
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Adolescente
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586 Chs

Surprise Party

Abhi and Uday landed in Mumbai Airport and they saw Rahul waiting for them at the entrance.

Quite a new number of fans and reporters gathered at the entrance and he has to use to his guards to walk out of the airport promises. Even airport security came to his rescue when reporters barged towards him with their cameras and microphones.

At last he went to his car with the help of his guards and then Rahul drove both Uday and Abhi from there. As Abhi was tired he leaned into his seat and closed his eyes hoping to get a fast sleep.

After a few minutes Uday observed that they were going in a different direction from Abhi's Mansion.

Uday looked at Rahul and asked "Where are we going?"

Rahul answered with a mysterious smile "You will know once you reach there".

Abhi opened his eyes and looked at the road ahead, but he closed his eyes again to take a quick nap.

Uday didnot bother Rahul anymore and he put his head busy in his phone. He has been trying to call Manvi for a while but he couldn't reach her on the phone.

He was feeling distressed and he had a bad feeling about it. Manvi will answer his calls no matter how busy she is, so he tried once again but got the same answer, ' this number is not available'.

He then thought to call Shriya and when he tried to call her he got the same response ' this number is not available to take calls'.

Uday then looked at Rahul and asked "Do you know where Manvi is ?, I couldn't reach her on phone".

Rahul just ignored him and concentrated on the road ahead of him.

Then Uday looked back at Abhi who was busy sleeping soundly, so he didnot dare to wake him up.

He then looked back at Rahul and asked "Is she with Shriya, I couldn't reach her also, Is everything okay".

Rahul shook his head and said with an annoyed tone "Wait for a few more minutes, you will know, now shut up".

Uday was silent and he thought they were just trying to play with them. Abhi looked relaxed so he thought 'it would better if I relax first, what will happen to her, she will be fine' . thinking so he started going through the entertainment news in his mobile phone he had to go through the news here to know what was happening, he left Mumbai about fifteen days ago and he didn't know what was happening here in India. It is very important to be updated in this industry.

After a few more minutes they reached one of the grand and luxurious hotels in the city. Actually it is a hotel which is under the name of Roshan Malhotra and Rahul is the one who manages it.

When the car came to a stop at the entrance of the hotel, Abhi woke up and he saw where he was. He understood that Shriya and Rahul must have planned something to welcome him but he decided not to make any guesses. He wanted to see what they prepared for them both.

A man who is wearing a suit opened the door for Abhi and he went in following Rahul. Uday also followed them and when they reached a hall Rahul stopped in his tracks and turned around to sign them to go in first.

Both Abhi and Uday entered the hall and found it all dark. When they entered and moved forward towards the center of the hall all the lights in the hall lit up and they saw all their friends gather there except Shriya and Manvi.

Kunal, Naveen, Brahmini, Sony, Barun and Rahul were all standing there. Abhi looked around and when he didn't see Shriya, Preeti and Manvi there, he felt a bit anxious.

Rahul saw his brother searching for Shriya so he said in a teasing smile "Who are you searching for brother ?".

Abhi asked "Where is Shriya ?, Why isn't she here and why couldn't I find Manvi here ?".

Rahul answered his brother "They went to get a gift for Uday and will be here soon".

Just then they saw Shriya and Manvi walk in. Shriya was holding a bag in her hands and Manvi has a packet in her one hand and in the other she was holding a gift packet.

Uday hurried to her and asked his wife "Why aren't you answering your phone, I was worried sick ".

Shriya went to stand beside Abhi and she handed him the gift and said "Welcome back, Honey".

This was the first time she called him that. He was pleasantly surprised and he pecked on her lips and she heard a low giggle behind her and she knew it was Sony.

Manvi handed him the cover and said "Finally that day has come, Congrations dear for getting promoted".

He didnot understand and she signed him to open the cover and on seeing what was inside there, he was so happy that he couldnot speak anything.

He just lifted his wife in his arms and kissed her to his hearts content ignored the people around him. Every one clapped to see this scene and were happy for them. Shriya already said to Abhi what is inside that cover and everyone else already knew about it. He was so happy for his friend and Manvi.

Sorry for the late update.

First regular of the day.

Happy weekend.


Sweetykim ❤

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