
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasía
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302 Chs

Episode 165: Dream in the game becomes reality


39. The world is wide (5)

Of course, that acquaintance refers to the dark elf Blake, a resident of Dragonland.

According to Blake, dark elves live in villages throughout Dragonland.

And he maintains close relationships with other dark elf villages.

Compared to the lifespan of a typical dark elf of about 500 years, Blake, who has lived for over 800 years and is a roadmaster, is bound to be a person of great standing.

So it is said that many dark elves welcomed him and were able to interact with him without any trouble.

Thanks to this, I began to think that safe development might be possible by using the Dark Elf network built by Blake.

Of course, it's hard to ask for favors right now because we don't have a deep friendship, but as time passes and we start interacting at the level of sharing things we want, wouldn't we be able to become a force that has adapted to Dragon Land like the Dark Elves?

"You mean that dark elf?"

It seems that Duke James received word that he was attacked by the roadmaster, a dark elf.

If you think about it, there is a lot to unpack with Duke James.

In the process of dealing with Blake, I used Revive, an 8th circle recovery spell.

It seems that other people are already judging the use of the artifact, but it is difficult to fool Grand Master Duke James.

Since I'm not aware of it, I've been trying to control myself, so I'm probably having a lot of doubts about my identity.

"I should have reported it myself, but it was delivered late."

"No, they say he seems to be related to Duke Lawrence's mentor, the Duke of Riverdale, but considering Duke Lawrence's position, he must have been cautious. I understand."

I smiled awkwardly.

This was because I was sorry that I could not disclose all information even to King Michael, who seemed to show favor.

"you're right. This time, the dark elf decided to guide Arsia. He decided that by building a friendship with him, he might be able to help with the development of Dragon Land."

"Oh, I was able to become friends with the Road Master? "This is very good news."

Even in situations where other kings might worry that their royal authority may be threatened, King Michael is concerned about how to use this situation.

"According to him, there is no national-level force in Dragonland. However, it is said that powerful monsters, including dragons, occupy each area as if they were the masters and treat lower-ranking monsters as subordinates."

The name Dragon Land might seem like it would be a place where dragons form a faction, but that wasn't the case at all.

It is said that dragons are hermaphrodites and can give birth on their own, so there is no concept of husband and wife. They have a strong sense of independence, and once their children become adults and go home, they do not interfere with each other's lives like other people.

However, the scary thing about dragons is their individual play.

Dragons are territorial creatures.

However, since such territorial creatures live scattered all over the place, you may recklessly wander around Dragon Land and make the mistake of stepping into the dragon's territory.

Of course, although dragons are territorial creatures, they are lazy and rarely deal with intruders directly, but under their command there are enough guardians to become the leaders of an area, so they are just as dangerous.

"Are there many dangerous monsters besides dragons?"

"I heard there are quite a few Grandmaster level (Circle 8) monsters. And, like the dark elf, there are monsters that can be considered dragon-level."

"It's scary. "If we recklessly pursue development, the entire country could be in danger."

"you're right. "You must have a good understanding of Dragon Land's geography."

However, there were many treasures in Dragonland that made it worth taking this risk.

It is said that Orichalcon, which is produced in quantities of less than 1 kg per year in the Holy Land, is mined in mineral form, and adamantium, known as a mineral of the demon world, can also be obtained.

In addition, Rondel is rich in mana, so there are elixirs and spirit creatures that only exist in martial arts worlds, and there are dragon rares that were abandoned after their owners returned to the embrace of nature.

Above all, it is a place that can be called a treasure trove as it contains relics and relics from the mythical era.

"Heavenly fortune is upon our Kingdom of Reinharts. "We must make full use of this."

King Michael nodded at my story.

"Then, let me give you Baron Hilton on the border of Dragonland. However, this is a land far away from the principality, so should it be considered a colonial territory of the principality?"

"Wouldn't it be better to express it as an extraterritorial territory or a dependent territory of a principality rather than a colonial territory? First of all, the principality is a vassal state of the Kingdom of Reinharts."

"It sure sounds better that way."

In this way, King Michael not only decided to establish a principality in the area I requested, but also agreed to grant all three requests.

"By the way, the eastern duchy that Duke James will be in charge of. "I announced that I would be assigned as the empty king to the kingdoms of Gracia, Ijes, and Paulo. Would it be okay if I changed it now?"

