
My love: The Choosen One

When a girl is born in each of the five kingdoms of Hanghan, her destiny is always written on paper. When she comes of age she will have to marry on of the Kings or Princes from the other four Kingdoms. And that's when the story of Princess Ah Rang and King Jiang Xijing came to be. Princess Ah Rang of the Qin Kingdom was known throughout the five Kingdoms for her beauty. Her long black hair, jet black pearl like eyes, pink lips and a curvy body that all men drool at. She was a goddess and she was the only one who possess the power to control water. She was also a water nimph. Every royal family had their own kind of unique power given to them by the Azul Dragon. Legend has it that one day someone from one of the royal family will awaken the great dragon from its deep slumber but no one knows who that person is. Some say he is hiding somewhere bin mount Kai waiting waiting for the blue moon that occurs every 500 years. Till date military forces of all five kingdoms are searching for the pieces of the (Jade Crystal) the dragons heart that was broken into pieces centuries ago when the Kings fought against each other for the Ultimate power . That is said to be given to the chosen one the true protector of Hanghan. Well let's start in present day where Princess Ah Rang of the Qin Kingdom is been forced into a political Marriage. But To WHO???

Sirix_Alia · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Marriage Proposal

When a girl is born in each of the five kingdoms of Hanghan, her destiny is always written on paper. "And as the only princess of the Qin Kingdom. I wasn't expecting something different , I've been preparing my whole for this but why am I feeling nervous.

My name is Princess Yu Ah Rang but I prefer been called Ah Rang no need for formalities."

"Today is my wedding day, I know I should be happy and excited that am getting married to the love of my life but in my case it's a loveless marriage a political one. I would say my kingdom is at it lowest and only this marriage can save it. "

"I know my father the king tried his very best to avoid this marriage because he wanted me to marry the person l love so that I would be happy for the rest of my life, he didn't want his little princess to go into a loveless marriage but nothing can be done. This is the only way to stop the rebels from rebellion."

"Wow Ah Rang you are looking like a goddess" My best friend Dai Fenghua said. She's the only best friend I had during my time here at the castle. She's the daughter of General Dai Qing the head of the kingdoms Military army.

"I'm going to miss you very much my dear" Queen Ning Hua my mother said

"Me too Mom"replied Ah Rang

"Now, now dear don't cry I don't want you to ruin your makeup" Mom said

"hehe aunty is right, we don't want your husband to think that you are ugly" said Dai Fenghua

"hm who would dare call my beautiful daughter ugly, he must have a death wish" said Queen Ning Hua

"Fengfeng, Mom am still here and I think we gonna be late" said Ah Rang

" Okay let's go but wait let me see if your dress , makeup and everything is perfect" Mom said

Dress in a beautiful traditional Chinese wedding dress. My red gown has some golden designs within and also the split hems makes it more beautiful. adorned with a golden necklace with a ruby at the center, My long black hair tied to a bun with two beautiful hairpins

" perfect I guess you are ready to go" mom said

In the Grand Hall......

I stood in front of these huge doors, once I enter my life is going to change forever. But I think am ready for this they say change is good right, I hope this change to be a good. I inhale and exhale two times.

"I'm ready" once I said that the doors opened and my arrival was announced.

I made my way through the hall, I can feel everyones eyes on me. I made my to where my father King Yu Li, My Mother Ning Hua the Queen and My Brother Yu Lin the crown Prince and his wife crown princess Lee Chancha.

I first greeted my father he gave me a smile and a slight nod. Second my Mother who gave her encouraging smile. and lastly My Brother and his wife

he replied to my greetings with a warm smile and whispered "Good Luck" . And the I took my seat next to my mother.

The moment we all have been waiting for the Groom technically King Jiang Xijing entered the hall with his people.

King Jiang Xijing looked young maybe about the same age as my brother who was two years older than me. The black robe with golden trims made him look handsome and alluring. He has this aura around him that makes him unapproachable and I think I like that , he took his seat opposite me and our eyes met for a split second and I shifted my gaze quickly. When I did that I saw a smile on his face and why did that give me butterflies in my stomach.

"Your Majesty it's time" the prime minister said to my father. The announcer announced that it was time to start the marriage I guess. I saw King Jiang Xijing get up from his seat and came forward to me and extended his has hand to me.

I nervously looked at my mother and she nodded for me to take it. So That's what I did, I let him lead me to the altar. and long story short we finally got married and Know I'm paying good bye to my Dad, yes my dad not the King. My Mother, Brother , Sister in law and lastly my Best friend.

I returned back to my chamber to make sure everything is packed and nothing was left behind. I also changed out of my heavy dress and ornaments into a lighter dress that is red and equally beautiful with my hair tied into a ponytail a golden a hairpin , a lighter necklace, earrings and make up.

I'm now out wandering where my so called husband is, and that's when I spotted him coming he also changed out of the his old clothes.

He approached me and asked "My Queen, shall we now leave."

I stood there stund when he addressed like that " Um yes your Majesty".

Then he lead me towards his carriage helped me to get in like a gentleman and he also took his seat. I waved good bye to my loved ones and off we go.

The silence in the carriage was a little bit awkward for my liking,I know he can also feel it and my heart is beating very fast. Until

"Um Princess Ah Rang" he said

"Yes your Majesty" Ah Rang said

"Why we don't we just put the formalities aside when it's only us"he said

"Okay your...Um..."

"Just Xijing"He said

"okay Xijing and you can just call me Ah Rang". She said

"I hope you know that you are now the Queen of the Xia Kingdom ,so you are no more princess Ah Rang but The Wife of King Jiang Xijing ,Queen Yu Ah Rang "Xijing said very cooly while staring at her.

"Yes Xijing I am now getting used to it" said Ah Rang

Ahh I love the way her voice sounds when she says my name so smooth like a Melody thought Xijing

"You have a very nice voice Ah Rang."Xijing said

"Thank you"Ah Rang replied

"I love to know you more"Xijing said with a smile on his face before falling asleep.

When she saw him asleep ,she couldn't help but smile to he looked more handsome and calm. She doesn't know how or when but she eventually fell asleep to on his shoulder.