
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasía
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302 Chs

Episode 254: Dream in the game becomes reality


56. The beginning of change (2)

Upon hearing that a being in the shape of a devil had appeared, the Japanese military generals responded by asking what kind of nonsense that was.

But that lasts only a moment.

Suddenly, I had a common sense thought that the lieutenant who made the report couldn't talk nonsense about the generals who were in power.

Moreover, as abnormal situations were occurring one after another, such as poisonous insects, monsters, and gifts, we decided that this report should not be ignored.

"Do you have any data?"

So I asked for evidence, and the lieutenant hastily handed me a paper file.

Attached to the file was a photo of a person, but what was unusual was that it contained a human figure with black wings and long horns like a mountain goat.

"What exactly is the situation?"

"Currently, people of this type are being seen one after another in 12 areas including Tokyo, Saitama, and Shizuoka. They are purifying the poison and destroying the temple created within it, and although it is similar in form to the Gift, it is said that they are using much stronger power. "Thanks to this, it is impossible to approach within 3km around the dock."

"What about engagement with our troops?"

"Not yet. "All units stationed there are on alert and are asking how we will respond."

The Japanese trait of being obsessed with manuals served as an advantage in this case.

Anyone can see that there is no good thing in stabbing a being that radiates unusual force.

However, upon hearing the lieutenant's subsequent report, the generals' expressions were instantly tinged with bewilderment.

"However, the unit commander stationed in Shizuoka is expressing concern that if the temple where gifts are given is destroyed, the acquired gifts will be lost."

Since we had not thought about that at all, everyone had no choice but to become serious.

All of the generals considered the power of gifts to be very important and judged that they would play an important part in future national competitiveness.

But what if that power disappears?

Japan's already depressed future will become even more bleak.


"Stop it!"

Thanks to this, the generals had to shout urgently.

No matter what happens, we have to stop it.

"Are you saying we should launch a counter attack?"


"all right."

But then.

"for a moment."

The hasty decision was stopped by Lieutenant General Mikado of the Land Forces, who led the revolution to success and was serving as provisional prime minister of the new Japanese Empire.

"You attack without even understanding the opponent's level yet? "Are they sane?"

"But, if we wait too long, the entire temple will be destroyed!"

"The fact that the gift is disappearing is just speculation. "There's no need to get so worked up about something that hasn't been revealed yet."

The generals also cooled their heads and sighed at Mikado's cautious response.

"Do you have any other thoughts?"

"We need to talk."


"Even though he has the appearance of a devil, there is no need to judge him as an enemy. "The Temple of Vengeance has given us gifts, but at the same time, it is a cave that limits the activity area and pours out monsters."

As he said, focusing on temples that give gifts, the terrain often had more negative effects than good effects on humans.

Are the beings who seek to eliminate such terrain truly enemies of humans?

Mikado thought he needed to take a more cautious approach.

"Conversation may not work."

"You won't know until you try."

In the end, the generals had to accept the claims of Mikado, who could be said to be the most powerful person in Japan.

"Then who do you plan on sending? "Someone with some power will have to step forward."

Having a conversation does not mean saying hello to the other person.

If you can build a good relationship with each other, build one, and if you have something to gain, get it.

Whether it is information or force.

Therefore, personnel selection was bound to be important.

Commander Mikado, who was one of the younger generals, naturally responded that he was the right person for the job.

"I have to step forward."


The generals opposed it, saying it was too dangerous for a national leader to undertake.

But Mikado was so determined, no one could stop him.

Mikado was the main character whose spirit came out at important moments.

* * *

"Surprisingly, the temple was not destroyed. "It is said that no matter how many demons attacked him, he did not flinch."

Mikado, who was heading to the private residence closest to Osaka, where the Prime Minister's official residence is located, was relieved to hear his subordinate's report.

Although the poison has been removed and the poisonous insects have been cleaned, the temple located within it is intact.

This means that they only benefited and no losses were incurred.

Thanks to this, Mikado's steps became lighter, and after a while, he arrived at the scene where a loud explosion rang out.


"That's amazing."

A powerful explosion occurred as if missiles were raining down one after another.

Mikado let out an exclamation, feeling thrilled that this was not a weapon, but the power of a physical being.

The soldiers currently protecting Commander Mikado were all Gift owners, but the difference between the power used by the Gift and the devil was as large as a bullet or a missile.

"Anyway, it won't be destroyed by that much impact? Is the temple like an indestructible object? "Until now, I only thought of it as an unidentified facility, but I need to research it."

"Your Excellency, the speaker is ready."

I can't just admire it forever.

Mikado, who showed interest not only in devils but also in temples, accepted the microphone given to him by his subordinate and attempted to talk to the devil.

[hello! My name is Mikado, Prime Minister of the New Empire of Japan! I'd like to chat for a moment!]

I said that because I didn't know what to refer to the other person, but if you have a sense of humor and can communicate well, you will be able to understand.

Mikado's remarks rang out loudly through the high-powered speakers, to the point where they could not be overshadowed by the explosion of sound.

Did you hear his request?

In an instant, the attacks pouring into the temple stopped, and the loud noise that was terrorizing my eardrums disappeared.

