
My secret admire

"dude please get off me", this person said.

"who are you and what do you want with Usagi?", why does there always have to be so much drama, I just want to get through university in piece without interruptions like this.

"I just have something Important to tell her okay"

"well you can do it from down there", Mikaru said as this guy is still pinned to the floor.

I asked him, "what did you do with my mum, she better be okay or I swear..."

"what? There was no one here when I came in I'm sorry I accidentally tripped over something and a vase broke on the floor but I really need to tell you something usagi please", that explains why I heard something break.

"well spit it out then"

"Usagi I..... Well..... I love you, I always have and always will please give me a chance to be with you and ill show you what a type of man I can be", it was sweet but I don't know him... At least I don't think I do.

"if you love me like you say you do then remove the hood and let me see you for myself".

"I can't", he said "I'm.... Well allergic to the sun in a way"

"what like a vampire", I chuckled at the thought.

"how did you kn.... I mean... (Cough) yeah totally like a vampire", he tried saying sarcastically. I told Mikaru to get off him so I could talk to him in a darker room so he could show me who he was.

"so now that we are here tell me.... Or show me who you are", he started to remove his hood slowly when...

BANG!!!!, we heard this bang three times. It sounded like gun shots coming from another room of the house.

"shoot they found me...., Usagi get out of here as quick as you can before they think you're like me". I was so confused.

"what do you mean, I'm not going anywhere until you show me who you are"... He again started to take his hood off when there were three more loud bangs. In his shock his hood flied off his head and I finally saw him.

"Uran?", I haven't seen him in years what the heck happened to him. We were best friends until one day when he just up and left without even telling me. I was heartbroken but not because I loved him, well I did but like a brother not anything romantic. Even though he's changed a lot I could still recognise him. He's thinner and has blonde hair now, actually he's kind of cute "no brother, like a brother" I had to remind myself.


"wheres Mikaru?" "I'm not leaving without him", he decided to stay with me and we cautiously made our way back to my room where Mikaru was last, thankfully he was still there but, there was blood all over the carpet. Mikaru had his back towards us.

"is everything okay Mikaru?"

"usagi, I... I don't think you'll want to see this. I'm so sorry I couldn't save her." I walked closer wanting to know what he was talking about.

"wait... no... Mum? Mum?"

Her face was as white as a ghost and she was really cold.

"this can't be happening", I wanted to cry so badly but I was in too much shock, I have no idea what to do now. Why is this always happening to me?