
Things are slowing looking up

'you only have less than two days before we have to talk'

Adira pursed her lips as she stared at the message.she knew she only had two days and she was really nervous about it since she wasn't ready yet.who knew what he was planning to tell her.it must also be about his parents since he hadn't mentioned them since he had returned.and it wasn't like she had asked him about them either.

Was she a horrible person for not asking if he had found them.he did leave then for their sake.she wondered how he must have felt when she didn't bring up a conversation with his parents when she knew they were missing

She stared at his message and typed a reply

'how are they'

She saw an indication that he was typing but it then stopped and she wondered if he didn't understand what she meant and was about to type that she was speaking about his parents when a message from him popped in