"The contract only says that a principality will be established as a buffer zone, but there is nothing about the prince. And they would also welcome Duke James rather than Duke Lawrence."


"It seems the Duke doesn't know how much the surrounding countries fear him. "He used the kingdom's army to swallow up the empire, so they probably think they can swallow the kingdom as a principality as well."

is it?

I could once again feel that my reputation had increased.

"The award of the Grand Duchy and Principality will be held as the main event along with the declaration of empire during the victory ceremony."

On the day of the Victory Ceremony, the Empire was declared.

The territory of the Croesian Empire has not yet been completely taken over, and its military power has suffered many flaws, but there is no need to postpone it.

This event, hosted by the royal family, will probably be the most extravagant in the history of the Kingdom of Reinharts.

"I look forward to your continued support."

And King Michael came to shake my hand with a big smile on his face.

I took his hand without hesitation.

"Please take care of me."

* * *

After my meeting with King Michael, I visited Duke James.


Duke James was working for the Royal Guard Knights and helping train knights, including the Marquess of Acres.

When I knocked on the wall of the indoor training hall, light waves of mana spread to the surroundings, and people's eyes all turned to me, as if to prove that the title of Royal Guard Knight was not just a lie.

"I meet His Royal Highness the Duke of Lawrence."

The knights of the Royal Guard greeted me politely.

People's expressions were different, but their emotions were the same.

[Status: Favor / Respect]It appears that his performance in this war had a great influence.

I looked for Duke James among the knights, looking at me with a wary expression.

"Duke James. "Are you okay for a moment?"


Duke James approached me as if he had been waiting for my call.

Then we found an empty conference room and went in.

"Is it okay to think that you came to me because of that?"

Duke James got straight to the point.

Although the subject was missing, I nodded obediently.

There was tension on Duke James' face.

"I'll ask you straight."

"Please speak."

Duke James asked with an extremely serious expression.

"you… … "No, are you a dragon?"

But that question was something I had never thought of.

Thanks to this, I was at a loss for words with a dumbfounded expression on my face, and his eyes were constantly shaking when he saw me like this.

"What are you saying out of the blue?"

"I heard that dragons that live for thousands of years often disguise themselves as humans to relieve the boredom of life. Then, it is understandable that he achieved the 8th circle in his early 20s, and considering the connection with the dark elves of Dragonland... … ."

It almost feels like the puzzle is being put together.

The problem is that the picture drawn on the puzzle is completely different.

I laughed out loud.

Is it because he just came swinging a sword?

Despite his appearance, this human seems to be surprisingly innocent.

"You are human. "Viscount Lawrence's two parents are definitely my parents."

But he did not easily believe me.

"It's been just over a month since I achieved the 8th circle. "I didn't reveal it because I was afraid it would create strange misunderstandings if it became known that I, along with Arcia, had crossed the wall."

Although being mistaken for a dragon was an unexpected situation.

"So does that mean I can become Archduke Lucas' disciple?"

Don't you usually think of that first, rather than something like a dragon?

I have no intention of revealing that I am the successor of Archduke Lucas, no matter what evidence or circumstances are revealed in the future.

So I just grabbed it.

"Not even that. I did not disclose it because such misunderstandings could endanger me, my family, and our country. "I just became an ordinary 8-year-old at the age of 21."

"hmm… … ."

It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.

It doesn't matter what he thinks.

What is important here is that Duke James must continue to keep quiet about my status.

"There is no need to make it complicated. The Reinharts Kingdom needs me, and I plan to live in the Reinharts Kingdom for the rest of my life. So, Duke James, please stop making unnecessary guesses and forget about my status."

Although he appeared a bit odd, a person as high as a grandmaster couldn't be an idiot.

In addition, he is a person who cut off ties with his family and pretended to be a dead man for decades for his country, so I think you will understand what I mean.

What is action for the country?

"for now… … "I understand."

Is it because they are holding the country hostage?

Duke James' tone, which seemed to be complicated in his mind, returned to its normal tone.

I smiled at him and nodded in satisfaction.

"That's enough."

* * *

Invitations to the Reinharts Kingdom's victory ceremony were sent to countries around the world.

With the emergence of a new superpower, everyone quickly formed an envoy to celebrate it.

The countries surrounding the Kingdom of Reinharts all included the crown prince in their delegations, and in the case of countries that were relatively far away, ordinary royal families and influential nobles were included in the delegation.

