costs. -

The next morning, thinking my problems couldn't get any worse...


I smashed my alarm while I was sleeping, I still have a hard time controlling my strength while I'm sleeping. I got in trouble one day with Aunt May for punching a hole in the wall... and breaking several pieces of furniture with lamps.

I tried to get dressed as fast as I could, the tie was something I had never worn in my life. Only once when I graduated from high school, but it wasn't even me who tied it.

I used a quick tutorial to tie a knot, and it ended up in a sort of stuffed tie.

-Well... -Something will have to do. –

As I rushed back to the closet for my shoes, I noticed that the case was gone. I was about to start worrying until I found a note in the corner of the closet.

"Sorry, you'll see it later. T.S."

Mr. Stark had taken it back, i was curious but not time.

When I left the room, the lock was automatically locked, and I could reopen it with my ID.

-Okay... let's see, class A is for... -Other side! –

I was lost! until I remembered that we could use our powers inside the academy...

-If there's no other way... -I think it'll be a morning workout. –

I was a little afraid, as I was not yet fully recovered, but it was better to start with something soft to warm up. I started to use my nets and to my surprise, my wrist did not suffer so much.

I got to the other side in an instant, a little over 5 minutes, and it was already a lot to say considering the 15 to 20 minutes I would have done walking or running.

I landed in the corridor of the building, ran quickly to the door with the "Class 1-A" sign on top of the door. I stopped a few feet back to do some thinking.

The hero department. This room has seen the birth and breeding of many prestigious heroes. My life took a big turn overnight, but it was only because of all the help I had received. Failure... was a luxury I could not afford.

"I just hope he doesn't touch me with those scary guys..."

As soon as I took a step, my sixth sense was activated, in a split second I analyzed my surroundings to verify the danger...

-How strange... -It's not happening. NASA! –

The danger... was in my shoehorn. Without realizing it, in the next step I took, I crushed my own shoelace, leading me straight to the ground.

"Lucky me... Is this how it all starts?"

And again a second before I fell, I was saved by someone else.

-Hey, man, if you keep falling like that you're not gonna last a day here. –



I was saved by the silver-haired guy who was on the exam, he was super fast, his power of acceleration type, he really was convenient in this kind of situation.

- Pietro! Don't run off like that! -

The girl from the entrance exam came after him, they were brothers after all. I looked at her from afar, her uniform looked nice...

- Hey! Why are you looking at my sister like that?! –

- I... I wasn't doing that! –

She arrived tired, rested her hands on her legs, it seemed that running was not her thing. She recovered in an instant, came suddenly to me and then reacted.

- Oh! You're... You're the one who threw yourself at that big sentry! –

- Do you remember, Wanda? –

- Of course! But... I don't know his name... What's your name?

- Peter... Peter Parker. –

She looked energetic, and had a contagious smile, but don't let that sweet look fool you, those robots didn't have good luck running into her.

- Hey, sounds like a superhero alter-ego. Great! –

- G... thank you. –

- And I'm not Silver Hair! –

- I'm really sorry about that! I didn't know your name, and besides, well...

- Don't worry, I'm Pietro, Pietro Maximorf and my sister is Wanda. –

- It's nice to meet you. –

It was one of the few times that I socialized with strangers, almost always choosing to avoid me or being overlooked. It was always the one they chose in the end, and for two guys to approach me like that...really made me a little happy.

-I think we should go into the room, pray that our teacher is not yet inside. –

-It's true. -Come on, Peter! –

-Hey, ah... -Yeah!

We went to the big door of the classroom, as soon as we opened it, we noticed that there were 15 more kids inside. And unfortunately for me...

- Parker? –

The demon... was still present. Flash was on the first chair of the last chair in the room. He shouted "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AGAINST ME", got up suddenly, and started walking towards me with a great expression of anger.

- A friend of yours? –

-Well... -Sort of. –

As soon as Flash approached us I let my guard down, he came back to my mind all the moments when Flash had overstepped with me, "What's wrong Peter, you're over it, don't back off! "My thoughts clashed with surprise.

Flash was already in front of me, he was about to overtake me, but Pietro got in the way and stopped him.

-Hey, man, you're not planning on picking a fight on the first day, are you? . –


- Ponytail? What do they have against my hair?! –

Everyone started looking at us. The sudden scandal was silenced when a figure appeared behind us.

-Hey... -This isn't a kindergarten for you to do this nonsense. If you're going to play the little fellows, you'd better go somewhere else. –

A female voice with a cold tone made us all tremble. A woman in a dark suit stood in the doorway. When we turned around, let's not ask to believe it.


We were all surprised, I turned slightly in the direction of Flash, he just turned away with a gesture of disgust, but even he knew how to respect a higher authority.

