
My Luna, Her Alpha. (GL)

Soon after her first shift into werewolf form, Astra has to fight for her right to be happy and free. For her to do this she needs to be Alpha and she needs the help of her Luna and Mate Amaya. But as dark forces surround her and influence her will she be able to keep Amaya safe from harm, even if that harm is from Astra herself? This book is a fantasy story about lesbian werewolves.

AriSRivers · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

*Trigger Warning* This Chapter briefly approaches the topic of sexual assault.

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The second I walk through the door of my home, I see my mother.

"Where have you been all morning?" She questions "In fact, Why are you even out of your bed. You are not fully recovered Astra Calida". I cringe at the sound of my first and last name. She's definitely upset. But her voice hasn't dropped down to her quiet lethal tone yet and she didn't add my middle name, so there is still time to fix it. I jump into damage control mode.

" Sorry Mother, I was just out getting coffee and treats with Rosemary. " I hold up the pastry box with The Bookshop logo for proof. I am thankful that Amaya's number is on the inside of the box and not on the outside.

My mother taps her foot. She's infamous for doing that when she's annoyed.

"We have a Mate Ceremony to plan. The designer and her seamstress are already here waiting to take your measurements. We need to get started on the dress. A good dress can take up to a year to order or make. We only have a month. "

My mother then spins gracefully on the balls of her feet and begins to walk away. She lifts her right hand over her shoulder to motion for me to follow. Together we go down the hallway, up two flights of stairs , and down another hallway, all the way into my mother's office on the very top floor of our mansion. My mother picked this room when she first moved in because of the beautiful views of both the mountain and the lake behind the mansion, not to mention my father's adjoining office.

Seated in the large vintage sofa in front of the window are two impeccably dressed women. The women stand up as my mom and I walk through the door.

"My Luna, Lunita" My mother and my titles are said in unison, as the women bow slightly, with their hands over their hearts. My name is Evelyn Matthews. I am going to custom design you the perfect wedding dress, and this is my seamstress Lila Porter."

My mom nods towards the ladies. My eyes move between all three women with me.

"You can't be serious. " I half yell , half choke out the words. Even though I see clearly this is happening I still cannot wrap my head around it. My parents really intend on me marrying that disgusting old man. They are literally trying to dress me up, and just give me to him. Like some sort of wedding day Barbie doll.

"I don't wear dresses" I huff angrily.

My mom's eyes slide towards me, and her voice lowers to her quiet deathly tone.

" You will wear this one" She states coldly yet calmly. That voice always means the end of the conversation with my mother. But not this time. This time, I push.

"I will not. I don't like dresses. And I don't like men. " I declare.

I don't even see the slap coming, But I hear it connect, I feel a slight stinging as it turns my face to the side. She must have put some force behind this slap. Honestly, she probably hurt herself more than she hurt me. I've endured much worse in my 18 years.

"Ladies, will you excuse us?" My mom says in a calm and collected tone. The women hurry out of the room, glad for a chance to escape the impending argument.

My mother turns towards me, rubbing the hand she used to slap me in her other hand. The corners of my lips flick upward quickly.

"Now you say you don't like men but you've never even been with one." My mother says in a voice much sweeter than the one she used a minute ago. I roll my eyes. That argument is so cliché it doesn't even deserve a verbal response. She continues," When I met your father I was terrified. All women are, but all turned out well and look what I've gained " Her hand moves in a wide circle to indicate that she means me and the house.

I look her in the eyes. "I wasn't terrified my first time. I had fun"

Her eyes widen with shock. "You've been with a man? Who?"

" I've been with women"

She relaxes a bit, " That doesn't count. That's just fun. You said it yourself. Now it's time for you to get serious about your future. " After listening to the bullshit that just came out of my mother's mouth, I started getting frustrated again.

" I am serious about my future. And it doesn't involve me getting married to a pedophile."

" James Ludvich of the Bridgecrest wolves is not a pedophile. He is the most powerful Alpha in our hemisphere. You will respect him. You will become his mate, and you will produce an heir. " My mom dips back into her slow quiet tone, taking special care to emphasize every syllable.

"Surely, you don't expect me to actually mate with some guy I met maybe twice in my life. I don't even know him, much less like him. I don't care how rich or powerful he is. " My voice raises.

" I do expect it! Honestly child, I am not asking you to do anything I haven't done." She snorts " When I first slept with your father I couldn't stop shaking or crying. I was a sorry sight. But I got through and later I even started to enjoy it. "

I stared at my mother, stunned, all anger drained from me in an instant.

" Mom.'' I gently whispered, stretching out my hand to hold hers as lightly as possible. "Did father rape you?" concern flooded into my voice with every syllable.

My mother blinked in rapid succession, absolutely taken aback by my question.

"N. . . .n. n . .no." She stammered. But it was too late. We both know that he had. Still she tried to stick up for him and explain.

" The Moon Goddess. . .She gives Alpha's the privilege of choosing the mate that will make them the strongest. . . . It was an honor to be chosen by your father." My mother weakly stammers, desperately trying to cover for my father. But it doesn't matter. We both know it was just an excuse.

I shake my head, and bring my other hand up to grasp both of my mother's hands in mine.

" Mom' I make my voice as soft and as sweet as freshly spun cotton candy.

"You didn't deserve what happened to you. You deserved love." I whisper. "When the Moon Goddess selects mates. She gives them the gift of mutual love. They fall in love before anything happens. And the Goddess herself gives both of them the right to refuse. "

" I am in love with your father Astra, I just took a little longer with me that's all" My mother matches my whisper but instead of sweetness there is nothing there but sadness. But still she stands by him.

I feel my eyes water for my mother. The Moon Goddess gave people an out for a reason. To break a mated soul bond is very serious and it usually involves the death of the wolves to do it. But there is another way.

Firstly it is best for them to find a trusted elder to perform the ceremony for them. In the light of the full moon one must first cleanse the space. Light two candles On a flame proof surface in a flame proof are connected by a cord. As the candles burn they must speak to the candle the reason for the bond to end from the depth of their soul. When the last ember is out, they must shift into their wolf and cleanse themselves in water.

If the Moon Goddess grants the request. All mental and emotional bonds between the mates will be severed.

But from what my mother said. I doubt my father was her one true mate.

As I opened my mouth to comfort my mother further, the door slammed open. My father came bursting through.

"That's enough" He boomed.

Hello Everyone,

I am so thankful for all the views.

If you like it don't forget to add to your library, I will continue to try to updated daily.

When I place trigger warnings I wil try to mark the paragraph before them to warn you that they are coming. and the paragraph after to say they are finished. I just have to figure it out.

Happy Reading.

Ari S. Rivers

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