
My Manga Integration System

A antisocial kid reads manga to cure his loneliness and boredom one day after reading the latest chapter of "All Rounder" a blue screen appeared in front of his face. [congratulations you are the first to read 50,000 chapters of collective manga] [you have been rewarded with the manga integration system] A ranking system for characters in this novel G-Rank: Newbie with a provisional license. Not an actual adventurer. F-Rank: Apprentice. Beginner adventurer. E-Rank: Average adventurer who can proclaim themselves as such. D-Rank: Mid-rank. Can be a party leader. C-Rank: Veteran. Superhuman by civilian standards. B-Rank: Top class. Usually the strongest member of a small guild. A-Rank: Hero. Select few within a given country. Bards begin singing songs about you at this rank. S-Rank: Legend. Only ten have ever existed. Kings bow before them, and they have the authority to command Guildmasters. Able to use Wai without use of enchanted weapons SS-Rank:God. only two have been known to be even close to reality nobody knows if they're real but if they are they might be gods among men.

Solopiece · Cómic
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27 Chs

Mana Drive

'even though it felt great to have triple strength that didn't feel great to keep waking up in random places after I used it. This time I woke up in a bed in what appeared to be a wooden cabin.

In walked what I assume was a man although he was covered completely in ooze black ooze. I called him a man because his skeleton was showing underneath all of that ooze.


"Art Thou awake"

"yeah I just woke up"

"I heard Thou fought with vigor against the dark mages"

"yeah I did but I want to know how long of a been out"

"Thou have been out for a Den"


" Oh sorry I meant day"

"it's fine I knew what you meant I just wanted to make sure I was right"

" (Beginnings of Expertise)

(Undefined Properties)Lv2[conditions for acquiring the skill make contacts with all known metals and learn their priorities]

"where's Eyes I want to know what kind of information Koi-a-guri managed to get"

"In thyn lab as usual

"and where is that?"

"2nd floor'


'I was on the first floor in a room for recovery so I went up the stairs and I saw a strangely metallic door as all the other doors were wooden or something else. When I went into the room all the technology in there looks like it was from the modern day whoever koi-a-guri was he was a very smart guy.

' when I walked into the room there was a man behind the desk talking to Eyes he had a lab coat on Two guns strapped to the lab coat and white hair And goggles that seem to be bonded to his face. And a strange backpack seeing me walk through the door he said.


"hey you how much do I have to pay you so that I can start my test"

"My friend Eyes says you got some interesting powers"

"interesting powers?"

"yeah something to do with a blue screen and you being able to use two of his eyes"

"wha- what might you mean"

'how did he see the system I've never seen in any manga or any other novel that I've read that somebody could see the system. But now that I think about it nobody is ever any manga that could see all of the elements that exist. So that must mean that whatever the blue screen is it's made out of an element or combination that he can see.'

"It's fine We all have our secrets You can keep yours for now"

"Eyes I never asked what rank you were I'm only E-rank"

"Technically I'm S Rank but do to the fact that I can't control wai I am considered top of A-rank"

"that reminds me what is why I've never heard of it I've heard of Mana and Ki and others but I've never heard of that"

"Koia should explain he knows more"

"so you know how Mana has existed since the creation of well everything so has Wai Whereas Mana can be shaped into the elements and controlled through spells and skills. Wai is way more powerful think of it like comparing a tree to an apple the tree may have produced the apple but it can always make more."

"What does that mean"

"Okay I'll dumb it down for you Let's say you have a thousand mana and the guy you're facing has complete control over Wai, in this case, you would think the guy with a thousand mana would win and that would be the case depending on the person."

"Think about it this way there's a limit to how much mana a body can hold no matter what you do you can't get past that well wai is infinite as long as you have an emotion to draw from let's take Eyes, for example, He has watched all of his friends die It's sad but it's powerful Thanks to wai with it he could become SS rank if he mastered why to the fullest being stronger than even the guild master"

"so the more in tune and the more you are close to an emotion the more you can draw on it as a power source"

"oh I get it now so that's why S-Ranks have to have control over it"

"wait but Arthur had a weapon that had Wai What's the difference between that"

"that's things to our guild master he has been in tune with Wai since he was young and thanks to this he's only been able to feel others' emotions but this also allows him to craft weapons from Wai and others people's emotions these people are very rare and most of the time they get up to S rank very easily thanks to the fact that they can wield these weapons too"

"That's crazy when do I get mine"

"depending on the person and the emotion that they're being crafted from it will take a different amount of time but most members don't have them only high-ranking members like Arthur get their hands on them"

"that's so cool"

"let's get back to the main topic about what's on the drive What did I find"

"I was able to find four bases where they're keeping something but I couldn't figure out what it only showed the location thanks to the drive being damaged but I at least got something"

"What does that have to do with me"

"I don't get why but I Guild Master seems to like you so he sent you on this mission as well with Heimushi and Kakure"

"cool when are we going out"

"you are going out in about a week get stronger by then enough so that you won't be left behind"

"I won't I'm going to go get another guild quest right now"

'I ran as fast as I could down the stairs trying to figure out what mission I would have to do so I could go on this mission. But when I got to the board it was empty There are no missions It seems that everybody else that already taken the missions that were of value all that was left was picking weeds or other missions like it.

This chapters all about the power system that will appear all over the manga I wanted to introduce it early so you would understand it for the rest of the book I'm sorry it was so short.

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