
My love love

Kakikam3 · Acción
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1 Chs


Landon's POV:

Screams and loud noises everywhere, the guys light up each rockets in their hands with a lighter,holding it upward the dark sky,the women and the little kids running away from the object which is as dangerous as its danger nature is often forgotten and ignored.The time keeper helps to count down the last secs and moments of the year ,fifty-seven!fifty-eight!fifty-nine! and then one,two go!! Its twelve am on the dot. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Shout everyone.

Hugs starts going round and round from everyone to their loves ones,moms kiss their kids, Dads kiss their wife and kids,young couples embrace their partners with gifts and kisses.

A guy knelt right before his partner to kiss her obvious baby bumb,I'm guessing her due date is near,that's a double celebration for one family night? new blissful year and a baby on the way.

On my right,caught the sight of a young lady on wheel chair cuddled by her loving family while her beautiful baby face is drenched in a pool of tears.

I shifted my attention to myself starring at the dark sky while the rockets light it up each time they get to a distance in the sky, even an helpless girl with paralyzed legs is grateful to be alive and happy to witness a new year with love ones.l should try to emulate that gesture right?

Well I've got nothing and the new year feels more like a year backwards with no changes at all to be grateful for, it's feels like life on it own is an impossible game where trapes are set making the tasks harder to be completed.

I'm just gonna crawl back into my lonely room and boring life,I came out to feel the air and see if coming out could help with my life, but I guess was wrong,getting yourself to feel what you can't have is like waiting on empty dreams .

I started heading back to the last floor from the top of the building I was to clear my thoughts,

He was lost,she found him but will she accept him? and will he fight to keep her? seat up tight and have a fun ride with the two impossibles.tn

Kakikam3creators' thoughts