As a result, the guards and existing garrison troops, excluding Mikado, were all tense.

If the other person responded to the conversation, they would be encountering a transcendent being.

"I am Lord Scream, occupying the 4th seat among the 13 Demon Lords. Taking up my time will cost a lot of money. "Leader of humanity."

And then a woman with a beautiful voice that made them faint appeared in front of them.

Dazzling blonde hair and ruby-red eyes.

A cold expression with a sharp jawline and a sense of boredom.

A leather rider suit that clings to the entire body, with the zipper open from the chest to the navel, highlighting the body.

Unlike the man (goat + human) in the photo attached to the report, she was clearly reminiscent of a succubus.

Mikado swallowed his saliva without realizing it at the unexpected sight of the other soldiers, and even though they were other soldiers, it wasn't much different.

Mikado said, desperately trying to come to his senses.

"May I ask what you are doing?"

"Do you dare report to me?"

"no. I told you this because I thought there might be something we could do to help each other and provide mutual assistance. We have absolutely no intention of being hostile to you. "You beautiful transcendent one."

He was more of a politician than a soldier, as he spoke loudly.

But would you like this response?

The female demon lord who described herself as Lord Scream curled up the corners of her mouth for some reason.

"I was unhappy when things didn't go as planned, but it made me think of something interesting."

She took long strides towards Mikado.

The high heels that were integrated with the rider suit made a cold metallic sound, and she soon arrived in front of Mikado and swept his cheek with her index finger.

Then, his eyes, which had always felt arrogant rather than confident, slowly relaxed.

* * *

When a certain number of people gather, there is bound to be one asshole among them.

No matter how much you dream of the same ending, various opinions are bound to arise during the process.

Why am I suddenly thinking this?

"Wait. "Isn't that a different story?"

"No, it's no different. "Because the majority of the leaders of the Underworld agree with me."

This is because I heard that among the Elyos and Demons of the Underworld belonging to the Earth Sphere, there are beings who stand in opposition to Lord Exceed.

I thought that the Elyos and Demons of Earth were all close and had the same goal.

However, there are things that stand out everywhere, and Road Exceed showed me that my thoughts were too naive.

"Don't worry. From now on, I will be with you and protect you."

The problem is that as the Elyos and Demons of the Underworld begin to intervene on Earth in earnest, they are also trying to erase traces of the Goddess.

This means that while working on Earth, you may unexpectedly come into conflict with Elyos or Demons from forces that have different opinions from Lord Exceed.

'It seems that the opponent evaluated the Elyos and Demons too highly. When several people gather together to discuss important issues, it is natural that there will be conflict of opinion.'

And I thought that the Road Exceed that they said just before they decided to board the same ship and head to Earth was really weak.

"What is the possibility that the County of Rayers will be attacked?"

"First of all, we agreed not to touch any forces directly related to you."

"You can't say for sure that that's not possible?"

"Even if there is a law, there are people everywhere who break it. But we will actively intervene and protect you, so don't worry too much about this."

I massaged my temples in response as if asking for my understanding.

I understand that this is the best way from their perspective, but I couldn't help but feel worried.

"Then let's go."

Road Exceed pounded my back, and I looked at Kang Min-hee and Benjamin as if there was nothing I could do.

Kang Min-hee recognized that she had no choice but to stick with me in order to survive.

That's why he followed my instructions faithfully.

The two attempted to move through dimensions, and soon the landscape before us changed.


-Quaaaang! Quaaaang!

The scene that unfolded at the same time as the dimensional shift was so unexpected that I was very embarrassed.

"W-what is it?"

"What the hell is this…" … ."

This is because the well-maintained cityscape that was supposed to unfold beneath our feet had been reduced to a state of rubble reminiscent of a battlefield.

Explosive sounds echoing here and there from time to time and flames rising.


In addition, the screams of people filled with confusion and corpses scattered everywhere changed the cityscape to the end of the century.

This situation caused a momentary brain freeze.

And it wasn't just me, it was the same for everyone.


After coming to my senses quickly, I took control of my personal terminal and opened a map of the surrounding area.

At the same time, the exact coordinates and place name of where we were standing were entered in a hologram... … .

[Sang-dong, Bucheon-si]

It was exactly where my parents lived in my previous life.

There was no time to investigate what was going on.

"Oh, no! mom! dad!"

"for a moment! Kang Min-hee, where are you going?"

Kang Min-hee, who was in a panic, suddenly disappeared somewhere using her space movement gift, and I quickly asked Branguiche to track her down.

"Please protect Kang Min-hee! If she dies, she can't return to Rondel!"

"I understand!"

She probably disappeared because she was worried about her family.

Of course, it was no different just because it was me.

I quickly went with my group to the apartment where my parents from my previous life lived.


-Quaaang! Quang!

And after a while.

I could see two military units fighting near the apartment complex, which was my destination.

In a modern battlefield where bullets and recoilless guns are flying, the old apartment building was a very weak building, and its miserable appearance, collapsed in various places, was visible.

Only then did I realize what was going on... … .

"Die Koreans!"

It was confirmed that one of the military units in question speaks Japanese.

In other words, Korea was currently under attack by the Japanese military for some reason.