- You little brats! If you're done playing, put this on and follow me to the field. –

The undercover heroin. "Black Widow"

Super power: Neutralizing poison.

It's not like a literal poison, the right name would be paralysis but they named it to match their kind of hero. If someone in her field of vision appears, they are completely paralyzed until she blinks. If she touch any part of her target's body while they are paralyzed, they will remain paralyzed for a period of time. It only works on organic organisms. Black Widow was a covert spy who worked for many different organizations, both good and bad. Over time and with SHIELD's help she reformed, and is now a member of the "Avengers" team. And apparently... our new instructor.

He showed us a suit that looked like the standard sports suit. He pointed out that in the dressing room there was one for us. We had to wear it and go out on the main field.

Once everyone was ready we lined up in a field behind the building. It was unbearably cold, but thanks to these sports clothes the cold was barely noticeable. It was almost minus 20 degrees and falling.

-Excuse me... -Don't we have a kick-off ceremony or something? –

Wanda asked confusedly, usually when we start a course the director organizes a small ceremony in which he gives a speech and presents the classes...but this would not be that kind of school.

-Yes, of course. -Why not? As we begin the ceremony we can ignore the fact that somewhere in the city or the world continuous crimes are being overlooked that the heroes could solve. But instead they find themselves giving some absurd welcome talk...

The whole class was silent, a direct hit from the toughest member in the avengers.

-I'm sorry. –

Wanda was grieving, Pietro tried to comfort her slightly, so Professor Widow decided to start.

-Good. Thompson! Take a step forward. –

The teacher had suddenly called Flash as if nothing had happened, she extended a kind of ball in her hand and gave it to Flash.

-I want you to throw this away as far as you can- -

Flash positioned himself at some distance, took a throwing pose and shouted out releasing the ball.


68.04 meters

"Amazing!, did he play anything before he came here?"

The class was starting to mumble to each other. After all, Flash was the captain of the high school football team. Many sponsors bet on him and his talent, and many marked him as a pity for wanting to follow a different path.

- That's all your strength? –

The teacher made a disparaging comment, she seemed unimpressed with the distance. But it was true, Flash had not yet used all his strength.

-I don't seem to have made myself clear. -I want you to throw this with ALL your might. Is that clear? –

- That means... I can use it, right? –

Flash gave a sinister smile, picked up a new ball, settled back into the same position, but this time it was different. His arm took on its characteristic black mass, wrapped around him, his muscles seemed tight, enlarged slightly.


The ball left an air trail, we even heard the buzzing sound it made as it took off, a great pressure spread over the whole area, raising a big cloud of dust.

756.45 meters.

- Now you see the difference that is created by releasing your limitations. –

The Professor turned against us, taking a board and projecting it into the air. –

-These are the positions that each of you got in the entrance exam, even I would say that it was mere luck that you passed. –

In that table you could read different names, with Flash at the top of the list.

-Azari T'challa, Luna Snow, Wanda...Pietro, Robbie Reyes...-

-Peter, you have a habit of always thinking out loud, don't you? –

-I'm sorry. -Yeah, it happens to me sometimes. –

I was in seventh place, out of 18 it wasn't that bad.

-This is an obstacle course that each of you must pass, the same tests, the same conditions... -

Certain areas with different obstacles and artifacts were deployed on the field, a whole training camp. It seemed simple... it seemed.

-Over your suits, the temperature here is incredibly low, especially because we are in an open area, they are designed to store heat for a period of 15 minutes, after that the heaters will stop working. –


- Do you really intend to complain about something insignificant? –

-Professor, with all due respect... -We could die of hypothermia if we extend our training. Do you agree with that? –

- Why do all of you keep making excuses? –

An argument broke out between the class and the sudden activity, we fell into its trap, the teacher spoke in a calm and cold tone, the weather was not important to her, Mr. Stark had warned me about this.

"I recommend you to resign yourself, child, things will start strong that day, the weather is not favorable at this time of year"

Our instructor was not someone we could take lightly, a heroine with severe training preceding her and one of the least open attitudes you can imagine.

-One last thing. Those who come last will be kicked out of the heroes' course and returned to the general class. –

That was the final blow. "Will we be... expelled?" Everyone got scared, the panic was starting to spread. Only a few were calm. As if this didn't disturb them.

-A hero must be able to overcome any adversity... turn the most adverse situation around... -

And to get up at any cost...

- ...are you going to keep looking at the wall or are you going to start working? ...-

Even if the teacher threatened us with all that, those simple words were enough to awaken the fire inside us...

-United Avengers...-

"Avengers United!"

-That's right, brats... -This is your ceremony! So welcome... to My Marvel Academy!.

-I thought this was A.S.A... -