
It's the right thing(7)

After work and returning home hours ago.she curled herself on the bed in her room while hugging a pillow as she felt weak physically and mentally.

though the words Maya said to her earlier weren't much,they had an impact and it greatly affected her.she felt so upset and so much guilt that it was weighing her down.

A tear slipped from her eyes as she thought of how her dad had agreed for her to be with Damon.was it now possible for them to still be together?.she cleaned the tears on her face and sat up straight on the bed while continuing to hug the pillow like it gave her comfort that she needed.

"Adira,are you alright"Asher worried voice rang outside her room as he stood behind her door waiting for respond.he had noticed her mood when she arrived home and when she went inside her room without coming out once,he knew something was wrong.