However, despite the distance, the Republic of Prius and the Kingdom of Roberto on the Triton Continent showed off their friendship with the Kingdom of Reinharts, with the President and Queen directly expressing their intention to participate.

"friendship? Haha, to be exact, it's not my friendship with the Kingdom of Reinharts, but my friendship with Duke Lawrence. "The heads of both countries owe a debt to the Duke of Lawrence."

"I heard there was a rumor that Queen Xia Lin of the Kingdom of Roberto admires Duke Lawrence... … ."

"It's worth it. His entire family was massacred, he became a duck egg in the Nakdong River, and he himself almost died, but not only did he save him, but he also restored him to the throne. "Her ministers tell her to bring in the royal seal (the queen's husband), but the queen seems to have no intention of marrying her."

"Well... … "Tsk, tsk."

"Anyway, Duke Lawrence is a hot girl. "All the allies around him are afraid of him."

Count Friedrich, commander of the Empire's Capital Defense Command and Auror Master belonging to the Brigham Empire's mission, did not hide his uncomfortable feelings about the conversation between nobles from the Foreign Ministry who were riding in the same vehicle.

"It's because the people who are the representatives of the delegation are so fair."

Even though the nobles in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were his uncles or fathers, Count Friedrich had no hesitation in making remarks.

It was partly because of their carelessness in casually revealing the secrets of another country to others, but also simply because Count Friedrich disliked Adrian.

Count Friedrich is an emerging nobleman, but behind him is Duke Raphael, one of the two grandmasters of the empire and a powerful figure in the empire.

Because of this, the nobles of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cleared their throats and obediently apologized.

"Uhm, sorry."

Count Friedrich snorted and took in the view of the royal castle of the Kingdom of Reinharts right in front of him.

"It's a small castle that can't even be compared to our Brigham."

The kingdom of Reinharts was not large compared to the surrounding countries.

This fit well with the pragmatic nature of the Reinharts people.

"It is said that the kingdom of Reinharts is uniquely specialized in attacks. "There is even a saying that when a siege or defense takes place in the capital city of Lionel, the thing you need to be most wary of is not the enemy army, but the stronghold."

As it is a royal castle, it naturally has sufficient defense power, but that statement is not incorrect.

It was the royal castle of the Kingdom of Reinharts that was evaluated to have the combat power of 10 Sky Fortresses.

Count Friedrich sneered at the remarks of his silent teacher, Duke Raphael.

"Oh, really?"

After hearing those words, it started to look different from the flashy royal castles of other countries.

"When you meet the Duke of Lawrence, be polite. Although he is younger than you, he has a high status in the international community."

However, I could not accept the advice that followed.

"We'll have to wait and see. "I tend not to believe something unless I see it with my own eyes."

26-year-old Count Friedrich was reluctant to see Duke Lawrence, who was becoming more world-famous even though he was 5 years younger than him.

"I think his reputation is definitely overblown."

"Do you still think so after seeing how he ran this war?"

"Isn't it because I'm surrounded by outstanding lieutenants?"

Duke Raphael shook his head at the sight of his disciple not saying a word.

I ended up raising him too much.

Although he had a natural talent for the sword and valued it as much as himself, his arrogance has often gone too far lately.

'I think Your Majesty made a mistake. He is not suitable for the diplomatic arena.'

The emperor included him in this mission, saying that whether Count Frederick felt something for Duke Lawrence or whether he fearlessly attacked and then broke, there would be something to be gained.

As the emperor of the world's most powerful country, he had the mindset that it did not matter if there was some trouble between countries.

However, Duke Raphael was reluctant to get involved with Adrian, as he had no idea what he was thinking, let alone his student's unexpected behavior.

It's a simple feeling, but does it feel like something outside of common sense is going to happen?

'I'll have to monitor and control it well.'

Thanks to this, Duke Raphael felt tired for some reason even though he had not yet entered the main game.

"Whatever the situation, we are a delegation representing the Brigham Empire. "Keep in mind that you must not look foolish to other countries."

"Yes, Master."

After a while, they arrived at Reinharts Castle through the VIP-only entrance.

"Welcome the delegation of the Briam Empire. "I am Duke Adrian El Lawrence of the Kingdom of Reinharts."

However, when Duke Raphael found out that the kingdom representative who welcomed them was Adrian, Duke Raphael's expressionless face became distorted.